"I support what MP, Mosese Bulitavu has said, not because he is a member of SODELPA but because he supports the fact that he is a young man with land and he wants to do development for his people and this
is a Bill that will help him."
Bainimarama endorsing Bill 17, now passed by FFP controlled Parliament
"Everyone in Opposition should listen to Mosese Bulitavu and Tupou Draunidalo who have spoken in support of the Bill [17]."
FAIYAZ KOYA, Minister for Commerce, Trade and Tourism
From Fijileaks Archive, 23 February 2015. We had based our stories on the extensive e-mails and documents that Bulitavu had supplied to us. Sadly, to often, far too often, these LIU MURIS have crossed to FFP and other political parties, leaving Fijileaks exposed but to keep fighting on behalf of the suffering Fijians. Our new policy - EXPOSE these scroundrels - who deviously use Fijileaks as a conduit for their own personal, political, and economic advancement. Bloody Judas Iscariots!
Naiwailevu Bauxite Mining - Bua - NA VEIVAKALOLOMATAKI
The Auditor General's Report in summary has revealed that:
1. of all the 88 parcel of land designated to the Land Use Unit's "Land Bank" only 12 land parcels were advertised;
2. investigations by the Auditor-General confirm for Mataqali Nalutu, Noro and Naicobo land lease titles issued to Aurum Exploration Limited - the leases were issued by the Land Use Unit's "Land Bank" at the directive of the PM (no land owner consultation or consent);
3. Land Use Unit also confirmed to the Auditor General that leases were issued prior to the conduct of survey and approvals of survey plans (abuse of process). For this purpose LUU (Land Bank) issued a MOA and MOU to allow use of land while approval process were still in progress. The insistence of Chinese investors for sure with bribes to the PM to give directive to LUU to allow access;
4. Auditor General noted that the extraction of bauxite exceeded allowable quota. In addition LUU "Land Bank" have no recorded data on the volumes of soil and rocks extracted from the lease area. However, Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority (FRCA) recorded that 1,287,843.7 tonnes of soil were taken for shipment as at 14/10/2014. The Auditor General noted that amount recorded by FRCA was in access of the volume of allowable quota of bauxite extraction as per condition of the Memorandum of Lease (MoL) issued by the PM (must another cut here for FB and ASK). The volume limit is 1,000,000 tonnes under MoL 18262 ;
5. Memorandum of Lease no. 18262 was not aligned to its Special Mining License 59 of 13/5/2011 as to which one the Chinese Company was using. This reveals the lack of consultation with stakeholders in drawing the terms of the lease;
6. Fair Share of royalty on the surface lease for the three Mataqali's was not paid by Aurum Exploration Limited until November 2014 (mining started in 2011). Funds $600,000 was deposited by Aurum Exploration Limited to the Land's Department but has not reached the Mataqali's via LUU "Land Bank" lease system which is not in place like NLTB (this the disadvantage of having a parallel land leasing system competing with NLTB). Here is FB's statement in 2011 at the opening of the Bauxite Mining:
“I am also pleased to note that benefits to landowners are being progressively met with the partial release of lease payments, the construction of infrastructure like roads and mobile telecommunications, and ongoing discussions with Aurum Explorations (Fiji) Limited to provide employment and contracts for local trucking and catering businesses. Already, Aurum has paid a total of almost a million Fijian dollars to the land owning units, with a remaining two million Fijian dollars to be paid out within two years.
The Divisional Commissioner will also play an active role in assisting landowners with their development projects including housing, water supply, provision of electricity, and education, among others.In fact, Government is now working towards providing electricity for Nawailevu Village by early next year, with the rest of the villages to be progressively served. These developments will provide a suitable platform for socio-economic development not only at Nawailevu, but for the whole of Vanua Levu. This is consistent with Government’s Look North Policy. "
(full speech attached)
7. The LUU "Land Bank" has not lease compliance mechanism for defaulters like NLTB;
8. Minister for Lands Mere Vuniwaqa and her predecessor issued new leases to Aurum Exploration Limited for lands belonging to Mataqali Nalutu, Naicobo without proper lease screening, applications were not made on proper forms and details of proper financial standings were not submitted by Aurum Exploration Limited.
