Fijileaks: We understand Professor SUDESH MISHRA was not invited as SPEAKER at the two day international girmit conference organised by the Global Girmit Institute, whose TRUSTEES are Biman Prasad's wife Rajni from the USP, and GANESH CHAND.
"Although never exposed to hard plantation labour in the manner of the Indians, 'The Kadavu Five' were co-sharers in and witnesses to an event in modernity known as girmit."
"Two major historical events, one concerning Indigenous Fijian immobility in 19th century and the other pertaining to indenture as a purely Indian occasion, no longer seem incontestable or self-evident. A crack appears in the neat history of the itaukei as grounded subjects of colonial paternalism while, at same time, it becomes impossible to commemorate the voyage of the Leonidas in exclusively Indian terms. The five itaukei men are figures of an exception. They exist inside/outside two major events, namely, late-19th-century Fijian history and the history of Indian indentured labour. The former is exemplified by the image of the government garden, Governor Gordon's gradualist philosophy and counter-migratory understandings of native character, while the latter is conceived in terms of ethnically defined migrations and insulated life-worlds in the interlocking spatial arenas of the coolie system. The men straddle both, but fit neither of these histories."
Professor Sudesh Mishra, USP, Fiji
Professor SUDESH MISHRA (left photo) |