"In April 2015 our Investigative Intelligence Research Network of this forum posted that Sodelpa is planing a coup worse than 2000 coup. Now the latest discovery saying similar findings but from a different independent source. Yes, sodelpa had plans to kill Fiji First Parliamentarians from 2014 but in 2015, sodelpa also had two of its own member of parliament in the assassination plot. Sodelpa coup board also ordered assassination of Bulitavo and Radrodro who questioned Ro Kepa's leadership...On 11 November 2015 police officers stole our external hard drive and the matter was reported to acting Police Commissioner on 12 November 2015 with a police report. The external hard drive contained information from public regarding coup plots of sodelpa but all source and names were coded with 17 digits of which 4 four were variable digits generated by formulas only known to us. People who stole that hard drive cannot use it because they need 4 keys that encrypted that database...The coded email leaked in Lautoka when decoded reveals Mosese Bulitavu's name on the hit list...In 2000 during the coup, rebels came to know that Kishore Kumaar’s computer hard drive contained all the entire coup plan and and the masters of the coup. Rebels attacked him on the early morning at Naitasiri but Kishore Kumaar endured tortures with marks still visible on his shoulders and chest. On this day, military rescued Kishore Kumaar from the rebels...The recent attack on a Lautoka man who gave all 2015 planed coup of sodelpa to AG and to the acting police commissioner has shaken us all. Similar death threat has been made to Kishore Kumaar with one failed one in 2000 with a knife on his neck but
military rescued him."
FFP supporter and publisher Kishore Kumaar

November 25 at 12:53am
Sodelpa too busy engaged in coup plots
Kishore Kumaarr officially joined social media not to correspond with friends but to make political statement against 2000 coup masters. In 2000 Kishore Kumaar handed his computer to Captain Jack who has now retired and to another army officer known as Charlie. Handing over made possible after Kishore Kumaar spoke to Police Officer Vuniwaqa about confidential documents in his computer that spoke about 2000 coup and the people behind it.
With further help from military officer Charlie, the complete electronic coup document written in both iTaukei and English language handed over to military.
In 2000 during the coup, rebels came to know that Kishore Kumaar’s computer hard drive contained all the entire coup plan and and the masters of the coup. Rebels attacked him on the early morning at Naitasiri but Kishore Kumaar endured tortures with marks still visible on his shoulders and chest. On this day, military rescued Kishore Kumaar from the rebels.
In 2003, the then Prime Minister Qrase called Kishore Kumaar and offered him Senators position to stop him from further disclosing the names of those behind 2000 coup. Later Qaranivalu of Naitasiri and the then Fijian Teachers Association President Tevita Koroi in 2004 tried to negotiate with Kishore Kumaar not to further talk about the 2000 coup confidential documents.
However, Kishore Kumaar made all findings and disclosures transparent to the Republic of Fiji Military Force.
In February of 2000 Kishore Kumaar took his computer from Naitasiri to Mega Com in Samabula for repairs. Mega Com used their client’s computer to format Kishore Kumaarr’s computer process called mapping. All documents in the other computer copied to Kishore Kumaar’s computer with the earlier coup plan date showing 17 August 1999 and the execution date 19 May 2000.
The recent attack on a Lautoka man who gave all 2015 planed coup of sodelpa to AG and to the acting police commissioner has shaken us all. Similar death threat has been made to Kishore Kumaar with one failed one in 2000 with a knife on his neck but military rescued him.
Kishore Kumaarr told sodelpa that killing him will not solve the problem because entire military intelligence is aware of his leaking 2000 coup documents and they know people behind the 2000 coup. Kishore Kumaar remains static that Ro Kepa played significant hidden role during racist 2000 coup and she continues to play significant role in recent exposed coup plan. There are two factions in sodelpa. The faction that supports Kepa leadership is inciting rebels for another racist coup.
Kishore Kumaar challenged sodelpa to report the matter to police to stop Kishore Kumaar from publishing about Kepa's involvement in the racist 2000 coup and her involvement in recent exposed coup plans. We challenge her and Ro Kepa to take the matter to court and we repeadedly gave her such challenge from 2014 but she refused to take us to court. She and sodelpa is not prepared to take Kishore Kumaar to court because by doing so she and sodelpa will further expose their involvement in the 2000 coup and the current exposed coup plans.
Instead, sodelpa is giving Kishore Kumaar death threats and warning on social media but refusing to take him to court. Guilty people give threats instead of taking the matter to court.
"The coded email leaked in Lautoka when decoded reveals Mosese Bulitavu's name on the hit list." - Kishore Kumaar; Police and Military Sources: Were E-mails fictitiously sent by Kumaar and his so-called Investigative Intelligence Research Network or one of their "operatives" used Singh's internet computer in Lautoka and allegedly left for him to print out the incriminating e-mails and give it to Qiliho?

