Sawed off Mahogany meeting:
E-mail and phone call lock out Fiji Sawmillers to shield Khaiyum on foreign green gold hunters
By VICTOR LAL The Fiji Sawmillers Association was looking forward to the Mahogany Industry Council meeting chaired by Frank Bainimarama, Fiji's self-styled Prime Minister and chairman of the MIC. He had wrested control of the industry under the Mahogany Industry Development Decree 2010, a decree drafted by Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum.
On 12 November, three days before the scheduled meeting, a representative from the FSA had written to Josefo Navuku at the Policy Analysis Unit in the Office of the Prime Minister: "I am writing this on behalf of Mr. Jay Dayal the president of Fiji Sawmillers Association. Mr Dayal has requested if the FSA members (About 12 people) could also come for the Mahogany industry council meeting that is scheduled for Thursday the 15th of November 2012. It is believed that the landowners are invited so the industry would like their presence made as well." The FSA had a lot of questions and was expecting forthright answers from Khaiyum. He was acutely aware of the two previous letters dated the 15th of September and 11 October (see earlier posting) which had questioned the process of granting dubious licenses to foreign green hold hunters, most notably to John Wagner of Sustainable Mahogany Industries Ltd, a client of accountant Nur Bano Ali, Khaiyum's aunty. However, an excited Day informed Navuku on Wednesday 14 November: "Bula Josefa. I am advised by PM’s office this morning that meeting now starts at 2:30pm. About 16 sawmillers will be there. We hope the FSA is given adequate time to present it’s case and seek answers to our concerns. See you there." Out of the blue meeting cancellation shock But there was shock in store. As the FSA members got ready for the meeting, Dayal received a phone call from Navuku at 5.30pm and an e-mail at 8pm: "Members: Please find email below. I received a phone call at 5:30pm and this email was received at about 8pm." The Meeting Cancellation Email: From: Josefa Navuku [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2012 8:39 PM To: Jay Dayal Cc: Ashika Chandra; Naipote Tako. Katonitabua Subject: RE: Mahogany Industry council meeting. Bula Jay As discussed earlier this afternoon, please be advised that the invite that was extended to the Fiji Sawmillers Association regarding attendance of tomorrow’s Mahogany Industry Council has been withdrawn. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Vinaka." On the same night, Dayal had to convey the shock news to his members: Subject: Update. Dear Members, Please note that individual landowning units were permitted to attend today’s Mahogany Council meeting. PM’s office saw it wise to withdraw sawmillers/industry’s invite for unknown reasons. There are indications that the 9 companies (some of those that don’t even own a sawmill) will be issued with a license as per address by Elizabeth Powell today. Native forests are facing Redd+ issues, the native log supply is scarce and very limited. Native market is in a constant decline, therefore it seems that the days of our local sawmillers are numbered with the blessings of the Government of the day." Why was the invitation withdrawn from the FSA? According to sources inside the Office of the Prime Minister, the invitation was withdrawn because Khaiyum decided to dodge facing searching questions from the FSA. He asked Bainimarama to withdraw the invitation. The treasonist leader obliged knowing he could not answer them on Khaiyum's behalf. Ironically, while sawmillers, the important stakeholders, where shut out of the meeting, Bainimarama and Khaiyum were more than happy to have representatives from an American company, The Forestland Group, present. For they were there to hear Bainimarama announce that Forestland was going to take our the management of the Mahogany industry. He gave no details on the background of this company: |
Forest warlord: Bainimarama can't see the wood for the trees Justifying the secret recruitment of Forestland, he went on to accuse the Fiji Hardwood Corporation Ltd of mismanagement of the mahogany resource in the country. He did not include himself as chairman of the Mahogany Council. We will let the Ministry of Information speak to us his propaganda: Fiji mahogany reforms on track