The Auditor General's Report in summary has revealed that:
1. of all the 88 parcel of land designated to the Land Use Unit's "Land Bank" only 12 land parcels were advertised;
2. investigations by the Auditor-General confirm for Mataqali Nalutu, Noro and Naicobo land lease titles issued to Aurum Exploration Limited - the leases were issued by the Land Use Unit's "Land Bank" at the directive of the PM (no land owner consultation or consent);
3. Land Use Unit also confirmed to the Auditor General that leases were issued prior to the conduct of survey and approvals of survey plans (abuse of process). For this purpose LUU (Land Bank) issued a MOA and MOU to allow use of land while approval process were still in progress. The insistence of Chinese investors for sure with bribes to the PM to give directive to LUU to allow access;
4. Auditor General noted that the extraction of bauxite exceeded allowable quota. In addition LUU "Land Bank" have no recorded data on the volumes of soil and rocks extracted from the lease area. However, Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority (FRCA) recorded that 1,287,843.7 tonnes of soil were taken for shipment as at 14/10/2014. The Auditor General noted that amount recorded by FRCA was in access of the volume of allowable quota of bauxite extraction as per condition of the Memorandum of Lease (MoL) issued by the PM (must another cut here for FB and ASK). The volume limit is 1,000,000 tonnes under MoL 18262 ;
5. Memorandum of Lease no. 18262 was not aligned to its Special Mining License 59 of 13/5/2011 as to which one the Chinese Company was using. This reveals the lack of consultation with stakeholders in drawing the terms of the lease;
6. Fair Share of royalty on the surface lease for the three Mataqali's was not paid by Aurum Exploration Limited until November 2014 (mining started in 2011). Funds $600,000 was deposited by Aurum Exploration Limited to the Land's Department but has not reached the Mataqali's via LUU "Land Bank" lease system which is not in place like NLTB (this the disadvantage of having a parallel land leasing system competing with NLTB). Here is FB's statement in 2011 at the opening of the Bauxite Mining:
“I am also pleased to note that benefits to landowners are being progressively met with the partial release of lease payments, the construction of infrastructure like roads and mobile telecommunications, and ongoing discussions with Aurum Explorations (Fiji) Limited to provide employment and contracts for local trucking and catering businesses. Already, Aurum has paid a total of almost a million Fijian dollars to the land owning units, with a remaining two million Fijian dollars to be paid out within two years.
The Divisional Commissioner will also play an active role in assisting landowners with their development projects including housing, water supply, provision of electricity, and education, among others.In fact, Government is now working towards providing electricity for Nawailevu Village by early next year, with the rest of the villages to be progressively served. These developments will provide a suitable platform for socio-economic development not only at Nawailevu, but for the whole of Vanua Levu. This is consistent with Government’s Look North Policy. "
(full speech attached)
7. The LUU "Land Bank" has not lease compliance mechanism for defaulters like NLTB;
8. Minister for Lands Mere Vuniwaqa and her predecessor issued new leases to Aurum Exploration Limited for lands belonging to Mataqali Nalutu, Naicobo without proper lease screening, applications were not made on proper forms and details of proper financial standings were not submitted by Aurum Exploration Limited.
Bula Victor,
Permanent Mission’s First Secretary, Jim Bai, advised the Forum that Fiji’s 2013 Constitution is consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. Bai said the constitution affirms that the ownership of all i-Taukei land shall remain with the customary owners and that i-Taukei land can never be alienated by sale or transfer. (He did not say the complete section 28 which states "the ownership of all i-Taukei land shall remain with the customary owners and that i-Taukei land can never be alienated by sale or transfer, except to the State according section 27." Section 27 is for public purpose and like the Nawailevu case, the Spokesman Vilikesa Rakaidawa said that when the Ministry of Lands came in 2011 for them to sign the consent form they were told that they only have 30mins. Their was no advice and when they rang their lawyer he was not available. Govt. officials told them under the law of Compulsory Acquisition, the State will alienate their native land even if they do not give consent.