8 hrs · Sodelpa also planned to kill with own MP.
Sodelpa planned to kill all Fiji First MP but had plans to kill one of their own MP as well.
The coded email leaked in Lautoka when decoded reveals Mosese Bulitavu's name on the hit list.

Yesterday at 2:20pm ·
Plan to coup and kill is something that this forum has been highlighting from April 2014. In April 2015 our Investigative Intelligence Research Network of this forum posted that Sodelpa is planing a coup worse than 2000 coup.
In July we leaked a correspondence where Ro Kepa told the then Commander Mosese Tuitoga, "In that case, you step down". We than published in this forum that we can clearly see a coup coming and that Judas must be kicked out. Four days later, Commander resigned.
We asked the then Land Force Commander who is currently the acting Police Commissioner [Qiliho] about a segment of a tiny group in military prepared to execute a coup. Land Force Commanding officer asked, who got the guts to coup after they know what happened to rebels during 2000 mutiny.
Land Force Commander told us that military will protect the government and that military will not allow repetition of 2000 political history.
We than questioned former Police Commissioner Ben Groenewald why he refused to arrest or question us about our social media publication that clearly indicated that sodelpa is planing a coup. Instead, Ben Groenewald instructed CID to call Kishore Kumaar in the office and ask the names of military intelligence officers associated with our research work. From CID, Kishore Kumaar called Land Force Commander and the Land Force Commander told me to tell them if they want to know the name, they should contact Land Force Commander. Ben Groenewald told his officers to let me go but failed to contact military for the names. We reported that we find behavior of Ben Groenewald politically fishy.
We published from April 2014 that Jagath Karunaratne the President of Fiji United Freedom Party is financing the coup plans with investors from overseas. We published that Mr Karunaratne is working with sodelpa to coup Fiji First. We published that Karunaratne is interested in the mines and minerals of Fiji.
Now the latest discovery saying similar findings but from a different independent source.
Yes, sodelpa had plans to kill Fiji First Parliamentarians from 2014 but in 2015, sodelpa also had two of its own member of parliament in the assassination plot. Sodelpa coup board also ordered assassination of Bulitavo and Radrodro who questioned Ro Kepa's leadership.
Fijileaks: But why would the Lautoka internet cafe owner Rajneel Singh subject himself to be allegedly beaten up and then personally phone Sitiveni Qiliho to rescue him? Or Kishore Kumaar be involved in sending fictitious e-mails regarding alleged assassination plots? He, however, seems to be an expert at decoding numbers into names? But it seems military are in the habit of rescuing the likes of Kumaar and Singh over assassination and coup plot plans!
"On 11 November 2015 police officers stole our external hard drive and the matter was reported to acting Police Commissioner on 12 November 2015 with a police report. The external hard drive contained information from public regarding coup plots of sodelpa but all source and names were coded with 17 digits of which 4 four were variable digits generated by formulas only known to us. People who stole that hard drive cannot use it because they need 4 keys that encrypted that database." - Kumaar