"At the inaugural meeting of the Mahogany Industry Council at the GCC complex is Suva this afternoon, Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama emphasised the gross mismanagement of Fiji’s mahogany resource in the past years. In his address, the head of government highlighted the corrupt practices that plagued Fiji’s mahogany sector and the measures that were now being implemented to address this issue. “What existed could barely be described as an industry at all. It was fragmented and lacked cohesion”, Prime Minister Bainimarama told participants. “The process of felling trees was done with no real objective for value adding and the harvesting did not produce long term sustained benefits for our people. As some of you are aware, majority of the mahogany including sawn timber were exported in a very rudimentary form. Also, there was no organized programme for reforestation of mahogany trees”. Despite the past issues , the head of government reminded Fijians on government’s position to safeguard Fiji’s mahogany sector to ensure that landowners and all Fijians receive greater benefits from this important Industry. “With proper implementation, the Mahogany Industry Development Decree 2010 will result in landowners receiving a larger share of the proceeds from Mahogany timber sales. This is particularly so, as the Decree sets the framework for the restructure of the Industry including the formation of the Mahogany Industry Council and the redefining of the roles of Fiji Hardwood Corporation Limited and the Fiji Mahogany Trust”. He highlighted how the Mahogany Industry (Licensing and Branding) Decree 2011 is positioned to not only promote Fiji mahogany to the world, but also to protect Mahogany reserves across the country. “This (decree) establishes a comprehensive regime for the licensing and branding of Fijian mahogany. The Decree implements a distinct and exclusive Fiji mahogany brand, which will help us achieve premium pricing for our valuable resource. Branding of Fijian mahogany will also prevent unscrupulous overseas buyers from exploiting our Mahogany Industry by mixing and selling Fijian mahogany with illegally harvested mahogany from other parts of the world”. “My Government changed the course of this Industry to make it more modern and responsive to the needs of ordinary Fijians. The proceeds of this precious resource are beginning to reach the grassroots. Within the next one to two years, the momentum of this reform will gain an even greater pace for the benefit of all”. What Bainimarama failed to mention was that the mahogany industry, instead of being under the Forestry Department, is managed by Khaiyum under his public utilities portfolio - hence subject to abuse and mismanagement. Coming soon: Nur Bano Ali's kick-backs for lobbying for SMI |
Sawed off Mahogany meeting:
Fiji Sawmillers locked-out to protect Khaiyum from questions on overseas green gold hunters
By VICTOR LAL On 26 September 2011 the findings of a lengthy investigation by me into mahogany and overseas investors was published under the following banner headline: "SMI directors and link to aunt of Fiji's illegal attorney general revealed: Foreign green gold hunters and Wagner’s dictator singing false notes for Aunty Nur Bano Ali’s client Sustainable Mahogany Industries Limited under nephew’s Mahogany Decree".
I had asked the following questions: Who owns SMI? When was the public tender advertised? Who approved SMI? Who is SMI’s accountant? The questions were in response to the self-styled Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama's speech to the Fiji Institute of Accountants: “This is the first time that a licence has been issued to gain the right to purchase Fijian mahogany. It is the first time that a licensee will pay a separate levy for reforestation”. The Congress of Accountants also heard that SMI would pay a licence fee of $70 for every cubic metre of mahogany logs bought from Fiji Hardwood Corporation Limited. This was expected to result in $14 million paid as licence fees over 5 years in addition to the price of the logs. A separate and additional reforestation fee of $25 per cubic metre of logs would also be payable. I also reminded that Bainimarama is the chairman of the Fiji Mahogany Council under the Mahogany Industry Development Decree 2010, a decree drafted by Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum. In introducing the Mahogany Decree Khaiyumm, in his capacity as Minister for Public Enterprises, Industry and Trade, had claimed that the Decree “has introduced a transparent, efficient and results-oriented regime to develop a mahogany industry. It will leapfrog reforms and contribute to growing the GDP”. Khaiyum also disclosed that expressions of interest were called for the issuance of licences in the mahogany industry. I also revealed that SMI was aunty Nur Bano Ali's client, and the directors were as followers: American John Whitney Wagner, Peter Kevin White, New Zealander and Christopher James Donlon, an Australian.They listed their postal addresses as P O Box 2475 Government Buildings, Suva, i. e. Khaiyum’s auntie’s accountancy firm. The had become directors on 13 April 2010, the very day the Mahogany decree was gazetted. White resigned as company director on 28 January 2011. Typically, Khaiyum had told the nation: “Government is very keen on developing the mahogany industry in a sustainable manner. There is no point in capitalising in the mahogany industry if it is not going to be profitable. Therefore we need a partnership with the private sector so that workers are up-skilled and there is employment. The value must also go to the landowners, it’s very important to us that Fiji benefits as a country,” I had concluded as follows: John Wagner and Fiji’s Dictator - "To paraphrase a book by Joachim Kohler, Wagner's