Since Ash Wednesday, it has been a time of prayer, introspection and almsgiving for all Christians.
Good Friday is undoubtedly a reflective occasion as we remember God’s sacrifice in sending his only son Jesus, the Lamb of God, who would take away the sins of the world through his suffering.
Yet on Easter Sunday- the third day- mourning gives way to exultation as Jesus rose from the dead to give everlasting life.
The values of Easter and the Christian religion which are love, empathy, forgiveness, good will and responsibility are values that all Fijians can celebrate and share, regardless of our personal beliefs.
This weekend, as a united and one nation, let us remind ourselves of God’s love for us.
Let us remember the importance of personal accountability and love for the good of every young Fijian and their futures.
Jesus said: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” Such a marvellous commandment and one which we should all strive to live by.
I wish you all a Happy Easter.!"