Fijileaks Investigation into FFP Donation Scandal found: (1) Double Donations (2) Suspicious Donations from Company Staff (3) One cheque written on behalf of the whole family but in the donation list they had been broken up as individual donors to FFP (4) The receipt that was issued to the Australian donors months after the money ($23,000) was brought into Fiji was allegedly issued by Aiyaz Khaiyum's wife Ela Gavoka at FFP Headquarters, so one of the donors claimed to Fijileaks. The FFP donation list reeks of criminality and FICAC must take over invesitgation. Why is Saneem not responding to us, for its not the political parties but Fijileaks that exposed the scandal, with Chaudhry now taking it up. For the record, FFP received a total of $8.1million in DONATIONS. The two Pinocchios will run to Fiji Media but not respond to Fijileaks. BIZARRELY, Saneem now says there is No Legal Age Limit for party donations. How many underage children and grandchildren donated $10,000 each to FFParty?
His contract should never have been renewed until FICAC had dealt with him. When will he publish 2020 Party Donation Lists? In 2025? Why he took SIX Years to publish lists? Can Saneem explain why he did not publish in the Fiji Sun the 2014 Donation List that contains double donation from one Dickson/Dicksom Peng? How much did the Elections Office pay Khaiyum's Fiji Sun to publish the donor party lists, which was on sale for only one day. We repeat: Load the entire donation lists on Fiji Elections Office Website so all and sundry, including registered voters, can access the names of all donors. Just read the two Pinocchios when evidence flies straight through their noses
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