In addition Jim Bai also explained that for the first time, the constitution’s Bill of Rights sets out the right to a fair share of royalties for the landowners of any minerals found under their land or under the seabed in which they have customary fishing rights. Well, the attached is the signed Nawailevu Pettion as evidence that Govt. is the first to breach this right.
Permanent Mission’s First Secretary, Jim Bai, advised the Forum that Fiji’s 2013 Constitution is consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. Bai said the constitution affirms that the ownership of all i-Taukei land shall remain with the customary owners and that i-Taukei land can never be alienated by sale or transfer. (He did not say the complete section 28 which states "the ownership of all i-Taukei land shall remain with the customary owners and that i-Taukei land can never be alienated by sale or transfer, except to the State according section 27." Section 27 is for public purpose and like the Nawailevu case, the Spokesman Vilikesa Rakaidawa said that when the Ministry of Lands came in 2011 for them to sign the consent form they were told that they only have 30mins. Their was no advice and when they rang their lawyer he was not available. Govt. officials told them under the law of Compulsory Acquisition, the State will alienate their native land even if they do not give consent.
In addition Jim Bai also explained that for the first time, the constitution’s Bill of Rights sets out the right to a fair share of royalties for the landowners of any minerals found under their land or under the seabed in which they have customary fishing rights. Well, the attached is the signed Nawailevu Pettion as evidence that Govt. is the first to breach this right.
22 April 2015
Deal All
Ni sa bula vinaka tale.
The land owners of Mataqali Naicobo at Nawailevu have returned the signed petition and the two other Mataqali's will deliver theirs by tomo. All Mataqali's have singed. The spokesman Vilikesa Rakaidawa (mobile: (redacted) has been busy anwering calls from overseas media and indigenous movement groups (local and abroad). He said its just like a dream come true (thanks to those of you who had made the Nawailevu plea available online).
The Police and Military intelligence also were in Nawailevu collecting infor. on the petition and for their briefing to Minister for Defence, PM and AG. They presented a copy of the petition to Mr. Rakaidawa and said that they also support the cause (a technique to fish information).
The Ministry of Lands officials went down to Nawailevu yesterday to tell the land owners that the Minister of Lands under pressure has confirm that a workshop will be at Labasa in June and the fair share of royalty will be given. The workshop will include Home Finance officials for property investment and FHL for buying of units. Department of Lands wants to establish development projects for them and Fiji First claim that it did it for them.
In our discussion today, I have advised them which will be in the minute to change the government trustees - replacing Minister for Agriculture Inia Seruiratu with a Mataqali member and they only accept the projects propossed by the Minister at the workshop in June once the arrears is settled by Aurum Exploration (Fiji) Limited - which is about $1.5m. The Minister wants to come a do business with only the $600,000 deposited in December 2014. We want the Company to pay a penalty for late payment etc. The Minister has to make an assurance as to when the lease and license will be terminated if the bauxite work is completed.
The Ministry of Lands have explained to the land owners yesterday that a top survey will be conducted to determined the depth of the extraction done by the Company. The landowners voiced their concerns that now the rehabilitation works has filled the holes with sawdust to mix with sand to replace the soil and rocks that have been taken to China. Ministry of Lands officials were surprised and they said they were unaware of the sawdust refill and will contact Mineral Resource Department HQ on that issue.
Attach is the signed pettion from Nawailevu and their new Deed of Trust application to replace Inia Seruiratu. Why was he a trustees in the first place when he is not a member of the Nawailevu landowning unit?
10 Attachments
Deal All
Ni sa bula vinaka tale.
The land owners of Mataqali Naicobo at Nawailevu have returned the signed petition and the two other Mataqali's will deliver theirs by tomo. All Mataqali's have singed. The spokesman Vilikesa Rakaidawa (mobile: (redacted) has been busy anwering calls from overseas media and indigenous movement groups (local and abroad). He said its just like a dream come true (thanks to those of you who had made the Nawailevu plea available online).
The Police and Military intelligence also were in Nawailevu collecting infor. on the petition and for their briefing to Minister for Defence, PM and AG. They presented a copy of the petition to Mr. Rakaidawa and said that they also support the cause (a technique to fish information).