Hitler: The Prophet and His Disciple, it is worth reminding SMI’s John Wagner that no matter how much he sings praise for Fiji’s dictator for granting SMI the exclusive right to the nation’s mahogany, when democracy returns, Wagner and SMI will be forced to sing the right tune, with the Khaiyums, Nur Bano Ali, Christine Mitchell, Anareta Narawa, Annie Rogers and the dictator forced to provide in court a true copy of SMI “commercial notes”. A year on: Sawmillers peel off SMI business "bark" in Fiji Now, a year later, the Fiji Sawmillers Association (FSA) president Jay Dayal, in a letter dated 24 September 2012 to Bainimarama, has laid bare some hard-hitting truths regarding SMI: MONOPOLIZATION OF RESOURCES BY SUSTAINABLE MAHOGANY INDUSTRIES (SMI): (a) Last year the entire Mahogany industry was staggered that SMI was issued with license for all of Grade 1 and Grade 2 logs when specific Expression of Interest was never published for bidding as was done for Grade 3, 4 and 5 (on Saturday, the eve of Christmas 2011 in the Fiji Sun). (b) We understand that SMI was supposed to produce guitars in Fiji however the export data reveals that approximately 90%, of their production is exported as rough sawn timber–with no value adding. Interestingly, almost 50% of their exports are to Dominican Republic market where most of the local sawmillers are exporting due to unavailability of Grade 1 and Grade 2 logs/ sawn timber. The above information is readily available from Department of Forestry or Ports Authority of Fiji. (c) The current recommendation of license to Pacific Western Timber (which is owned b John Wagner, the shareholder of SMI) for 30,000 cubic meters of Grade 3 logs (75% of the entire Grade 3 in the forest) indicates that Government is supporting SMI in their ploy to drive out local sawmillers and exporters who are competing against SMI in Dominican Republic market by restricting log supply to the local processors by eliminating competition. (d) Whilst your Government is promoting fair trade and competition the above actions are very much contradictory, unhealthy and uncalled for. (e) Pacific Western Timber is not a locally owned company and does not even own a sawmill. The comments from Mrs. Powell suggest that they intend to setup a sawmill in Vanua Levu as a justification to their application. The present sawmillers in Vanua Levu are struggling for logs for peeling into veneer and plywood or sawn timber. With the introduction of additional sawmill in Vanua Levu your Government will lead the present sawmillers to demise due to scarcity of log supply. (f) Our Vanua Levu sawmillers were not even given a fair chance to submit their respective bids for the Grade 1 and Grade 2 logs which are suitable for peeling. Valebasoga Tropikboard Ltd is one of the largest privately owned plywood mills in Fiji with more than $15 million worth of investments. They have been struggling to secure enough log supply and with their intention to process Mahogany in the foreseeable future is now completely shattered due to the actions of your Government. (g) SMI, as per export records are selling to their own company in the US namely Pacific Western Timber and Sustainable Mahogany USA. This poses a question transfer pricing and repatriation of the fair value of the timber back into Fiji. (h) In November 2011, the forest operations were closed in Nukurua by the FHCL Board. We understand that the entire operation was shut down until April 2012 because SMI was over stocked with logs and sawn timber which it was finding hard to sell. This shows that the industries welfare and forest operations are dictated by SMI. (i) SMI is following it’s own log grading rules that are different from what other buyers follow. How come a foreign company is allowed such an extent of dictatorship in the forest operations? (j) SMI is further allowed 30 days credits terms while local bona fide companies are not even permitted to remove logs until they present a bank cheque. FSA follow up with October letter on unfair mahogany license On 11 October the FSA followed up with another letter to Bainimarama, writing through his secretary Pio Tikoduadua: "We refer to our letter dated 24th September, 2012 on the above matter and our subsequent meeting at the Conference Room at the Prime Minister’s Office with yourself, Colonel Inia Seruratu and the industry duly represented by the Fiji Sawmillers Association members on Monday 1st October, 2012. As the above matter is of great concern to our industry members we kindly seek your response following our submission and meeting above. We wish to reaffirm that the industry is willing to meet with your office at any time mutually convenient to discuss the above issues further. The concerns of our members are still very much unvaried since our last meeting. Hoping to hear from you at the earliest." FSA: Licenses anti-local investors In its September letter the FSA had begun its letter by reminding Bainimarama: "We, the members of Fiji Sawmillers Association hereby express our grave concern and utmost disappointment over the attached list duly signed by the FHCL Chair Mrs Elizabeth Powell recommending issuance of Mahogany Log Licenses. The said recommendations are absolutely unfair and biased against the local businesses, the resource owners and are not in the best interest of the country as a whole. The recommendations, if implemented, will create an atmosphere of disharmony, mistrust and total breakdown of faith between the Bainimarama Government and the local business stakeholders involved in Mahogany processing.The recommendations seem to be intentionally undertaken to drive out local competitors against foreigners. We wish to highlight the following points for your consideration: 1) We are hundred percent locally owned businesses. 