November 24 ·
Investigative Intelligence Research Network of the private forum Fiji First Party (Vote for Bainimarama) social media head admin Kishore Kumaar is asking all those who passed national security information to Kishore Kumaar via messenger to please delete all your correspondence with Kishore Kumaar.
If you lose your phone or become victim of computer theft, your correspondence with us will not be known to any third party. From our side, once Kishore Kumaar receives any information from people regarding national security, we create a data base with code and decoding passwords are only known to us.
On 11 November 2015 police officers stole our external hard drive and the matter was reported to acting Police Commissioner on 12 November 2015 with a police report. The external hard drive contained information from public regarding coup plots of sodelpa but all source and names were coded with 17 digits of which 4 four were variable digits generated by formulas only known to us. People who stole that hard drive cannot use it because they need 4 keys that encrypted that database.
When you send us information, please clear all conversation to minimize risk because you not know when your phone will get missing or goes into the wrong hand. If is perfectly safe to correspond with us but delete your message if it is highly confidential for your own safety. From our side, we delete your message after we transfer them in our protected database with your name appearing in codes only known to us.
We remain static to our research findings that Ro Kepa was involved in the 2000 coup and that she is also involved in many other plans to coup Fiji First Party government.
The picture shows Commoner George Speight with his arms around Ro Teimumu Kepa whispering highly confidential information during 2000 racist coup.

November 22 at 2:02pm ·
AG acting Position for Prime Minister extended for another 21 days.
Fijian Attorney General proved that Haka will not scare pigs away from human territory. A gorilla move will send pigs to their homes and into safe pig territory.
We must respect animals and send them to right place if you find them in loitering around in dangerous or prohibited zones. AG found some pigs in parliament and did a gorilla move to send pigs outside.
Meanwhile, AG will continue to act as Prime Minister for another 21 days or until Prime Minister Bainimarama returns from business talks in overseas.
November 23
An injured man is under military guard at Lautoka Hospital after he was allegedly assaulted by Police.
Rajneel Singh, 32, an internet café operator in Lautoka, claimed he was “tortured with a hot rod” and dumped at a pine forest between Nadi and Sigatoka.
Acting Police Commissioner, Brigadier-General Sitiveni Qiliho confirmed Mr Singh had called him for help.
He said an investigating team from Internal Affairs in Suva had been dispatched to Lautoka to conduct an inquiry and report back to him today.
Mr Singh claimed Police officers started behaving strangely after he sent copies of plans to undermine the Government to Brigadier-General Qiliho and the Attorney-General’s office. He alleged he found the plans in his computer after the previous user had forgotten to log off.
Mr Singh said he met Brigadier-General Qiliho at Denarau when the acting commissioner visited Lautoka and discussed the alleged plans.
During the meeting, Brigadier-General Qiliho gave his telephone number to him.
Mr Singh said it was lucky that he had the acting commissioner’s number otherwise he might have been left for dead.
He said he then called him and reported the case. He claimed the military picked him and brought him to hospital.
“Now they are guarding me to protect me,” he said.
Mr Singh said the acting commissioner had instructed the Police in the West to investigate after his initial report. He is married with a four-month-old boy
It is understood that Brigadier-General Qiliho is concerned about the alleged Police brutality.
This will be the first case of this kind to come to him since his appointment. Source: Fiji Sun
Saturday, January 04, 2014
A LAUTOKA businessman has taken it upon himself to search for missing computers and technical equipment worth $30,000.
Owner of Rarosi Internet Cafe Rajneel Singh said he lost about 20 computers along with gaming equipment in an early morning robbery three months ago.
"I will give $1500 to anyone who has any information that will help me locate this equipment," Mr Singh said.
"I have tried a number of avenues that will help me find my missing computers and they have proven unsuccessful.
"So I will offer this cash reward as a last resort."
He said the missing items included 28 whole set computers and a 39-inch TV screen.
"I've lodged my complaint with police and I do hope that they catch the thieves behind this robbery.
"I am grateful to police for recovering two of the stolen PCs but I want the rest of the items for my business."
He added this was not the first time the internet shop was broken into by thieves.
"In the first one, I also had 28 PCs, the thieves took 20 computers."
Police confirmed the search for the missing items was continuing. Source: Fiji Times