The statement continues to say that the UN did not move a finger when crimes were being committed against Muslims. “In response to all of the above crimes and complicity of the United Nations against the Sham and his family, the Front victory detain 45 of the forces Disengagement Observer Force "UNDOF" of the United Nations, those forces that were imposed on the people of the Levant since 1974 to ensure the security and protection of the borders of the Zionist entity, the rapist to the homes of Muslims at the same time, completely ignored the blood of Muslims being shed daily on the other side of the border, and even colluded with the army Alnasiri and facilitated his movement to hit the vulnerable Muslims through what they call the "buffer zone" several times. We emphasise that the detainees is in a safe place, and in a healthy condition, and we provide them with what they need from food and treatment."