Where can we DEPORT his Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama and prohibit him from returning to Fiji - for repeatedly using the
F-Word to threaten and abuse Father Kevin Barr?
Bainimarama to Father Barr:
“You are Fuck Up Priest...Fuck U arsehole. Stay well away from me.”
"In some ways I was expecting this vindictive reaction. I also suspect that others apart from the PM were involved. The Land Force Commander is noted for his coarse language and the AG [Aiyaz Khaiyum] for his vindictiveness. What surprised me was not only the coarse language used by the Prime Minister but his over-the-top angry and uncontrolled reaction. I have heard that he has treated others in a similar way and aims to intimidate. Those who heard of the above exchanges were shocked and very concerned that the Prime Minister could act in this way. They were also concerned for me. I do not intend to be intimidated. I am writing this account of events for the records of Archbishop Mataca and the Australian High Commission in case there are further repercussions." - Barr
From Fijileaks Archive, 2013:
![]() On the 8th January 2013 The Fiji Sun published a short letter I had sent in to them. The letter noted that a change was to be expected in the Fiji Flag to represent changed realities in Fiji. With tongue in cheek, I asked: “Is the rumour true that the Union Jack is going to be replaced with a small version of the Chinese flag to show that our old allegiance to Britain is being replaced with a new allegiance to China?” On the morning of the 10th January I was at my desk at the PCN Office when the phone rang and someone who said he was a Colonel in the Prime Minister’s Office asked if this was my number. I said it was and he hung up. A few minutes later I received a call from the Prime Minister. I greeted him and wished him a happy New Year. Then in a very angry voice he said that I should apologise to the people of Fiji for my letter concerning the Fijian flag in the newspaper. I said that I thought it expressed a real concern with a touch of joking humour. The PM said it was irresponsible coming from a recognised leader in the community. He stated he was not a Catholic but a Methodist. He then called me “a fucked up priest” and said I had become anti-government. He said he used to try and help me but would do so no longer. I said I would be prepared to come and speak with him. Instead he repeated I was a “fucked up priest”, threw in a few swear words, told me to go back to where I came from and put down the phone. His tone was angry and really over the top. Our Director (Semiti Qalowasa) and Assistant Director (Savu Tawake) were in the room and were able to pick up most of the angry statements of the Prime Minister. They were rather shocked and remarked that the words about China must have hit a sore spot. A few minutes later there was a text message on the phone from the Prime Minister which read: “I think you owe the people Fiji an apology for your childish comments. You give all Catholic priests a bad name. “. It seemed more of a calm message. I replied saying I was sorry if he was upset by my letter and I apologise. However many people were concerned about the influx of Chinese into Fiji. I said I would always be happy to meet with you and discuss issues. I am not anti-government but disappointed with some developments. I was about to go to lunch when another texed message arrived saying: “Fuck U arsehole. Stay well away from me.” I texed back: “Thank you Sir for the nice words. If you want me to apologise I will do as you wish.” | ![]() As I was having lunch another text arrived: “Start saying your goodbyes Father Kevin James Barr, Australian national, work permit as a missionary, expiry date for permit 31/12/2013.” I did not reply. Then came the final text: “Go and be a missionary in China”. I laughed as there was a touch of humour there. When I returned home about 4.15 there was an apologetic call from the Ministry of Housing saying they had been directed by government to withdraw my membership as a Member of the Housing Authority and Public Rental Board and that a letter would soon be delivered to me on that issue. In some ways I was expecting this vindictive reaction. I also suspect that others apart from the PM were involved. The Land Force Commander is noted for his coarse language and the AG for his vindictiveness. What surprised me was not only the coarse language used by the Prime Minister but his over-the-top angry and uncontrolled reaction. I have heard that he has treated others in a similar way and aims to intimidate. Those who heard of the above exchanges were shocked and very concerned that the Prime Minister could act in this way. They were also concerned for me. I do not intend to be intimidated. .............. I am writing this account of events for the records of Archbishop Mataca and the Australian High Commission in case there are further repercussions. I may also share it with a few close friends. (Fr Kevin J. Barr) Fijileaks Editor: We may recall the former US Ambassador to Fiji, Larry Dinger's observation: “A psychiatrist would have a field day with Bainimarama”. __________________________________________________ Click below to read Victor Lal (15 August 2012): Fiji's beastly dictator: Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama Bainimarama’s catalogue of threats to kill, kidnap, and assault on anti-coup opponents “Don’t fuck with military” lamusona screamed as he kicked PSC chairman Stuart Huggett and hit him around the head at RFMF barracks Bainimarama to PM Qarase’s private secretary: “You people fuck each other, your time is over.” |

US citizen who verbally abused the President deported by the Immigration Department
By Vijay Narayan
A US citizen who verbally abused the President at Gorrie Street in Suva last Wednesday, was deported by the Immigration Department over the weekend. Director of Immigration Nemani Vuniwaqa says Karen Seaton was deported from Fiji after she breached the terms of her residency permit by yelling an obscenity at His Excellency the President last Wednesday.
Vuniwaqa says this unprovoked use of the “F word" directed towards Fiji’s Head of State cannot be tolerated and Karen Seaton was subsequently detained and escorted onto a plane bound for the US.
He also confirms that Karen Seaton’s appearance before a parliamentary committee had no bearing whatsoever on the circumstances of her deportation.
Vuniwaqa confirmed to Fijivillage that Seaton was deported on Saturday after she was declared a prohibited immigrant by the Acting Prime Minister and Acting Immigration Minister.
Seaton had a permit to reside here on assured income.
Vuniwaqa says the report was forwarded to the Police Commissioner and then to the Solicitor General’s Office.
The Acting Prime Minister then made the declaration that she is a prohibited immigrant.
The incident occurred during the opening of the employers’ hub at the Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation and the Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association building.
The woman was shouting from the road while the devotion was underway before the opening of the employers’ hub.
Police spokesperson Ana Naisoro had said that the woman was taken in, questioned and released as investigators tried to gather more statements.
Naisoro said that it was alleged that she was shouting and swearing. Source: Fijivillage News
By Vijay Narayan
A US citizen who verbally abused the President at Gorrie Street in Suva last Wednesday, was deported by the Immigration Department over the weekend. Director of Immigration Nemani Vuniwaqa says Karen Seaton was deported from Fiji after she breached the terms of her residency permit by yelling an obscenity at His Excellency the President last Wednesday.
Vuniwaqa says this unprovoked use of the “F word" directed towards Fiji’s Head of State cannot be tolerated and Karen Seaton was subsequently detained and escorted onto a plane bound for the US.
He also confirms that Karen Seaton’s appearance before a parliamentary committee had no bearing whatsoever on the circumstances of her deportation.
Vuniwaqa confirmed to Fijivillage that Seaton was deported on Saturday after she was declared a prohibited immigrant by the Acting Prime Minister and Acting Immigration Minister.
Seaton had a permit to reside here on assured income.
Vuniwaqa says the report was forwarded to the Police Commissioner and then to the Solicitor General’s Office.
The Acting Prime Minister then made the declaration that she is a prohibited immigrant.
The incident occurred during the opening of the employers’ hub at the Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation and the Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association building.
The woman was shouting from the road while the devotion was underway before the opening of the employers’ hub.
Police spokesperson Ana Naisoro had said that the woman was taken in, questioned and released as investigators tried to gather more statements.
Naisoro said that it was alleged that she was shouting and swearing. Source: Fijivillage News