"I seriously doubt the president and the first lady have been told to "get out." Rather, I believe it's the norm to relocate our president and first lady when major repairs are undertaken at the presidential abode. Khaiyum has nothing to do with it. It is nature taking its course and just like any other home, it does need repairs occasionally. Blowing things out of proportion through slanted articles does not help soften the truth. It merely hides it and like a phoenix rising from the ashes, people are in awe when the truth emerges. Reading your blog, it is apparent that the need to gag the media by the government was obviously not done to silence opinions. It was done so lies such as this do not further divide the races in Fiji and cause confusion.
Naturally the response from your readers (and you) no doubt will be that I am a government sympathizer. My comment may even be rejected for publication.
When you are employed by the civil service to a middle management position, and you are hired based on merit instead of the color of ones skin, it is like a veil is lifted and one realizes that perhaps some good is coming from the changes.
I leave you here with the following: there are some who choose to see the cup as being half-empty while there are others who see it as half full. Which are you Victor? "