Fijileaks: But could Radrodro invoke Section 44 of the Interpretation Act of the Constitution of Fiji: 'Power to appoint to include power to suspend, dismiss, and to appoint etc.'
Despite Fijileaks being blocked by FFP government and FNU, and now the three-tyred wobbly Coalition government, conscientious FNU Whistleblowers have passed onto us scores of documents, e-mails exchanges, inquiry reports relating to Sarita Devi bullying saga
*Titillatingly, at one of the FNU Council meetings, a high-profile FNU administrator claimed that one of the Coalition Ministers was allegedly involved in a 'love tryst', hence he was interfering in the sacking matter.
Sarita Devi was SACKED after she was found guilty of bullying staff.
Meanwhile, the Fiji journalists are still crying with joy for the removal of the MIDA Decree, and now waiting for a government statement.
*In fact, Radrodro's dismissal of FNU Chancellor and chair of its Council, Dr Kesaia Seniloli, and three other Council members, is ILLEGAL under the FNU Act but he could take refuge in S.44 of the Interpretation Act.
HYPROCITES: Prasad was in the forefront of condemning the FFP government for interfering with the running of USP.
*But now the TWO Coalition Ministers are doing the same at FNU.
*Titillatingly, at one of the FNU Council meetings, a high-profile FNU administrator claimed that one of the Coalition Minister's was allegedly involved in a 'love tryst', hence he was interfering in the sacking matter.
*A Banana Republic: The sackings of Seniloli, Puamau, Zinck and Nair raise a host of questions that goes to the heart of university governance, and has all the ingredients of FFP government interference at USP.
Except, yesterday's FFP accusers have become today's Abettors in trying to protect the FNU Registrar found guilty of appalling bullying of staff

The FNUGate thickens which will challenge the mettle of Sitiveni Rabuka as Prime Minister in bringing discipline and getting a grip on the developing arrogance of his senior Coalition Cabinet Members in his fragile three-legged Coalition, already exercising excesses of power.
Despite knowing the fragility of the Coalition, some senior Ministers are on jaunts of their own, similar to Aiyaz Sayed Khaiiyum’s high days, making the much-maligned modus operandi of the two-legged FijiFirst Government being remembered with nostalgia and look like only a child’s picnic.
The main player in the FNUGate was the strongest critic of the FFP governance practices but it has not taken him long to surpass abuse of power he alleged against the Duumvirate FFP Government. He even emulates Aiyaz Khaiyum’s style in the Parliament, oblivious that he is no Aiyaz Khaiyum when it comes to articulateness. One would have thought he would be chaste after his fingertip escape from the Taniguchi Scandal (courtesy of Christopher Pryde), which remains a ticking bomb.
How will Rabuka manage this scandal?
Will he look the other way and go along with his senior Minsters in protecting one Sarita Devi or will he think of her alleged victims, some of whom have had to resign to escape from her and from the lack of action taken by their employer, the FNU?
It is not only Sarita Devi who is PM’s constituent as the three Ministers in this sordid saga appear to be believe.
There are victims of Sarita Devi at the University who are also the PM’s constituent.
Where is good governance, accountability, and legal processes the Coalition Parties preached so vociferously during elections to differentiate it from the FFP?
Despite knowing the fragility of the Coalition, some senior Ministers are on jaunts of their own, similar to Aiyaz Sayed Khaiiyum’s high days, making the much-maligned modus operandi of the two-legged FijiFirst Government being remembered with nostalgia and look like only a child’s picnic.
The main player in the FNUGate was the strongest critic of the FFP governance practices but it has not taken him long to surpass abuse of power he alleged against the Duumvirate FFP Government. He even emulates Aiyaz Khaiyum’s style in the Parliament, oblivious that he is no Aiyaz Khaiyum when it comes to articulateness. One would have thought he would be chaste after his fingertip escape from the Taniguchi Scandal (courtesy of Christopher Pryde), which remains a ticking bomb.
How will Rabuka manage this scandal?
Will he look the other way and go along with his senior Minsters in protecting one Sarita Devi or will he think of her alleged victims, some of whom have had to resign to escape from her and from the lack of action taken by their employer, the FNU?
It is not only Sarita Devi who is PM’s constituent as the three Ministers in this sordid saga appear to be believe.
There are victims of Sarita Devi at the University who are also the PM’s constituent.
Where is good governance, accountability, and legal processes the Coalition Parties preached so vociferously during elections to differentiate it from the FFP?

How will Rabuka react to the unprecedented sacking of the Chancellor of his national university, a most prestigious of positions in Fiji? How will Rabuka react to the sacking of the highly respected, educated, and academically acclaimed i-Taukei woman, Dr Adi Kesaia Seniloli who is also a high chief from Bau?
How are the rest of the FNU Council Members who have survived, react to their colleagues being selectively victimised and losing their esteemed Chancellor?
It is believed that the termination of Sarita Devi’s employment was the unanimous decision of the Council Members, many of the surviving ones having fully participated in the discussion with equal strength or expressing even more serious concerns at the illegal renewal of a contract of a disgraced employee, based on alleged external coercion.
How do they feel working in the atmosphere of fear created by the actions of the Minister in sacking their prominent 4 colleagues for giving honest and fearless advice?
Is sycophancy now expected of the surviving members? Back to the Aiyaz Khaiyum regime in new clothes?
Or will they courageously resign en masse to say enough to cronyism, nepotism, favouritism, or even worse practices?