The Ministry of Lands officials went down to Nawailevu yesterday to tell the land owners that the Minister of Lands under pressure has confirm that a workshop will be at Labasa in June and the fair share of royalty will be given. The workshop will include Home Finance officials for property investment and FHL for buying of units. Department of Lands wants to establish development projects for them and Fiji First claim that it did it for them.
In our discussion today, I have advised them which will be in the minute to change the government trustees - replacing Minister for Agriculture Inia Seruiratu with a Mataqali member and they only accept the projects propossed by the Minister at the workshop in June once the arrears is settled by Aurum Exploration (Fiji) Limited - which is about $1.5m. The Minister wants to come a do business with only the $600,000 deposited in December 2014. We want the Company to pay a penalty for late payment etc. The Minister has to make an assurance as to when the lease and license will be terminated if the bauxite work is completed.
The Ministry of Lands have explained to the land owners yesterday that a top survey will be conducted to determined the depth of the extraction done by the Company. The landowners voiced their concerns that now the rehabilitation works has filled the holes with sawdust to mix with sand to replace the soil and rocks that have been taken to China. Ministry of Lands officials were surprised and they said they were unaware of the sawdust refill and will contact Mineral Resource Department HQ on that issue.
Attach is the signed pettion from Nawailevu and their new Deed of Trust application to replace Inia Seruiratu. Why was he a trustees in the first place when he is not a member of the Nawailevu landowning unit?
10 Attachments
"Inia Seruiratu. Why was he a trustee in the first place, when he is
not a member of the Nawailevu landowning unit?"
Mosese Bulitavu to Sodelpa, private email, 22 April 2015, bbc to Fijileaks
Defence Minister, Inia Seruiratu has shed some light on why politicians have been taken in for questioning in relation to Bill 17. Members of the Social Democratic Liberal Party, the National Federation Party and the Fiji Labour Party have been questioned by the Criminal Investigations Department over the past week. Speaking in parliament this afternoon, Seruiratu pointed to Fiji’s past upheavals where iTaukei landowners were lied to and used to cause public unrest. I"’m sorry that people are being interviewed by police, but the police are doing their job because of the mistakes of what has happened in the past. We don’t want Suva to be burnt again. Whatever statement we are making let’s do it with responsibility because words are powerful.”
Police have also increased their public presence and monitoring in the past few days saying it’s related to comments being made on Bill 17 and the possibility that it could lead to incitement.
Police have also increased their public presence and monitoring in the past few days saying it’s related to comments being made on Bill 17 and the possibility that it could lead to incitement.
Bula All,
Attach is a letter by the Mataqali Naboutini, Wailevu, Cakaudrove to TLTB GM asking who has a superior right TLTB and Minister or Landowners according to 2013 Constitution.
A support letter is attached questioning TLTB GM does TLTB protect the rights of the Land Owning Units or not?
We can use this to hit back as PM statements "land is protected, iTaukei is safe through rights in section 28 of 2013 Constitution)
7 Attachments
Attach is a letter by the Mataqali Naboutini, Wailevu, Cakaudrove to TLTB GM asking who has a superior right TLTB and Minister or Landowners according to 2013 Constitution.
A support letter is attached questioning TLTB GM does TLTB protect the rights of the Land Owning Units or not?
We can use this to hit back as PM statements "land is protected, iTaukei is safe through rights in section 28 of 2013 Constitution)
7 Attachments
4th May 2015
Mataqali Naboutini
Yavusa Navesi
Tikina ko Wailevu
The General Manager
Itaukei Land Trust Board
Re: Distribution of lease to personal account
Dear Sir,
After our Mataqali meeting on the 15th of March, 2015 at the Nacodreudreu Village Community Hall the members have agreed that TLTB must not deposit to individual accounts our lease monies for the economic benefit and welfare of the Landowning Unit.
This economic benefit and welfare includes a housing project that the Mataqali wants to undertake. In exercise of our customary right in the 2013 Constitution which supersedes the Decree 61 of 2010 Native Land Trust (Leases and Licences Amendment) we instruct TLTB as trustees of our native land not to release our lease monies until further consultation.
