Suvavou Landowner
7/4/2014 07:45:33 am
13/4/2014 07:26:53 am
you should read the judgment before critcising it. This judgment legally recognised the right of the Fijians to own and dispose of their lands as they saw fit at the time of cession.
Rewan boy
5/10/2017 05:35:57 pm
Isaa sa varau ni kaji liga mada its our land suvavou landowners will be taken to court spend ur asses in jail mada stealing wat is ours ...listen up whole of Suva nasese up to waiqanake vatuwaqa belongs to the people of vutia rewa so varau sosomi tale vei kemudou false good for nothing wannabe landowners
Suvavou Landowner 11
7/4/2014 07:50:31 am
We mean $2billion!
27/4/2014 04:36:00 pm
the hole Suva land belong to the Nabuli Rewa people go check the Veitarogi Vanua
4/12/2015 02:37:45 pm
Land in the Suva Peninsula belongs to the Suvavou people,and not the people of Rewa as claimed. Generally,Government assigned Roko Tui as district officers during the colonial era,to assist in the transfer of ownership of land titles to colonial administrators.
Justice Marshall Vesikula
7/4/2014 08:22:16 am
Former judge Sosefo surprised everyone how he got in behind the bench and equally surprised everyone how he got out.
13/4/2014 02:35:00 pm
READ the judgment and you will find all the answers there before making a fool of yourself
17/2/2015 05:48:22 am
The Suva Peninsula belonged to both Verata and Rewa through the wase Vanua my grandfather from Verata, Rokomautu and my grandfatherf from Rewa Rokoratu or Romelasiga executed at the Suvasuva of Government House hill in Suva. In Verata Chiefs lived in Suva for a certain period and named Walu Bay after the Chiefly race mai na matasawa o Walu mai Verata and Rokomautu's Bati stoof guard over Rokomautu on the seaside from Vugalei in Lami and Nacovu in Flagstaff. Vugalei people are the tdaitional Bati of the the Ratu of Verata and their i cavuti vakavaua is....Vakaturaga saka i Nacovu vua na Tui Vugalei. To answer the question, Verata and Rewa own the Suva peninsula before anybody else settled it. Vinaka.
29/11/2015 03:55:13 am
Isireli vutuki tukamu se o tukamu vanunu vei iko
Tui Wai
10/11/2020 08:26:34 pm
Isireli Vesikula, sa rauta mada na lasu tiko. Qao dou lako mai Verata sa tawa oti tu o Viti. Kila nai balebale ni Verata na Vanua Lala. Na vanua ga sa lala tu mo dou qau tawana na ucuni vanua dou sa tiko kina qori. Ke dou liu mai ke dou a digitaka e dua na vanua vinaka tu kina na wai.
7/4/2014 08:39:04 am
The Suvavovu belonged to Vesikula in 1998 and now to Bainimarama and Kkaiyum
7/4/2014 12:31:05 pm
Suvavou House was the compensation Suvavou people got from the Rabuka government.
Kai Suva
7/4/2014 04:40:35 pm
Winston - not all of us were killed by the Roko Tui Dreketi warriors from Rewa. We are subjects of the RTD today but some of us survived and our traditional loyalty is to RTD who is also our overlord. That is why the Rewa chiefs will always fight for the Suvavou people and the Kai Vitis. We are alive and registered in Suvavou mataqalis at the NLC and are receiving lease moneys from our lands. Our village was at Albert Park and today we want all our lands back. Justice must be done - do not allow this to fester or it will result in chaos soon.
7/4/2014 06:10:36 pm
Suva was not a koro, it a settlement, oira na via claim takai Suva tiko oqo era kai solomoni kei Vanuatu, raica ga na matai Tui Suva, e rairai vaka na kai Vanuatu, Suva e nona o. Rewa ,oira na mai tawana tu na settlement qo e banikovana oqo o ira nai vovo mai na gauna ni Black Birding kei ira na kai Solomoni kei na kai Vanuatu era kau mai vaka colonial labourers. Raici ira ga na kai Suvavou era rairai tu vaka kai Vanuatu kei Solomoni. Era na sega ni na rawata na claim era vinakata tiko baleta nira sega ni kai Viti. Suva belongs to. Rewa, if the. Suvavou people thinks that they are Fijians and Suva belongs to them, then the Government of the day should do a DNA test on this so called Suvavou people, to determine where they are originally from
Vasu, i wish my forefather eat your heart and soul and your family, you bloddy frickin junk. Why you have to refer to the Kai Suva as Kai Solomone or kai Vanuatu. Have some respect for my community and stop the derogatory remarks of the Suva people. We kai Solomone or Melanesian descedants know our selves just for your information the Suva people are the real land owners not us Melanesian Descednats of Blacklabourers. I speak on behalf of my community. Sa rauta na veivakalolomataki o kemuni ga na kai Viti se iTaukei ni vei vakalolomataki tiko ga vata kei kemuni. Sega ni o ira ga na kai Suva e volitaki na nodra qele, o ira talega mai Ovalau. but it doesnt mean that those in Ovalau or Lovoni era kai Vanuatu se Solomoni. Da veinanumi mada, ena qai cadra tale beka e dua na matanitu me na qai compensate taki ira na Koi Suva. Ke sa rawa ni ra compensate taki na qai mai Afreka mai Igiladi for than 50 years cava e sega ni rawa kina e Viti. Sa dri yani.................
