The DPP says later in the day, he was surprised to receive a call from the Police Commissioner in a very agitated state where he told him that he had to charge and could not understand why he would not and accused him of making a decision to favour NGOs or some other miscellaneous human rights groups
Fijileaks: We MUST demand answers from NFP leader regarding those amorous TEXT MESSAGES to Mrs Ari Taniguchi. The NFP is trying to focus on the two dropped charges for pure and disgusting political gains. The DPP should have recommended that Prasad be charged with an alternative count of Harassment and Stalking. The Fiji Media must descend on his house or storm his NFP Head Office and demand answers regarding those TEXT MESSAGES.
*He had allegedly refused to surrender his Mobile Phone to Police so they extracted messages from Mrs Taniguchi's phone
LOVE RAT, BIMAN PRASAD: Meanwhile, the alleged wife cheater and BULLY who was allegedly shouting down the phone at his provisional candidate's WIFE, Mrs Ari Taniguchi, is refusing to ADMIT or DENY that he had sent those amorous text messages to Mrs Taniguchi. We had provided the text messages to Mrs Biman Prasad and had apologized to her in advance for her husband's alleged infidelity.
*We pointed out to her that he is being called to account as NFP LEADER and continue to copy her in all the questions we send to him for answers. Both Lenora Qereqeretabua and Pio Tikoduadua have also been copied in and kept updated with our questions.
*Biman Prasad's supporters claim to Fijileaks that those WhatsApp text messages are FAKE (No its AUTHENTIC), and in any case:
'Sex scandals help politicians win votes and the NFP leader is gaining huge support from the VOTERS as a result of the text scandal. Just look at PAAPI, who denied fathering a child from a Fiji Times reporter, and admitted repeated adultery, is back - in girmit with NFP leader and provisional Deputy Prime Minister Biman Prasad.'
*On the advice of his Munro Leys lawyer, Prasad chose to remain silent during the Police caution regarding Mrs Taniguchi's claims
In the Crosshair: As for DPP Pryde, his role in the whole affair remains contentious as it has been since he joined the post 2006 coup regime.
We may recall what Professor Wadan Narsey had written on Pryde
"Christopher Pryde appeared in Fiji soon after the 2006 coup and quickly assumed prominent positions in the military state’s apparatus, despite the military government being declared illegal by the 2009 Fiji Court of Appeal, a judgment never reversed."
Christopher Pryde and his hidden prejudices” (7 January 2018)
"A certain economist (Professor Wadan Narsey) who had prepared the economic statement for the Burness/Shameem case and had publicly “voiced dissent” against the illegal actions by the Bainimarama Government, FNPF Board and management, was taken in for questioning by the Criminal Investigations Department of the Fiji Police, for alleged “sedition”, his home was searched for seditious material, and a computer and phone taken away for further investigation."
"Christopher Pryde will be remembered in Fiji’s history as yet another expatriate “Flotsam and Jetsam” who drifted into Fiji waters, eagerly serving and benefiting from illegal military coups and governments with little respect for basic human rights or freedoms, while making grand heroic pronouncements. Sadly, Fiji has no shortage of these expatriate Flotsam and Jetsam which drift to our illegal shores, rapidly rising through eager service to illegality and immorality, while trashing our human rights."

Fiji’s Director of Public Prosecutions, Christopher Pryde, responded to a Radio NZ story on Fiji MPs’ fear of facing sedition charges for voicing dissent by making the grand statement that “no one in Fiji risks facing sedition charges for voicing dissent”.
How reassuring to the gullible in Fiji and abroad but how utterly unbelievable to those who know what has gone on in Fiji during Christopher Pryde’s stint in high places in Fiji’s legal system.
How conveniently does Pryde forget that Fiji Times publisher (Hank Arts) and Editor in Chief (Fred Wesley) have been facing sedition charges not even for “voicing dissent” but for a Letter to the Editor by a Fijian reader, published in the Fijian vernacular Na Lalakai, and deemed by the DPP to be seditious in nature. It was not the publisher or editor “voicing dissent” but someone else who was expressing their opinion through a Letter to the Editor.
How disgraceful that the same DPP’s Office under Pryde has been dragging the prosecution of that that case out for more than two years totally trashing the time honored maxim that “justice delayed is justice denied”.
Or is Pryde mindful of his employer’s strategy that having the Fiji Times owners, publishers, editors and journalists facing some ongoing charge year after year will encourage Fiji times to bnot perform its “watchdog” role on the government of the day, that any good media ought to be doing?