2) We repatriate hundred percent of the true value of the product and profit back to Fiji hence no transfer pricing takes place. 3) We, the current and potential processors of Mahogany timber, provide employment and the value of our investment are as follows: |
4) The above investments and employment pose a great degree of risk of demise due to the above grossly unfair licensing recommendations. By issuing licenses to new unknown businesses there is no net gain in employment as our businesses will come to a complete halt leaving us with the painful option of terminating our employees.
5) Most, if not all of the above companies produce value added Mahogany products for export markets ready for use by the end use customer. Forest Supplies Ltd were awarded the Prime Minister’s Exporter of The Year Forestry Award 2011. 6) We provide the much needed foreign revenue to the Government and have generated significant interest in various markets through our sheer hard work, innovation and commitment of resources over the years. 7) One hundred percent of our production and employment depends solely on the availability of Mahogany logs. In the event we are forced to forego the opportunity to process Mahogany then our operation and business will face total demise. 8) In addition to value adding, the above companies have endeavoured to maximise the unit selling price for export of Mahogany products. Example, Mahogany decking price increased from $900 to $1,700, while FHCL is still selling at $1,500. 9) We sell rough sawn timber to local furniture manufacturers for their value adding into furniture for local and export sales. 10) The applicant members from the above list have been totally eliminated from the license recommendations for reasons unknown to us. In particular those that have been one of the largest log purchasers from FHCL and competing fairly in an open export market. Rainy Woods Ltd: Another investor under spotlight According to the FSA in its September letter: (a) We note from the license recommendations that Rainy Woods Ltd, a portable sawmill operator –with no significant investment, has been recommended for 120 cubic meters of Grade 3 and 30 cubic meters of Grade 4 logs. This equates to 150 cubic meters of logs per annum. The value adding activities listed for the company are: “processing timber for decking, flooring and weatherboard for export and local sale”. We are intrigued at this recommendation as 150 cubic meters of logs will not even meet 2 containers of Mahogany decking. No company would survive on less than 2 containers of export per annum. It is simply illogical, irrational and uncommercial. This shows that the recommendations are senseless and merely a sham. (b) We further notice that Northern Forest International Ltd that has been recommended a total of 24,930 cubic meters of Grades 3 and 4 logs does not own any sawmill and has no investments to justify this volume. (c) Wood Moulders (Fiji) Ltd is yet again a very new player in the industry with no track record of timber processing. (d) A1 Access Technology and Green Lumber Solutions are companies without a sawmill and are merely middlemen. Collectively they have been allocated 8,070 cubic meters of logs per year while established sawmillers with a proven track records such us our businesses were provided with no consideration or volume allocation at all. (e) One of the industry members, Touchwood Investments, is a contract ripper of Mahogany timber and he does not export value added products directly. Yet the allocation to the company is 7,200 cubic meters per annum. (f) The above proves that the recommendations are merely a sham and are prepared without any proper criteria and are targeted to drive out the existing competitors of SMI out of business." The letter ended: "Sir, we humbly seek your most urgent intervention in the matter before an industry wide damage is done by the farce actions of the Chairperson of FHCL Board. We are hopeful that through amicable dialogue we will be able to address the issues above as we also hope to receive license for the volumes requested." FHCL chair Elizabeth Powell's license list The 11th October 2012 letter to Bainimarama The 24th September 2012 letter to Bainimarama NEXT: FSA locked out to protect Khaiyum scrutiny
See also Professor Yash Ghai and Father Kevin Barr's views on Poverty Talks public seminar organised by the CRC at USP.
