On 6 September the President, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, assented to the new "Constitution" and thousands of copies were distributed, and are still being distributed, around Fiji and the world.
However, a close inspection of the two Constitutions reveal that the one unveiled in August, and the one assented to and distributed in September, are not the same.
Take, for example, Chapter Twelve of the "Final" August version which states as follows: "This Constitution shall come into force on a date or dates determined by the President by notice published in the Gazette".

The "August Version" that was released with much fanfare for the citizens to read and digest is now missing from the internet - for the link has been removed by the Government of Fiji and the Ministry of Information. The President signed the "September Version" on Friday 6 September 2013.
So, it is very clear that the public of Fiji read one version, and are now in possession of another version, especially on the issue of land where "rights" in the August Version have been substituted with "ownership".
And on 6 September Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum, who is also the Minister for Justice, Anti-Corruption, Public Enterprises, Communications, Civil Aviation, Tourism, Industry and Trade and the Minister responsible for Elections, and is also the Acting Minister for Local Government, Urban Development, Housing and Environment, tweeted: "President, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, gives his assent to the 2013 Constitution".
Yes, to WHICH ONE, Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum?
When did the President issue "Notice in a Gazette" and when did you insert the words "7 September 2013"?