FOR REDDY'S FILE: One Cabinet Minister colleague Timoci Natuva is still on the run from FICAC, hiding under the sulu of FijiFirst Party
April 10, 2015
Opposition leader Ro Teimumu Kepa today cautioned Education Minister Mahendra Reddy to tread carefully when dealing with matters relating to the iTaukei community in Fiji
Opposition leader Ro Teimumu Kepa today cautioned Education Minister Mahendra Reddy to tread carefully when dealing with matters relating to the iTaukei community in Fiji.
Ro Teimumu said it was one thing to hurl abuse and disrespect to the Chiefs and iTaukei community while systematically dismantling their institutions in Fiji through imposed decrees, but it is quite another to plan heavy handed and unwelcomed reforms into matters involving our children. I am referring to Mr Reddy’s plans to impose his will and preferences on Adi Cakobau, QVS and RKS. She said.
Ro Teimumu said that without consultation or proper consideration. Mr Reddy has announced reforms that are creating alarm and anger. Most of these reforms would have far reaching implications and consequences for the future of our children and their families.
Ro Teimumu Kepa said Mr Reddy’s comments were not only inciteful but it carried with it an underlying tone of arrogance and impertinence, viavia levu from one, whose journey to prosperity was on the backs of the generosity and good nature of the Chiefs and indigenous people of Fiji who allowed their lands and resources to be used by all for the good of Fiji.
Ro Teimumu said it was foolish of Mahendra Reddy, his party and backers to interpret the silence of the iTaukei community in the face of the ongoing systematic destruction and re engineering of their community by the government as a sign of acceptance.
IT IS NOT. Ro Teimumu said.
The Opposition Leader said Mr Reddy’s inference that members of the iTaukei community were the ‘elites’ of Fiji is utter nonsense, this is just one of the tags created by public relations company QORVIS, acting for the Fiji First government, to discredit the Chiefs and ITaukei community.
She said for the Education Minister to refer to Adi Cakobau, QVS and RKS as elite schools says more about his prejudice then it does about his suitability to head Fiji’s Education Ministry.
Ro Teimumu said the last time she looked at a dictionary ‘Elite’ referred to a group or class of people seen as having most power and influence in a society, especially on account of their wealth or privilege.
As far as wealth goes, Ro Teimumu said there was no need to look any further than the elites in the overpaid and underperforming Fiji First cabinet and their overpaid officials. They have also created elitism in their favored businesses, media and among professional people. Many have benefited substantially over the past eight years from this culture of elitism. The Fiji First party has gained advantages from this.
The Leader challenged Mr Reddy to invite Forbes Magazine or a similar reputable Magazine to Fiji to establish a list of the country’s top 300 wealthiest individuals and their businesses, and the 300 highest paid officials. This should be done from the President down; listing their names, their worth, and the community they belong to. This should be published widely so the people of Fiji see for themselves who the real elites of Fiji are.
Ro Teimumu said like all other groups in Fiji, the iTaukei take pride in our customs, culture and heritage. We do not interfere with customs and cultures of others. However, members of other communities in the Fiji First cabinet have been leading the charge to break down our institutions and change our way of life, while leaving alone their own institutions.
This is not only wrong and unjust; it is an act of aggression against the indigenous people of Fiji which must stop now.
Ro Teimumu said these persistent attempts to re-engineer and weaken the iTaukei community are NOW TABU.
I am putting everyone in Fiji on notice that we will resist this from now on.