BAD OMEN: Friday and the number 13 (Friday the 13th) is associated with BAD LUCK, believed to originate with the LAST SUPPER, when Jesus Christ dined with his 12 disciples the night before his Crucifixion on Good Friday. The attendance of 13 at a dinner has also come to be considered a bad omen. Are the 13 SODELPA votes cursed, cast on Friday for a coalition with PAP-NFP. In 1987, God Spoke to Rabuka to execute his two racially-motivated COUPS. Lynda Tabuya has described SODELPA a 'Ghost House' - will they SPOIL the Party?
*PARLIAMENT meets tomorrow (24th, Christmas Eve) to elect new Prime Minister, Speaker and Deputy Speaker.
'RATU 652 Votes': PAP loser and SODELPA defector Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu to be nominated by PAP-NFP-SODELPA to be the new SPEAKER, the man who wants GEORGE SPEIGHT and Other 2000 coupists freed from NABORO PRISON
COUPS and COALITION GOVERNMENTS: In 1987, the Bavadra led FLP-NFP coalition was deposed by Sitiveni Rabuka after 33 days in power; in 2000, the Mahendra Chaudhry led Peoples Coalition suffered similar fate at the hands of George Speight and his shadowy backers. How long will the PAP-NFP-SODELPA coalition last under Sitiveni Rabuka.
‘Free at last’ – Tanya Waqanika, who voted to side with Rabuka |
STOCKHOLM SYNDROME is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity.
*Like SODELPA, FFP had its own CAPTOR in the 'MINISTER for EVERYTHING' - AIYAZ SAYED KHAIYUM, who held Frank Bainimarama HOSTAGE for the last 16 years.
*FFP is paying the PRICE for allowing Aiyaz Khaiyum to rule with an iron-fist, brooking no dissent in the party or inside the country.
BUT the hostage drama is NOT over, Fiji.
The wild card remains the Boot Boys in the GREEN, perched up the hill, waiting for Sitiveni Rabuka to become Prime Minister

SODELPA has decided to go into a coalition government with the People’s Alliance and the National Federation Party.
SODELPA Vice President, Anare Jale has just announced that 13 management board members voted for the People’s Alliance/NFP while 12 voted for the FijiFirst.
Jale says they are ready to be part of the government with PA and NFP.
SODELPA Leader, Viliame Gavoka says democracy has won and they have observed the process to it’s fullest.
Gavoka says it was very close again and came down to the wire.
He says they went into it fully committed ensuring that they have the best for the people of the country.
Gavoka says there was one invalid vote and they could not determine the intention of the voter.
He also says only the legitimate constituency representatives attended the meeting today.
Jale says their next step is to work on their coalition agreement, and this will be signed in the next few days.
He says they have issued the written directive to the SODELPA MPs Viliame Gavoka, Aseri Radrodro and Ifereimi Vasu to vote for the agreed nominee for the People’s Alliance/NFP/SODELPA for Prime Minister and Speaker when Parliament sits in the next few days.
Jale says they wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year and hopefully the new year will be a prosperous one for the people of the country.
President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere is yet to summon parliament to sit.
The 14 days time frame comes to an end on January 2nd 2023. Source: Fijivillage News
SODELPA Vice President, Anare Jale has just announced that 13 management board members voted for the People’s Alliance/NFP while 12 voted for the FijiFirst.
Jale says they are ready to be part of the government with PA and NFP.
SODELPA Leader, Viliame Gavoka says democracy has won and they have observed the process to it’s fullest.
Gavoka says it was very close again and came down to the wire.
He says they went into it fully committed ensuring that they have the best for the people of the country.
Gavoka says there was one invalid vote and they could not determine the intention of the voter.
He also says only the legitimate constituency representatives attended the meeting today.
Jale says their next step is to work on their coalition agreement, and this will be signed in the next few days.
He says they have issued the written directive to the SODELPA MPs Viliame Gavoka, Aseri Radrodro and Ifereimi Vasu to vote for the agreed nominee for the People’s Alliance/NFP/SODELPA for Prime Minister and Speaker when Parliament sits in the next few days.
Jale says they wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year and hopefully the new year will be a prosperous one for the people of the country.
President Ratu Wiliame Katonivere is yet to summon parliament to sit.
The 14 days time frame comes to an end on January 2nd 2023. Source: Fijivillage News
Fijileaks and its Founding Editor-in-Chief have had a long running feud with Aiyaz Khaiyum since the 2006 December Coup
From Fijileaks Archive, 27 July 2021
*Aiyaz Khaiyum had gazetted a DECREE barring any challenge to Hunter's deportation out of Fiji. Hunter died in exile, in Brisbane
In June 2021, a month before the former Fiji Sun Publisher and Editor, RUSSELL HUNTER passed away in July, after developing dental complications following surgery, he had asked our Fijileaks Editor-in-Chief whether it was time to publish an Opinion Column of his that he had written on 24 February 2017:
'Rabuka. Bula. I rushed this a bit but it may offer another view - if you think it fit to publish. I hope you are well. Off to the doc.' - RH.
'Rabuka. Bula. I rushed this a bit but it may offer another view - if you think it fit to publish. I hope you are well. Off to the doc.' - RH.