Back to Future |
Aseri Rokoura's team tweaked: England 54 - Fiji 12 |
Trade unionists refuse to play soft ball as Fiji rugby team tours England and Ireland
Defending the Indefensible |
Walsh to Fijiwindblower: "Dear Unnamed, Other than from Victor Lal, no one has asked this question...I do not know how much the MOI spent on my visit but I could tell you how much it cost me if I thought it any of your business. I met all my expenses when I last visited Fiji. You did not ask my costs then. When you eat in someone else's house, do you ask your hostess how much the meal cost? And do you weigh your words depending on her reply? I'm struggling to see the relevance of your question. You do not ask how many thousands of unpaid hours I have spent on my blog over the past five years... I doubt that what I wrote influenced you any more or any less because it was unpaid labour? None of my own postings are anonymous and I have always been up front about my thoughts and possible biases. Nothing has changed because the MOI paid for part of my visit..." Fijiwindblower to Walsh: "Dear Professor Walsh...It is one thing not to ask your host how much it cost him or her to feed you but it is completely another if you saw that the host had actually stolen the goat from the neighbour to feed you." Fijiwindblower to Walsh: "The reason I am Unnamed is because, just like you, I am afraid in case you told the Government that I was questioning your bills - fear is not your personal property - you had every right, and understandably so, to arrive in our country unannounced because of the perceived or genuine threats from what you call "extreme anti-Bainnimarama" elements." How much was spent on this Kiwi blogger? It stinks of corruption and FICAC should launch a criminal investigation into the matter," Victor Lal said. Walsh also attacked USP journalism lecturer, Dr Marc Edge, who took the NZ blogger to task in his personal blog Croz admits he's also on the gravy train. Fijiwindblower says his only "crime" was to confront Walsh after he (Walsh) allegedly refused to upload his views on Walsh's comment site regarding the Fiji trip. |
Frank message to Professor Yash Ghai: |
Ghai to Radio Australia: |
Pied Piper Crozbie Walsh gets free trip to Fiji |
I did not attempt to meet any of the leaders of the old political parties because their views are already well known and I thought I'd gain nothing from interviewing them.
I tried unsuccessfully to speak with Raman Singh of the NFP and Krishna Datt, a former prominent FLP MP. I would also have liked to talk with someone from Multi-Ethnic Affairs, the Ministry of Lands and the US Embassy, but I ran out of time and the brain can only take in so much in a day. But I did talk with people from the Ministries of Trade and Industry, Health, Education, the iTaukei Land Trust Board, and Legal Aid. I'll be publishing reports on their work over the next few weeks. Having now "set the stage" I'm almost ready to report. Tomorrow, after golf, I'll start with some general impressions. Editor: Walsh and Sharon-Smith have not revealed the total cost of the trip nor has Sharon agreed to a similar all-paid trip for Fijileaks editor. |
Travel expenses racket: |
Editor: We have deleted the CVV2 (Card Verification Value)
Professor Yash Ghai (CBE) on Madraiwiwi consultancy
"Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama’s attack on Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi is unfair. He has criticised him and the commission for improper and deceitful conduct. These are serious charges. For the record, let me set the facts straight"
The illegal Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama responds to Professor Yash Ghai
"This is neither here nor there as far as the Government is concerned. It also demonstrates that there is no transparency in the appointment of consultants by the Commission..."