We believe that the mode of distribution will prevent the Mataqali from its housing project and with not improve our standard of living.
We hope and pray that you consider our concerns and act in the best interest of the Mataqali.
We, the undersigned attest our signature as evidence that we agree as a communal unit to commitment ourselves for the best interest of the members and also for the future generation.
Mataqali Naboutini
Yavusa Navesi
Tikina ko Wailevu
The General Manager
Itaukei Land Trust Board
Re: Distribution of lease to personal account
Dear Sir,
After our Mataqali meeting on the 15th of March, 2015 at the Nacodreudreu Village Community Hall the members have agreed that TLTB must not deposit to individual accounts our lease monies for the economic benefit and welfare of the Landowning Unit.
This economic benefit and welfare includes a housing project that the Mataqali wants to undertake. In exercise of our customary right in the 2013 Constitution which supersedes the Decree 61 of 2010 Native Land Trust (Leases and Licences Amendment) we instruct TLTB as trustees of our native land not to release our lease monies until further consultation.
We believe that the mode of distribution will prevent the Mataqali from its housing project and with not improve our standard of living.
We hope and pray that you consider our concerns and act in the best interest of the Mataqali.
We, the undersigned attest our signature as evidence that we agree as a communal unit to commitment ourselves for the best interest of the members and also for the future generation.
mosese bulitavu <[email protected]> Fri, 15 May 2015, 03:03
to me
Petition has been presented and sent to Parliamentary Committee for Natural Resources.
to me
Petition has been presented and sent to Parliamentary Committee for Natural Resources.
This was on Monday:
Nawailevu landowners will get their fair share of money – Mere Vuniwaqa By Vijay Narayan Tuesday12/05/2015
Lands and Mineral Resources Minister Mereseini Vuniwaqa said:
Public consultations will be held soon on the determination of the fair share of royalty to be paid to the Nawailevu landowners where bauxite mining is currently underway. This has been confirmed by Lands and Mineral Resources Minister Mereseini Vuniwaqa following questions raised by SODELPA parliamentarians on the payment for landowners.
Opposition MP Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu questioned Vuniwaqa why the royalty payments have not been made.
Vuniwaqa says the royalty payment is being held in trust with the Mineral Resources Department until the fair share is determined after the consultations as stated in the constitution.
She also highlighted that for the Nawailevu bauxite mine, Aurum Exploration Fiji Limited has paid the premium and rent payable for the surface lease, lease and premium for access to the mining, camp, quarry and stockpile sites have been paid. Vuniwaqa also said the company has also paid the fisheries rights compensation and the rock royalty.
Vuniwaqa says payments yet to be accessed by the landowners are the future generation fund and royalties in relation to the extraction of bauxite.
She says there are certain issues in relation to the setting up of the trust funds in the relevant mataqalis and relevant trustee issues. This is being sorted out before the mataqali can access these funds.
She also says the government and Aurum Exploration are also working out a way to determine the amount of bauxite ore that has been mined in Nawailevu.
This was on Thursday:
Royalty query
Vuniwaqa Bola-Bari And Luke Rawalai
Friday, May 15, 2015
Opposition MP Mosese Drecala Bulitavu, left, talks to Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum as they make their way out of Parliament yesterday. Picture: ATU RASEA
LANDOWNERS in Nawailevu, Bua have denied receipt of any rock or soil royalty.
This was relayed to Parliament yesterday by Opposition member Mosese Bulitavu who questioned Lands Minister Mereseini Vuniwaqa's confirmation on Monday that landowners had been paid rock royalties.
He informed Parliament landowners of Nawailevu had only been paid goodwill of $570,000 which was held under a Trust.
"They have received a total of $32,000 from lease proceeds so far, $18,000 per annum for a period of two years and the landowners are not aware of any rock and soil royalty payments and they confirm they have not received these royalty payments," Mr Bulitavu said.
Mr Bulitavu's comments were confirmed to this newspaper by landowners yesterday. Landowners said they understood the soil and rocks royalty was being processed by the Lands Ministry and they had not received it.
