Fijileaks: Just imagine if our screaming headline about the Chinese opening a naval base in Fiji had an iota of truth.
* Will Australians just sit idly, sucking their fingers. No, Never.
* Russia had vehemently opposed Ukraine joining NATO, fearing the presence of thousands of NATO troops and hardware across its borders.
DICTATOR PUTIN and his vile imitator SITIVENI RABUKA in 1987: While the Western countries are rushing in millions of tons of military hardware to Ukraine to stop Dictator Putin from taking over and massacring thousands of Ukrainians, THIRTY-FIVE years later, Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum is being pursued allegedly for detonating bombs to STOP another dictator - SITIVENI RABUKA and his Interim Fijian Cabinet Ministers from committing crimes against humanity - the Indo-Fijians.
WHEN IS A DICTATOR NOT A DICTATOR? When he is in bed with BIMAN PRASAD, Rabuka's impotent Indo-Fijian puppet!
Fijileaks: Just imagine if our screaming headline about the Chinese opening a naval base in Fiji had an iota of truth.
* Will Australians just sit idly, sucking their fingers. No, Never.
* That is why they are raining millions of dollars in Budget (not Bombs) in aid to Fiji, with New Zealand not very far behind.
* It is in this context - while condemning the Russian invasion, we must also see the larger picture regarding the invasion of Ukraine. Russia had vehemently opposed Ukraine joining NATO, fearing the presence of thousands of NATO troops and hardware across its borders.
* The invasion has also turned the tide of hostility against the Ukrainian president, a former comic actor turned statesman, who was becoming 'Just Like the Others: And His Political End Was Nearing'.
* There are many other parallels that we will be highlighting, exposing the hypocrisy of the West, and Rabuka crying wolf over the suffering of the Ukrainians.
* We notice i-Taukei commentators on social media hailing President Zelensky the 'David of Europe' - pointing out that he is JEWISH. In 1987, the racist thug Rabuka, echoing Putin who claimed that his invasion was to also protect the Russian-speaking minorities in Ukraine, told the world that 'Indians will never be allowed to rule Fiji'.
* In 2000, according to Mahendra Chaudhry, Rabuka and Police Commissioner Savua were behind the 'INVASION' of Fiji's parliament when George Speight and his gunman overthrew Chaudhry as Prime Minister, held his Cabinet ministers hostage, and he was never returned as Prime Minister.
* We wonder why Chaudhry, instead of cutting the cake with Rabuka in Sydney, didn't file a police complaint against Rabuka, for if Rabuka and Savua were part of the 'Invasion Force', then Rabuka had NO IMMUNITY for his alleged role in the overthrow of the Chaudhry government, just as he had no immunity when he was charged with inciting mutiny in 2000.
But, at the end of the day, they are 'JUST LIKE ALL OTHERS', now back cutting political deals, and only craving for political power at all cost.
Listen to Aiyaz Khaiyum in Parliament, reminding Fiji when Indo-Fijian women were RAPED, stripped NAKED and told to cook for the RAPISTS, and 'cassava was shoved up Indo-Fijian womens' vaginas.'.
Today, Biman Prasad wants to reward Rabuka for his crimes, to make him Prime Minister after the 2022 election, so NFP can share power.
Labor leader Mahendra Chaudhry is having consultation meetings in Vanua Levu.
He met yesterday with the residents of Dreketi, Qaranaqoli Muanicevo, Nasarawaqa and Vunivau in Bua.
The meetings were well attended. People spoke out about the ever rising cost of living, particularly food and other household items.
Increasing poverty levels and unemployment in the rural communities had become prevalent under the Fiji First government, they said.
Farmers were critical about what they claimed were false assurances of assistance given to them by the Agriculture Ministry
They complained about the sudden sharp increases in the price of weedicides, pesticides and fertilizers.
They said that unavailability of the promised tractors for ploughing; harvesting machines for their paddy crop,and the refusal by AMA to buy their harvested crops, after encouraging them to plant, had resulted in substantial losses to them.
Poor drainage in the low lying areas causes frequent flooding of their farms resulting in crop damage, said the farmers.
"I noticed that some Agriculture Ministry sub stations were closed down, with the abandoned buildings taken over by overgrown grass and the surrounding bush (see pic).
"This certainly does not support the FF government's claim of boosting the agriculture sector," said Mr Chaudhry.
I was shocked by the instances of sheer wastage of money and the depletion of assets of the Agriculture Ministry drawn to my attention by the farmers.
The blame for all of these must be attributed to senior officials and the agriculture minister, said the Labour leader.
He met yesterday with the residents of Dreketi, Qaranaqoli Muanicevo, Nasarawaqa and Vunivau in Bua.
The meetings were well attended. People spoke out about the ever rising cost of living, particularly food and other household items.
Increasing poverty levels and unemployment in the rural communities had become prevalent under the Fiji First government, they said.
Farmers were critical about what they claimed were false assurances of assistance given to them by the Agriculture Ministry
They complained about the sudden sharp increases in the price of weedicides, pesticides and fertilizers.
They said that unavailability of the promised tractors for ploughing; harvesting machines for their paddy crop,and the refusal by AMA to buy their harvested crops, after encouraging them to plant, had resulted in substantial losses to them.
Poor drainage in the low lying areas causes frequent flooding of their farms resulting in crop damage, said the farmers.
"I noticed that some Agriculture Ministry sub stations were closed down, with the abandoned buildings taken over by overgrown grass and the surrounding bush (see pic).
"This certainly does not support the FF government's claim of boosting the agriculture sector," said Mr Chaudhry.
I was shocked by the instances of sheer wastage of money and the depletion of assets of the Agriculture Ministry drawn to my attention by the farmers.
The blame for all of these must be attributed to senior officials and the agriculture minister, said the Labour leader.