Workers short changed: Bainimarama regime slashes Wages Council pay deal by 50 per cent
"Various op-ed pieces, ads and letters to the editor in recent days have demonstrated the very divergent views held by different NGOs in regard to the coup. The Fiji Women's Rights Movement, the most outspoken anti-coup organization to date, printed a two page pull-out in the Fiji Times 12/16, "YES to Democracy, NO to Coups," in which it addressed and dismissed each of the RFMF statements used to justify its actions." "Some NGOs, on the other hand, appear to have bought into the military's arguments. Three social justice advocates [Barr, Paulo Baleinakorodawa and Semiti Qalowasa] from the Ecumenical Center for Research, Education and Advocacy (ECREA) published a long op-ed in the 12/19 Fiji Times blaming the coup on Qarase, and insisting the Commodore "didn't want it to turn out the way it did." The authors blame western countries for having a "narrow view" of democracy and argue that conformance to the rule of law should not be the only criteria by which the military's actions are judged. While acknowledging that some human rights violations may have taken place since the coup, the authors argue that the coup "is a time of great opportunity" to build "a nation where there is justice, compassion and inclusiveness." "Similarly, the 12/19 Fiji Times printed a letter from Rev. Akuila Yabaki, head of the well-known NGO Citizen's Constitutional Forum (CCF), in which he insists the military's motives are laudable. Yabaki agrees that Fiji needs to rid itself of "the coup culture" but believes that there is a "deeper malaise" that needs to be fixed first, that of "racist policies that do not serve the poor, but only serve as tools of manipulation" by the racist elites. Yabaki clearly implies that the military can be the instrument to move Fiji closer to the goal of an equitable, inclusive society. While Yabaki leads an organization that ostensibly aims to defend the Constitution, the Constitution was not mentioned in his letter." "The Qarase [government] was not popular with many liberal minded people in Fiji, who tended to cheer on Bainimarama from the sidelines as he lobbied insults and challenges at the government and its policies. Few, if any, of these would have supported a coup at the time, and were comforted by the Commander's oft-repeated mantra that he would never execute one. With the coup having taken place and the military doing its best to curry favor with a bewildered population by playing to populist anti-corruption and anti-bureaucracy sentiments, some of these groups and individuals are finding it hard to declare their allegiance to democratic principles over their ingrained dislike of the former government.
For organizations like CCF and ECREA, the twists in logic are breathtaking." Picture of the Week: GO to the Dogs, Fiji, GO! |
Madraiwiwi payroll fallout |
"Madraiwiwi was pocketting consultancy fees since October in breach of non-negotiable principles"
Constitution Review Commission must publish names and salaries of all its staff and consultants
Its the classic case of pot calling the kettle black.
The self-appointed Prime Minister and treasonist Frank Bainimarama, whose own salary, benefits, kick-backs and entitlements is under wraps, has lashed out at the Constitution Review Commission (CRC) after "discovering" that former Vice-President Ratu Joni Madraiwiwi has been pocketting consultancy fees since October as CRC consultant. Since Madraiwiwi was part of a delegation that made a submission to the CRC, Bainimarama said the Commission is in breach of provisions in the constitution decree that stipulate that its staff and consultants must observe the non-negotiable principles and be politically neutral. He is however silent on how and who chose the CRC chair Yash Ghai and other members to draft a new Constitution. |
Bainimarama said Madraiwiwi was party to a submission by the Bauan delegation calling for the declaration of a Christian state in Fiji and, therefore, breached the non-negotiable principles of political neutrality.
“One of these principles is a secular state in line with democracies like the United States, Australia and New Zealand,” Bainimarama said. “Ratu Joni was party to a submission by a delegation calling for the declaration of a Christian state in Fiji. “It now transpires that he did this while being a paid consultant to the Commission, which makes his position untenable.” He also said Madraiwiwi was a paid consultant to CRC from the beginning of October yet that had only become public knowledge last week. "His contract, which has been shown to me for the first time, says he started work with the Commission on October the first |
![]() Double dealer
and it expired yesterday [31 October]. I’m extremely disappointed to discover this and to find that he was being paid a daily rate as a consultant when he filed in with the delegation to argue against fundamental principles on October the 12th, as reported in the media.”
