(1) Mere Tora: 66 years still on posting to NZ as First Secretary;
(2) Losana Ravuso: 60 plus still in Sydney as Counsellor;
(3) Vani Samuwai: 60 plus still First Secretary in Malaysia [was recalled after retirement]
They all have finished the 3 year term but continue to get extension. We are wondering why Indo-Fijian officers who are highly qualified not considered for posting. These officers on reaching 55 years are immediately sent home so why FFP is practicing double standards?
Bainimarama says he will not tolerate a Fijian society
that rewards privilege over merit

By Vijay Narayan
Friday 19/02/2016
Fijivillage News
Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama says he would like the country to have a flag that takes us into the future, to where we are going rather than from where we have been.
While speaking at the commissioning of the Naitutu Electrification Project in Namena Tailevu, Bainimarama says the new Fiji flag, always with our beloved Fiji blue, can stand for the kind of people we are, the kind of nation we aspire to be and the kind of country we will leave with our children.
The deadline for the new Fiji flag design submissions is February 29th
Bainimarama says the government will select five designs to before the people in March.
He confirms that there will be a national consultation on the designs.
The Prime Minister says the new flag will tell the world that Fiji is a modern country, a leader in the Pacific, and a country on the move.
Meanwhile the electrification project has been completed at a cost of $44,319 and will provide a reliable supply of electricity to nine families in Naitutu settlement.
Bainimarama says he will not tolerate a Fijian society comprised of the haves and have-nots or a society that rewards privilege over merit.
He says the government is committed to giving every Fijian an equal shot at life, no matter where in Fiji they call home.
The Prime Minister says this starts by taking infrastructure and essential services to the rural and maritime communities.