"The former VC [Ganesh Chand] was charged for [this] and why Vimal is not charged?"

Last year (2014) his father (Mr. Maniram Sharma -E4675 age 67) cook at Uni -Services was on temporary contract went for a medical treatment to India in July (7/7/14 to 30/7/14) for knee treatment. Does the existing policy have the provision for this -a person with age 67 years? Can you find out why and how he was recruited at the age of 66? Please note Vimal was the Senior HR Officer at FNU.
After Vimal father (Mr. Maniram Sharma) return. from surgery in2014, Mr Maniram was given a contract this year (2015) and was again sent on Medical treatment to BLK·Hospital in India (11 March 2015 -28 May 2014) at { age of 68 when Vimal became HR Advisor and Manager to AVC.
The 2nd visit cost FNU approx. $9736.00 (accompanied by Mr. Manirams's. wife on FNU's expense). Memo was written on 12/03/15 by Mr Poasa, approved by AVC. All pre-arrangement was done by HR Advisor (Vimal) and AVC approved the payments. Staffs are struggling to receive treatment and bounce/pay rise but all the profits goes to Vimal & Poasa's family. .
The former VC was charged for [this] and why Vimal is not charged?
Last year also former VC approved Natasha Reddy for medical treatment with her husband (tonsil operation) to India and this year Vimal took his mother and father in same way.
So Natasha =Vimal.