"Without going into too much detail it is ironical and indeed hypocritical that those like Mahendra Chaudry engage in character assassination and refer to criminal records when he himself has been convicted twice - one conviction just a few weeks ago. Indeed we have his son from Australia publishing on social media judgments pertaining to my conviction over 30 years ago when he himself has been recently suspended as a lawyer for professional misconduct." - Bijai Prasad

after Fijileaks disclosure of his past criminal record
Prasad who is a former Fiji Labour Party senator confirms that he did not inform the proposed FijiFirst that he was convicted of a crime in the 1980’s and served time in prison. He said since this has now come to light, it is only right that he steps down from the position.
Prasad said proposed FijiFirst leader, Voreqe Bainimarama has insisted on the highest standard of personal conduct and Prasad’s non disclosure has fallen short of those standards. He believes that the proposed FijiFirst is bigger than him and bigger than anyone one else as individuals.
He said the proposed party is not involved in gutter politics and character assassinations.
Prasad said on the other hand Fiji Labour Leader, Mahendra Chaudhry who has been convicted twice, is now raising issues about Prasad’s conviction when he had no problems in having Prasad as a senior official of FLP since the 1980’s and nominating him as a senator after the last elections.
He also questions Rajendra Chaudhry’s motive who remains suspended from practising law for professional misconduct. Proposed FijiFirst General Secretary, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum said Prasad understands the level of disclosure and the proposed FijiFirst has started a particular level of professionalism. He said it is not a setback but a huge leap forward. Sayed-Khaiyum said the Supervisor of Elections, Mohammed Saneem has been informed about Prasad’s withdrawal. He said they will not replace him as 5 party officials are sufficient under the decree. Prasad confirms that he will be an active member and supporter of the proposed FijiFirst and assist the candidates in their campaigns after the proposed party is registered. Source: Vijay Narayan, Fijivillage News, 8 May 2014