Fijileaks Investigation Team
By VICTOR LAL Fijileaks Investigation Team Fijileaks Editor: We will reveal the e-mail exchanges between Fiji TV, Khaiyum and IRB which puts to rest the lies that Tupou Baravilala and Shivnesh Prasad were mouthing at the above meeting
Decrees of Disgrace
22/1/2015 02:54:55 am
Time to Von-Fire all those Decrees (of disgrace). The reason we find ourselves in this position is due to ALL these ill-conceived and defective Decrees (of disgrace) of the DICTATOR time.
22/1/2015 02:57:20 am
A Criminal for a Mentor !!!
22/1/2015 03:02:24 am
Hasn't the TART Resigned yet ?
Bully Hunter
22/1/2015 03:17:16 am
Thank you very much Victor - you are banned by these dictators from entering Fiji and we might never ever meet you in person but let me tell you this - we, the whole of Fiji in search of real news, wake up and read Fijileaks, and go to bed, reading Fijileaks, and are passing it to those who don't have access to internet etc
Fools of Paradise
22/1/2015 07:48:59 am
Same here , this is the only forum the Truth is available. denial of actual information is the media in fiji is sick. You heard the of the old saying 1 lie leads to 100 lies. Keep telling the truth Fijileaks , the people need to know
Fiji Sun
22/1/2015 02:01:26 pm
One of our "newspapers" should take a few notes from FL on investigative journalism and about asking the REAL questions particularly our friends from FS.
22/1/2015 03:34:53 am
One can actually hear the huffing and puffing of Chota Khaiyum (Riyaz Sayed Khaiyum) reading the minutes above.
Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum's midgets
22/1/2015 03:44:21 am
AG has chiuwawas yelping all over the place.
Lying bastards
22/1/2015 05:13:29 am
It is sad to see how the know-it-all AG and fiji TV's own board member, Fareed, forced Fiji TV executives to humiliate themselves. It is sickening to read how Riyaz Sayed Khaiyum, Shivanesh Prasad and Tupou ordering Fiji TV execs around and putting them under duress. Not only that, they lying through their teeth. Who is Shivnesh to dictate to a private entity like fiji TV? Under this information minister, it seems any man and his dog can order Fiji TV around. Instead of protecting Fiji TV, Fareed screwing it. Total abandonment of fiduciary obligation. He is not fit to be on Fiji TV board. Aiyaz not fit to be minister. Riyaz would not have a job if not for Aiyaz. The whole bang thing reeks of corruption and nepotism.
fools of paradise
22/1/2015 07:55:59 am
It's shows the dumbest side of these government puppies. That's right private companies get licence for a reason , for profits. The buck stops there. I can feel the puppies huffing wih excitiment because of the decree. it show how these puppies wait to be thrown a bone and then spring on it. Sick man just sick.
Tui Naisoso
22/1/2015 11:59:05 am
Life is boring with Aiyaz not resigning Man! Same Old Same Old.
22/1/2015 01:35:40 pm
Thank you Fiji Leaks. Your informing us about the truths behind the falsities of this corrupt government brings light into the darkness by which we are being cunningly governed.
22/1/2015 02:52:37 pm
So where are all the skunk supporters of these political scoundrels ?
22/1/2015 08:30:10 pm
With all such filth being exposed on a daily basis, those who put FFP into power can only do one thing; shamefully turn the other way, for they too enjoyed the rides atop the crests of deceit and lies. Now they live in denial for they see no wrong in what was, what is and what continues to be; rampant theft and abuse of power. To you the businessmen with little morals that financially backed these thieves in Govt. you will never be satisfied!!!
he who casts the first stone
23/1/2015 07:14:58 am
FFP is bad, but SDL and other governments before it were hardly better. The poor performance and corruption of all past governments and their miserable failures, like NBF and Agri Scam to name just two, brought Fiji to its knees, forced people's hand, and they voted FFP.
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