Honesty and courage are demanded!
Can we let Fiji slide again, even beyond the bottom? Have our people become Docile after years of repressive governments?
How will the Opposition FFP Members from the largest single Party and largest national votes, react to such behaviour of the Coalition Ministers in one Sarita Devi’s case and their abuse of power and direct intervention in the proper and lawful running of an independent institution of the State?
How will they react to the Coalition’s shabby treatment of a distinguished and a prominent Chancellor of the National University and her three prominent and professional colleagues who acted professionally in the performance of their duties. Meanwhile,
How are the rest of the FNU Council Members who have survived, react to their colleagues being selectively victimised and losing their esteemed Chancellor?
It is believed that the termination of Sarita Devi’s employment was the unanimous decision of the Council Members, many of the surviving ones having fully participated in the discussion with equal strength or expressing even more serious concerns at the illegal renewal of a contract of a disgraced employee, based on alleged external coercion.
How do they feel working in the atmosphere of fear created by the actions of the Minister in sacking their prominent 4 colleagues for giving honest and fearless advice?
Is sycophancy now expected of the surviving members? Back to the Aiyaz Khaiyum regime in new clothes?
Or will they courageously resign en masse to say enough to cronyism, nepotism, favouritism, or even worse practices?
Honesty and courage are demanded!
Can we let Fiji slide again, even beyond the bottom? Have our people become Docile after years of repressive governments?
How will the Opposition FFP Members from the largest single Party and largest national votes, react to such behaviour of the Coalition Ministers in one Sarita Devi’s case and their abuse of power and direct intervention in the proper and lawful running of an independent institution of the State?
How will they react to the Coalition’s shabby treatment of a distinguished and a prominent Chancellor of the National University and her three prominent and professional colleagues who acted professionally in the performance of their duties. Meanwhile,
- Who is Sarita Devi, who has the potential to bring down this Government? How well does she know Employment Minister Agni Deo Singh?
- Why did someone as high in Government as Biman Prasad saw it fit to allegedly interfere in the proper functioning of an independent body under the Fiji National University Act, by intervening in the proper decision-making process of the University and at the level of the Acting Vice Chancellor, on behalf of one Sarita Devi for the renewal of her contract, knowing that she was under a large and dark cloud regarding her performance. Prasad allegedly rang the acting VC up to 4 times in a day to “twist the arm” of the Vice Chancellor to renew Devi's contract.
- Why did the Deputy Prime Minister Prasad intervene on behalf of Sarita Devi with Minister of Education Radrodro on numerous occasions?
- Why was Agni Deo Singh, at the same time lobbying for Sarita Devi with Council Members, as late as his appearance on 31 March 2023 at the TVET Forum on the FNU campus? Did Sarita Devi have any influence in having Singh invited as the Chief Guest at one of the University Graduation ceremonies this year? Why was Singh involved in lobbying for Sarita Devi with Radrodro?
- Why did Radrodro unlawfully intervene in the normal administrative functions of the University on behalf of one Sarita Devi, to DIRECT the University Council to reverse its decision to terminate Devi's illegally renewed contract, completely ignoring the alleged victims still on campus and those having had to resign. Apparently, the Human Resources Director at FNU has several files full of complaints against Sarita Devi by members of her staff.
- Was Radrodro reminded that he has no authority to direct the University Council? After using this language, “Directing” and he being reminded several times that he did not have the power “To Direct”, did he change his language that he can “recommend”. After his “recommendation” was not fully accepted by the full Council, did he then sack those terminated?
- Did Radrodro have the power to sack when the Fiji National University Act has explicitly taken that power away and provided otherwise for termination, thus ensuring the independence of the council from such political interference.
- Did Radrodro, in sacking the Council Members, do so after specific charges were made by him formally and in writing to those affected Members, and provide natural justice/an opportunity to be heard on the specific charges?
- If Radrodro did not do this, does he believe in good governance practices or has he learnt differently from the Bainimarama-Khaiyum regime?
- Did Radrodro exert pressure on the Council members to seek employment for two failed NFP candidates at the last General Elections, at senior levels at the Fiji National University, one as a Senior adviser?
- Did Radrodro speak on several occasions in threatening terms, reminding Council Members that he had power to appoint, and implicitly he had the power to terminate, although the FNU Act provides otherwise?
- Did he speak to the Council in a threatening way that the funding for the Council could be affected if the Council disagreed to the employment at FNU of NFP rejects and did not renew the contract of Devi, as the Minister of Finance was interested in the employment of Sarita Devi and other identified NFP Members.
- Did Radrodro ever seemingly, but in exact words, threaten the Chancellor and another Council Member accompanying her, that he would appoint one Dr Ganesh Chand as VC, although he has no such powers to appoint the VC?
Ms Devi has been serving as University Registrar since 2015 and has also served in other capacities such as Deputy Registrar and Assistant Registrar at the University. The Office of the Registrar serves all the students and staff through the Student Academic Office based at all major campuses and is the first and last point of contact for all students in FNU from admission to graduation. She oversees the functions of Student Academic Services which looks after Admissions (Local and International), Student Grievances, Examination Office, Student Financial Aid, All Sponsored Students, Certification Office; Student Support Services which include Campus Life; and the University Secretariat. Ms. Devi has experience in teaching in Primary and tertiary, curriculum development and project management especially in the area of numeracy and teacher development.