"As a group that are already been broken up by colonisation and when they came through the 'Girmit' they crossed the 'kala pani' or muddy water(ocean) which means that all their cultural and caste identities have been stripped off them.They are therefore no longer constrained by any 'vakavanua system' and it works both ways for them.Their suicide rate is very high but one ting is clear, they know they cannot rely on anybody and they will try anything that works for them.This is why come elections, they will band together make up any of their differences because they know, its the one continuing hope for them."
Dr Tupeni Baba way off the mark in e-mail
![]() new convert to Sodelpa "Let me just comment briefly on the Indo Fijian situation For them politics is life, it is the only way forward apart from education. They will mortgage their farms and pay for the fees of their children but politics is the leverage through which they can access all the other conditions they cannot access otherwise. "As a group that are already been broken up by colonisation and when they came through the 'Girmit' they crossed the 'kala pani' or muddy water(ocean) which means that all their cultural and caste identities have been stripped off them.They are therefore no longer constrained by any 'vakavanua system' and it works both ways for them.Their suicide rate is very high but one ting is clear, they know they cannot rely on anybody and they will try anything that works for them. "This is why come elections, they will band together make up any of their differences because they know, its the one continuing hope for them. "In Fiji today, their Parties are divided. FLP is badly broken, all the Leaders except Mahen Chaudhary and his sons are with the father.Kris Datt has finally decided to break out and is the process of forming a Party. He is 'testing the waters' and trying hard to attract others who had been disillusioned with the old FLP like Poseci,Atu Bain and others.They are trying to get me back but that is no longer possible. KDatt is also looking to us to take him in, but we should not at this stage, do anything. Let him stew in his pot a little while! "The trade union wing of FLP (Felix and co) is looking another way.They prefer to keep the 'FLP brand' but the question now is who is going to tie the bell on the neck of the Cat (Mahen Chaudhary)?They are scheming MC's downfall and once that is done, they will resuscitate the FLP.When that is done,'all hands will be on deck' including KDatt,Poseci, Mahen's friends and all the crowd and survivors of the Titanic ship.The Party can be revived within a month with resources from overseas as well as brain work from overseas. "The appearance of division and chaos at the moment belies the plotting and the planning and of course the scheming that is going on. Mr Jai Ram Reddy recently visited them. He would have advised them what strategy to take and when Mahen is 'handcuffed' by the Court and prevented from participating,the rebuilding of the Party will start and that will be the call for 'all hands on deck' "At that point, everything and everybody will be 'brothers and sisters' again' and that can take no more than a month.They do not need to 'take the tabua' around to call everybody back. Every body knows the drill.... "The script is already written, right down to the catch cry; it is in the Holy Book-the Gita.When the catch cries are heard such as: 'We must do our duty' or 'It is in our Karma' so we must do it for our future....!When you hear this, you know they are ready... "What about us, are we ready? "Sa dri yani! Tupeni" - Dr Tupeni Baba's e-mail reportedly from 2012 | "One politician who tried to become the leader of SODELPA made the totally false and ridiculous allegation in an email that Mr Jai Ram Reddy (former leader of NFP) was collaborating with the FLP leader (Mr Chaudhry) to unite the “Indians”, and he asked his own party “what are we Fijians doing”! One would have thought that political leaders would by now have stopped using divisive racial politics "In large measure, the support that Bainimarama gets from many Indo-Fijians (and also from many kailoma and kaivalagi) is due to this message of equality of all races...Non-indigenous Fijian votes, although only 35% of all votes, may well be critical in deciding which parties form government in the next parliament." - Professor Wadan Narsey: http://www.fijileaks.com/2/post/2014/03/professor-narseys-bulletin-six-there-is-no-need-for-affirmative-action-for-the-bottom-90-of-the-populations-where-fijians-and-indo-fijians-are-pretty-similar-in-terms-of-household-income-and-expenditure.html |