While questioning the impartiality of the CRC, Baininimarama now wants a new decree gazetted to force the CRC to publish the names and salaries of all its staff and consultants. He has instructed the Government to alter the terms of the decree covering the Commission’s activities. “Today’s Government Gazette promulgates a change to the decree requiring the Commission to publish the names and salaries of all its staff and consultants. While we appreciate the Commission’s work to produce a Constitution for all Fijians, it needs to have transparency and the history of Ratu Joni’s appointment shows that this has not been the case. |
Editor: So, if Bainimarama doesnt like the CRC Report will he bring in a new decree to alter it? Under which decree did he see the CRC's contract with Madraiwiwi? “Accepting a paid consultancy and then arguing against the non-negotiable principles was a clear conflict of interest on Ratu Joni’s part as a consultant It also leaves open the perception, at the very least, that the Commission has compromised its impartiality.”
PSC Circular: Beefed up security checks in Fiji hotels
International conference attendees and tourists at mercy of lurking violent criminals
Fiji's Ministry of Defence, National Security, and Immigration has sent out a circular to all permanent secretaries that it must be notified of all future international conferences or seminars, regardless of whether they've been organized with donor money or privately, so it can 'conduct a security survey in advance'. It also reminds the ministries of the violent attack by four locals on a New Zealand tourist at Raffles Gateway, one of the hotels that hosts conferences.
Mahendra Chaudhry v Fiji Times Ltd [2012] FJHC 1391; HBC73.2008 (29 October 2012) :
"The action of the Plaintiff is reprehensive and it is a clear abuse of the process and Defendants
were harassed utilising the process of the court."
"On 13th March 2008, the Defendants were served with a Writ of Summons and a Statement of Claim. The Claim contained in voluminous details of the alleged cause of actions which contained 125 paragraphs and 432 pages. The Claim contained six identifiable causes of action – defamation, negligence and ‘gross negligence’, malicious falsehood, breach of Fiji Media Council Code of Ethics, Conspiracy and privacy and conspiracy, but the identification of them and reply to that was not an easy task...The Plaintiff jettisoned the 439 page statement of claim, and amended the statement of claim thus put the Defendants to undue strain and costs. In my mind this is a fit and proper case to award indemnity costs to Defendants including the Defendants who were deleted in the amended statement of claim.” - Master Deepthi Amaratunga High Court, Suva
Petition to President: Caretaker administration should run Fiji until new election and constitution
Hecklers sprout up in Brussels against Khaiyum-Bainimarama oppressive regime |
Professor Adrian Mayer's Diary: Forty Years On - Continuity and Change in Indo-Fijian Rural Society |
"We have won" delusional chant belies reality in Fiji" - Read Rabuka's full speech to the University of Canterbury in New Zealand
"Enter the military, albeit initially only a small detachment, immediately supported by the rest. I was then third-ranking in the army and part of my plan was the employment of my two superior officers in civilian positions. Only one of them accepted and became a Diplomat and now our Nation’s President..." |
"There have been many versions about the cause of the ‘falling out’ between Qarase and Bainimarama, but relationships had soured so much that Qarase must be blamed for treating his own Commander at arms length thus endangering the people’s government of Fiji in the face of worsening relations with the people’s military forces. Bainimarama told the people ‘we have won’ and gotten rid of Qarase’s bad government." |
The Fourth Estate Silent: Former regime media enforcer Satendra Nandan keeps fearful journalists
away from making submissions to Constitution making process in Fiji
Fijileaks was surprised to notice that hardly any journalists, news organizations or journalism institutions made submissions to the Constitution Review Commission on the media decree or other issues. Many journalists told Fijileaks that they were too scared to make submissions because of the presence of Satendra Nandan, a CRC member, who briefly enforced the draconian media decree as regime appointed chairman of the Media Development Authority
We do not know if CRC chair Yash Ghai sought journalists' role in the constitution making process, similar to that in Nepal, where the Nepalese Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala had asked journalists to play constructive role in drafting and endorsing the new constitution in Nepal. Its also likely that the pro-regime journalists fear what will happen to them when Frank is gone and the anti-regime ones fear what Frank will do to them if they speak out.
