It comes as no surprise that municipal councils have failed to provide accounts for close to $28m given to them in grants over the past three years as per the Auditor General’s 2016 report.
“This is symptomatic of the total lack of accountability and transparency that we have witnessed over the past 10 years under the current leadership when it comes to the management of public moneys,” says Labour Leader Mahendra Chaudhry.
All Auditor General’s reports since 2008 have pointed out the failure of ministries, including the Prime Minister’s Office, to provide proper accountability and acquittals for funds used.
“There has been an appalling laxity in the handling of public funds at all levels of governance,” Mr Chaudhry said.
The final responsibility for good governance and accountability for funds disbursed lies with the Finance section. Minister for Economy Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum must, therefore, take full responsibility for this shocking government record.
Although as Minister for Local Government Praveen Bala is equally at fault.
“As for municipal councils, FLP has consistently over the years complained about the lack of accountability and transparency in their use of ratepayers’ funds and government grants, and the delivery of service.
“It supports our repeated calls for municipal council elections to be reinstated to ensure transparency and accountability at the local government level.
“This shocking lack of accountability in governance is the price our nation is paying for the dismantling of democratic institutions in the country since 2009,” Mr Chaudhry said.