Citizen of Heaven/Koisuva
7/4/2014 09:20:09 pm
@ Winston, yes the Koisuva's are well and ALIVE!! and I am a fifth generation Koisuva of the Roko TuiSuva bloodline. It is very upsetting that as of today, the Fiji Govt, regardless of who is in government cannot compensate the original landowners of the Koro ko Suva,for the land they took from our forefathers and why the Suva Peninsular ever pending court case was an ongoing issue since the 1990's and then we have politicians who always use the Suva Peninsular court case for political motives and briberies in this nation. Govt should pay the original landowners which is according to current market price, values at $2 billions dollars, if they cannot pay then return all the land back.Please get your facts right Winston before you post anything about the Koro ko Suva and it's people because you DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT US, If Rabuka gave Nodonumai Holdings Ltd the Suvavou house, then why are they still paying of the building.secondly you should go look up the NLC records located in the wooden shape ship hull at the Fijian Affairs building-West wing, where all the records are kept...... :) however it cannot be given to you because you're not a Koisuva, too bad!!
8/4/2014 02:42:02 am
So it must be too late to appeal Sosefo's judgment, right? Why don't the Suvavou people try it. Like the Solomon Islanders took their case (see Lui Wendt's case) after more than 100 years.
29/11/2015 04:12:04 am
luveni kai Solomoni
Blundering idiot
7/4/2014 10:42:45 pm
Ratu Timoci has a case to answer but Ashwin Raj badly mishandled it. He should be removed as MIDA chairman. he is out of his depth and making serious and damaging blunders.
yava lila
8/4/2014 12:56:04 am
Suva resident
8/4/2014 01:46:41 am
@ kai suva and koisuva
29/11/2015 04:36:20 am
the Suvavou people are from the Solomon origin no need to argue this because my grandfather told me all the stories about when his fathers was once living in Thurston Garden and now living in Suvavou vilage i am proud to call my self kai Solomoni
Kubu, first time for me to hear that the Solomoni descendants own Suva and also first time for me to hear that Solomoni descendants also live in Suvavou which you are proud of.
8/4/2014 02:51:38 pm
The very first man that collected the very first lease from the British Colonisers for the land where the President house is today was Aborosa Aborosa, people please go and figure the rest
suva resident
8/4/2014 07:36:42 pm
@vasu, i'm interested in your comments. please send me further details to [email protected]
Kai Solo
10/11/2020 08:30:41 pm
Osa bau raica mada nai taba kei Aborosa koya iko tukuna tiko qori? Research taka mada a tamani Tamata.
Kai Viti
9/4/2014 12:18:05 am
This is the Truth About Native Land ie Native Landowner Now Have Zero Power Over his Land with removal of Section 185 — Power Now With Parliament Not GCC nominees who are reps of the Native Landowners.
David Woodward
9/4/2014 05:41:14 pm
Tell that to the Suvavou people - that Bainimarama and his lackeys are no threat to Fijian land. To Bai, there is no such thing as a Fijian, unless it includes all the other immigrants since 1884. So the legal process goes like this - 1 No such thing as Fijian 2 No such thing as Fijian Land. As Inoke said, Fijians are extinguished. Inoke is a lacky of Khaiyum and Bai is the mercenary enforcer of Khaiyum.
9/4/2014 05:45:26 pm
@sr, British Empire Achieves would give you information. I thought I said go figure.
Citizen of Heaven-KOISUVA
9/4/2014 09:45:29 pm
10/4/2014 08:49:59 am
@koisuva like l said above, the gov of the day should do a DNA TEST on you and your clan to determine where you are original from, just to say it bluntly you and your clan are not itaukei. This is one of the biggest land claim ever in Viti by vulagis. Like they say the truth will come out one day, the day is now and you guys are going to be really exposed.
10/4/2014 03:28:16 pm
10/4/2014 10:09:04 pm
@NLC,just for your info ,Tui Suva can be the brother of King Ratubaku that won't change his DNA. Anybody could have sworn by oath on any official records those years. Not thank God for the records tucked away at the NLC. THANK GOD we CAN do DNA TESTING now days. DNA is GOD'S records tucked away in our bodies NLC
13/4/2014 03:53:56 pm
13/4/2014 05:21:20 pm
@NLC, why are you so scared of the DNA TESTING, are we scared ,the truth will be exposed ,remember NLC, l said that Suva was a Settlement and the people that are claiming Suva are from the blackbirding period and colonial labourers from New Hebredis(Vanuatu ) and the Solomon Islands and DNA will prove their origin. NLC, there is no time for tales and ai tukuni anymore my friend. The day will come which is now for you and this claimants from Suvavou to be exposed. Watch the space NLC .