Vilikesa Kaidawa said they had only received money for the leasing of the mining site which stood at $32,000 and they were aware of the ministry's intention to set aside $60,000 soon as trust fund for future generations of Nawailevu. He confirmed since 2011 to 2015 they have been receiving lease premiums of $8000 every six months.
Mr Kaidawa said they had been informed that rock and soil royalty would be given once mining works ended following a survey to determine the amount of soil and rocks used during the mining process and the amount of royalty to be paid.
Meanwhile, this newspaper was earlier informed by Mrs Vuniwaqa that one of her ministry's priorities this year was to determine a formula that would give shares of royalty monies to all landowners. This is a provision on Section 30 of the 2013 Constitution.
Nawailevu landowners will get their fair share of money – Mere Vuniwaqa By Vijay Narayan Tuesday12/05/2015
Lands and Mineral Resources Minister Mereseini Vuniwaqa said:
Public consultations will be held soon on the determination of the fair share of royalty to be paid to the Nawailevu landowners where bauxite mining is currently underway. This has been confirmed by Lands and Mineral Resources Minister Mereseini Vuniwaqa following questions raised by SODELPA parliamentarians on the payment for landowners.
Opposition MP Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu questioned Vuniwaqa why the royalty payments have not been made.
Vuniwaqa says the royalty payment is being held in trust with the Mineral Resources Department until the fair share is determined after the consultations as stated in the constitution.
She also highlighted that for the Nawailevu bauxite mine, Aurum Exploration Fiji Limited has paid the premium and rent payable for the surface lease, lease and premium for access to the mining, camp, quarry and stockpile sites have been paid. Vuniwaqa also said the company has also paid the fisheries rights compensation and the rock royalty.
Vuniwaqa says payments yet to be accessed by the landowners are the future generation fund and royalties in relation to the extraction of bauxite.
She says there are certain issues in relation to the setting up of the trust funds in the relevant mataqalis and relevant trustee issues. This is being sorted out before the mataqali can access these funds.
She also says the government and Aurum Exploration are also working out a way to determine the amount of bauxite ore that has been mined in Nawailevu.
This was on Thursday:
Royalty query
Vuniwaqa Bola-Bari And Luke Rawalai
Friday, May 15, 2015
Opposition MP Mosese Drecala Bulitavu, left, talks to Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum as they make their way out of Parliament yesterday. Picture: ATU RASEA
LANDOWNERS in Nawailevu, Bua have denied receipt of any rock or soil royalty.
This was relayed to Parliament yesterday by Opposition member Mosese Bulitavu who questioned Lands Minister Mereseini Vuniwaqa's confirmation on Monday that landowners had been paid rock royalties.
He informed Parliament landowners of Nawailevu had only been paid goodwill of $570,000 which was held under a Trust.
"They have received a total of $32,000 from lease proceeds so far, $18,000 per annum for a period of two years and the landowners are not aware of any rock and soil royalty payments and they confirm they have not received these royalty payments," Mr Bulitavu said.
Mr Bulitavu's comments were confirmed to this newspaper by landowners yesterday. Landowners said they understood the soil and rocks royalty was being processed by the Lands Ministry and they had not received it.
Vilikesa Kaidawa said they had only received money for the leasing of the mining site which stood at $32,000 and they were aware of the ministry's intention to set aside $60,000 soon as trust fund for future generations of Nawailevu. He confirmed since 2011 to 2015 they have been receiving lease premiums of $8000 every six months.
Mr Kaidawa said they had been informed that rock and soil royalty would be given once mining works ended following a survey to determine the amount of soil and rocks used during the mining process and the amount of royalty to be paid.
Meanwhile, this newspaper was earlier informed by Mrs Vuniwaqa that one of her ministry's priorities this year was to determine a formula that would give shares of royalty monies to all landowners. This is a provision on Section 30 of the 2013 Constitution.
“To the people who signed the petition under false pretences, you should demand an apology. They asked you to affix your good name to a lie. You have been misled.”
Frank Bainimarama, speaking on the petition against Bill 17