UPDATE: Was Ian Rouse sacked as Acting Vice-Chancellor and his car confiscated from him? Why hasn't he been reported to Police for alleged corruption and fraud - many of these expatriates have ingratiated themselves with the powers to be - dancing the night away
FNU STAFF TO JANNIF: "By taking control of the University and usurping the powers and functions of the Office of Vice Chancellor, you have created the biggest breach of policy. You have also breached FNU Decree. This decree nowhere says that Chairman of Council can assume power of Office of VC. The roles of Chancellor and Chair are clearly defined in the decree. Decree separates policy making and management...Many of us are suffering by high-headed attitude created by Reddy, Ian Rouse and you."
You wrote to all of us yesterday (30th of November 2015) about no tolerance for those found to be non-compliant with FNU processes, procedures and policies.
We agree fully Sir.
BUT with all due respect, you and the Minister are the biggest culprits, Sir.
You are the Chairman of the FNU Council. Let me remind you about two important policies:
1. FNU Decree and
2. FNU Corporate Governance Policy.
Corporate Governance Policy was circulated to us long time ago. This is premised on clear separation of power of Council and power of Management. But you sign as “Chancellor, Office of Vice Chancellor”. By taking control of the University and usurping the powers and functions of the Office of Vice Chancellor, you have created the biggest breach of policy. You have also breached FNU Decree. This decree nowhere says that Chairman of Council can assume power of Office of VC. The roles of Chancellor and Chair are clearly defined in the decree. Decree separates policy making and management.
Moreover, Sir, with all due respect, we have searched and searched, but can not find any official document which show that you even have any university qualification. Your highest qualification may be high school. You are very much accomplished man in business. We respect you for that. You deserve respect in that role. But to run a University holding Office of Vice Chancellor and doing things which a VC should do makes a mockery of a University. You bring total disrespect to the Office of the Vice Chancellor. Even if you had a BA degree, it would be justifiable.
We have done our research Sir. Your own breach of processes, procedures and policies began when you accepted to become Chairman of the Council of FNU in contravention of the law. The decree says and we quote “Chancellor shall be appointed by the Minister in consultation with the Council”. When you accepted the position offered to you by the Minister, you acted illegally and not in compliance with the law. The Minister later withdrew his appointment of you and convened a hurried meeting of Council to rubber stamp his choice. We know Sir. We have been talking about it for a while. Your arrogant memo makes us open our mouth.
Sir, with all due respect, your official position as well as of Minister Reddy are full of illegalities and breaches of law. We will show in our next circular that your appointment itself was unconstitutional.
You were given a long memo middle of this year on FNU staff Vimal Vikash and Poasa Koroitamana. The memo documented lot of breaches of FNU processes, procedures and policies by these two. Its many months now. To date nothing has been done on this and these people continue to brag that they control HR. Poasa has filled FNU with his relatives, mostly who do not even meet the MQRs. You have done nothing from the time you took over from Reddy in April. How can you expect us to trust that you are serious about compliances with policies? Are the policies meant only for some people to comply with and not others? Unless you take firm action on Vimal Vikash and Poasa, Sir, we are sorry to say we will continue to believe that your circular is only a propaganda and a stick to beat those who dare to stand up.
When the starting point is full of illegalities and non-compliance with FNU processes, procedures and policies, what moral right do you have to lecture us? So please Sir, stop lecturing to us. It sounds hallow. As Chairman, you should instruct HR to get all expiring contracts renewed in strict compliances with policies. You should also get our expatriate colleagues their work visas, or we will be left only with diploma and degree holders teaching at the University. Many of us are suffering by high-headed attitude created by Reddy, Ian Rouse and you.
We have spent our whole life at University. We need to point out this for the good of all and most important of all, for the good of our University.
We look forward to your kind response publicly.
Whistleblower, FNU