14/4/2014 03:13:33 am
so justice has finally been done vasu...cant claim what you never owned in the first place...God works in mysterious ways.
14/4/2014 11:32:03 pm
DNA test will also reveal Vasu is a monkey who cannot accept 2 facts:
15/4/2014 02:04:39 am
Sounds like the truth ain't on your side "NLC".
15/4/2014 05:02:36 pm
@onlooker many thanks, NLC don't be nasty, are we running out of ideas and excuses, maybe you haven't heard of DNA TESTING, l think you and your so called koisuva should quit claiming the city of Suva while you are still ahead before the government of the day start DNA TESTING.DNA will supersede the records you're harping about.
16/4/2014 02:18:57 am
Just wondering, how is the DNA test going to detect whether one is from Vanuatu or Solomons or Fiji? Is there a specific unique DNA strand or whatever it's called, for each ethnic group of people in the world?
16/4/2014 02:25:17 am
Just wondering, how is the DNA test going to detect whether one is from Vanuatu or Solomons or Fiji or Timbaktu, for that matter? Is there a specific unique DNA strand or whatever it's called, for each ethnic group of people in the world, let alone in Melanesia? With all the intermarriage and mixing of 'blood' and 'DNA' going on, very difficult to get a pure ni-van or solo blood, me thinks.
16/4/2014 04:57:23 am
16/4/2014 03:17:46 pm
@onlooker thanx again, lol memu ti Suvasider, bye for now people.
3/5/2014 01:27:50 am
the truth always prevails. No use debating it here. Won't get anyone anywhere. Time will tell and then we shall see who will have the last laugh.
27/10/2014 02:36:36 pm
Sega na betena na mai veitalanoataka na qele. E da na sega ni kauta na qele ki lomalagi. " E SEGA NI NOMUDOU KORO OQO MO DOU MAI TIKO KINA."
1/12/2014 09:22:17 am
Judgement Day....this case will never be settled.
9/1/2015 06:29:27 am
Suva does not belong to Rewa or Suvavou anymore, the old Suva village located at Thurston garden was raided before cession by the invaders, not Rewans. If you want prove, asked Lami village people, where are they from, they were left behind by the invaders to guard the Suva harbour from intruders.
kui Suva
9/1/2015 10:22:31 pm
as a Suvavouan myself, I'm urging the Suvavou people that it will be best for our-interest too drop our false claiming about the land in which we never own. that if you know your history. now let me clarify that to you like that old saying goes the truth hurts, now our ancestor are just some bunch of fisherman hail from Vutia Rewa settling in Suva land and that doesn't gives us the right too own it. Suva Lands belong to their rightfully landowner the NABULI people from REWA sa driyani [ ;
kai Lami Warrior
10/3/2015 04:38:14 pm
I am a Land Owner of Lami Village from the mataqali Nauluni of the yavusa Nakurukuru. Tikina Suva. Yasana of Rewa. But the right one to call is Yasana ko Naitasiri snd not Rewa. We are the Kai Lami Warrior who known more of Suvavou. So Suvavou and rewa is not the real owner of suva as u said. Naitasiri is the real owner of suva. We are from naitasiri and the warrior who Guards the seaside of Suva. Can we do this in person pliz ?"
14/4/2015 09:09:49 am
Thanks kai lami warrior for your comment, naitasiri right.
4/5/2015 07:19:55 am
The time is drawing nigh. Watch, see & be set free. The Lord of Lords is carrying out his Justice on all the corrupted.
13/5/2015 02:37:31 am
Only time will tell
14/5/2015 02:14:42 am
Im from the yavusa solia, we raided kalabu, tamavua and suva village located at thurston garden.
livai leone
30/5/2015 11:00:28 pm
It is really heart breaking and very sickening to read all these nonsence comments regarding the Suva land and its people, now we're hearing stories and claims from every corner, what triggers you guys, the 2b dollars?
Why are you people trying to claim the land as if it's yours. The land owns you not the other way around.
22/7/2015 12:15:48 am
It is comical to read comments on the issue of Land Ownership of Suva belonging to an array of iTaukei.
Taukei ni Vanua
2/1/2016 02:48:47 am
Only time will tell
8/11/2016 04:26:57 am
One who owns Nukulau owns it all.
5/11/2020 04:55:41 am
if the suva land does not belong to Rewa or Suvavou than maybe some other place somewhere owns the land.....maybe they are islanders now or maybe they are in the interior of viti levu now.......
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