Trouble brewing for Chief Warwar of Malampma in Fiji as |
Bainimarama-Madraiwiwi-Leung nexus: Troika met in secret around grog bowl as Fiji waited for coup |
Coupist to constitutionalist : Sitiveni Rabuka shares his vision of post-coup Fiji before the Constitution Review Commission |
SDL’s submission to the Constitution Review Commission |
Bent but not broken
The casino presentation Larry Claunch rolled out to Bainimarama for endorsement
10 October 1970: Victor Lal charts Fiji's journey to nationhood |
Croaking acting Chief Registrar brings the shutters down early on Chaudhry law firmFijileaks understands that a Caucasian male who accompanied the acting Chief Registrar said he was head of the LPU and tried to lecture Rajendra Chauhdry: "If you could not see the conflict then you should be in another profession like selling real estate." See full story
Reddy v Reddy |
By Russell Hunter |
Frank's boat is sinking but he will paddle to Ride Out the Waves |
All bets are offThe illegal prime minister will receive a report in the next few days and he won't like it. For it will tell him his much-trumpeted casino - which was supposed to have commenced construction in August - is not going to happen.
It seems the native American partner (Larry Claunch) has not been able to raise the funds he promised. Calls to a Nadi number given by him were answered by an Indo-Fijian man who had never heard of Mr Claunch or his casino. And calls to the number he gave for One Hundred Sands Ltd, the casino operator he claims to represent are answered by a recorded message that says the number is not in use. Attempts to contact Mr Claunch have been unsuccessful. For earlier story see Victor Lal's "Khaiyum-Bainimarama rolled out false casino dice" |
Rajendra Chaudhry de-wigged for five years - guilty of professional misconduct |
Health up the creekFiji had a more relaxed week because the illegal A-G Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum had been in Suva Private Hospital for 6 days. He has got some serious kidney problem and nearly made "peace with his heavenly maker". Fiji television viewers said he looked "sick as a dog".
By Victor Lal |
Board of Inquiry Report on beatings of George Speight and other Nukulau bound state prisoners on board navy ship Kiro |
Sharon Smith-Johns and Graham Davis dismiss e-mail on SDL submission
as canard from regime opponents
“What a load of rubbish. Of course the email is counterfeit. Honestly these people must be desperate to make up this rubbish. And for the record I don't ever drink Shiraz. It's a good laugh though, so thanks.” |
“This is a counterfeit email, a total fabrication. No such exchange ever took place. It shows just how desperate the Government's opponents have become. I am very disappointed that anyone in Fiji would stoop to this level. You only have to give it a cursory glance to know that it is not me at all. It is crude and ridiculous.” |
The alleged e-mail between Sharon Smith-Johns and Graham Davis:
From: [email protected]
Date: August 15, 2012 5:38:00 PM GMT+12:00
To: Graham Davis
Subject: SDL submission
Here is the link I promised you.
The speaker clearly says this is the SDL submission so you can really lay into them. He also comes across as a fuckwit and his partner looks like a shoe shine boy.
I showed it to the PM and I have not seen him laugh so much in ages. He believes this will really kill all credibility of the SDL and they are now dead.
I spoke to your colleagues at Qorvis and we believe we have got the right level of commentators on Grubsheet, we have pretty much shut down the dissenters, but let me know if you feel we need to get more debate going.
Let’s meet up next week when you are over so we can have a few wines, that Shiraz you gave me last time was to die for.
Sharon Smith Johns
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Information, National Archives & Library Services of Fiji
Ph (+679) 3301806 | Mob (+679) 9905558 | Fax (+679) 3305139 | Web: |
GPO Box 2225, Government Buildings
Suva, Fiji Island
Prisoner brutality row: Beddoes tells regime spokeswoman Sharon Smith-Johns to stop attacking Shamima Ali |
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Illegal regime on
Aiyaz Khaiyum's thesis on destruction of Fijian cultural autonomy |
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