SOMAIYA (SOM) NAIDU (left) is accused of receiving nearly $130,000 in BACK PAY. It was done unilaterally and without a Staff Review. He was also supposed to be reviewed for further employment by the post-retirement (65) Employment Committee. It is alleged on his USP 'Abuse of Office' File that the former VC RAJESH CHANDRA had appointed Naidu despite more qualified candidates, and that he was 65, USP's compulsory retirement age. Also, the "FILE" claims he had never returned to Fiji from Australia to serve his BOND after he was sent for further studies in 1990. In 2016, he was appointed as Associate Professor and Head of USP's Centre for Flexible Learning. In Janaury 2018 his salary, backdated to March 2017, had risen to a whopping $280,000. The letter was signed by ANJEELA JOKHAN, currently Permament Secretary for Education. WHY WAS IT BACKDATED TO MARCH 2017?
(See below raft of allegations against Naidu)
We are yet to receive any response from Naidu who resides in Australia
FBC News, 14 February 2021
Raft of allegations re Naidu's USP File: | The 2017 contract was signed by Interim Director HR Dhiraj Bhartu (transferred from Centre for Flexible Learning led by Somaiya Naidu) and the 2018 variation letter was signed by Acting Vice President (Digital Services and Human Resources) Associate Professor Anjeela Jokhan (transferred from Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment). Both officers were tacitly placed in acting positions by ex-DVC Professor Armstrong and ex-VCP Rajesh Chandra |