The public should remember Christopher Pryde’s rise to fame under an illegal military dictatorship. He was appointed as Solicitor General in 2007 after the the 2006 military coup, and in 2009 also appointed as Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Justice, Electoral Reform and Anti-Corruption.
Then in 2011, he secretly made himself useful to Khaiyum when the Bainimarama Government was in the process of unlawfully terminating by military decree the contracts that FNPF had with its pensioners and unilaterally reducing their pension rate.
A certain economist (Professor Wadan Narsey) who had prepared the economic statement for the Burness/Shameem case and had publicly “voiced dissent” against the illegal actions by the Bainimarama Government, FNPF Board and management, was taken in for questioning by the Criminal Investigations Department of the Fiji Police, for alleged “sedition”, his home was searched for seditious material, and a computer and phone taken away for further investigation.
Under questioning at the CID office in Suva Street in the company of a lawyer (from the firm of Hanif-Tuitoga) the economist had taken along, he interestingly learnt that a certain Christopher Pryde had been formally involved in the meetings with Khaiyum, that led to the CID investigation of the potential sedition charges against this economist.
Interestingly, the economist learnt that Christopher Pryde had requested that “others” be seen to initiate the sedition charges since he was PS Justice. It was only later that Christopher Pryde was was appointed Director of Public Prosecutions.
Radio NZ International should ask Christopher Pryde whether he was involved in initiating “sedition” charges against Professor Narsey who had “voiced dissent” to the Bainimarama Government’s illegal trashing of FNPF pensioners’ contracts.
Radio NZ International should ask Christopher Pryde why he has not seen fit to pursue charges of sedition against those who openly committed treason and sedition in Fiji in 2006 and 2009 when they abrogated the 1997 Constitution approved unanimously by the Fiji Parliament.
Radio NZ International should ask Pryde why he never sought to prosecute those military personnel under whose authority five CRW soldiers were taken from police custody at the Nabua Police Station after the 2000 mutiny, and tortured to death that very same day (as verified by a magistrate).
Radio NZ International should ask Christopher Pryde why he has not prosecuted those responsible for the other unlawful deaths in military and policy custody after the 2006 military coup.
Radio NZ International should ask Christopher Pryde why he has not persevered with the prosecution of a certain Minister whose driving led to the death of a poor pedestrian.
Christopher Pryde may make as many grand statements as he likes, but his prejudices are not very far from the surface to those who have a longer memory than the intimidated media in Fiji or those abroad, like Radio NZ International.
Christopher Pryde will be remembered in Fiji’s history as yet another expatriate “Flotsam and Jetsam” who drifted into Fiji waters, eagerly serving and benefiting from illegal military coups and governments with little respect for basic human rights or freedoms, while making grand heroic pronouncements.
Sadly, Fiji has no shortage of these expatriate Flotsam and Jetsam which drift to our illegal shores, rapidly rising through eager service to illegality and immorality, while trashing our human rights.
All kudos to international media, like Radio NZ International, for not bowing to the evil forces in Fiji which have succeeded in controlling, oppressing and suppressing local media.
How reassuring to the gullible in Fiji and abroad but how utterly unbelievable to those who know what has gone on in Fiji during Christopher Pryde’s stint in high places in Fiji’s legal system.
How conveniently does Pryde forget that Fiji Times publisher (Hank Arts) and Editor in Chief (Fred Wesley) have been facing sedition charges not even for “voicing dissent” but for a Letter to the Editor by a Fijian reader, published in the Fijian vernacular Na Lalakai, and deemed by the DPP to be seditious in nature. It was not the publisher or editor “voicing dissent” but someone else who was expressing their opinion through a Letter to the Editor.
How disgraceful that the same DPP’s Office under Pryde has been dragging the prosecution of that that case out for more than two years totally trashing the time honored maxim that “justice delayed is justice denied”.
Or is Pryde mindful of his employer’s strategy that having the Fiji Times owners, publishers, editors and journalists facing some ongoing charge year after year will encourage Fiji times to bnot perform its “watchdog” role on the government of the day, that any good media ought to be doing?
The public should remember Christopher Pryde’s rise to fame under an illegal military dictatorship. He was appointed as Solicitor General in 2007 after the the 2006 military coup, and in 2009 also appointed as Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Justice, Electoral Reform and Anti-Corruption.
Then in 2011, he secretly made himself useful to Khaiyum when the Bainimarama Government was in the process of unlawfully terminating by military decree the contracts that FNPF had with its pensioners and unilaterally reducing their pension rate.
A certain economist (Professor Wadan Narsey) who had prepared the economic statement for the Burness/Shameem case and had publicly “voiced dissent” against the illegal actions by the Bainimarama Government, FNPF Board and management, was taken in for questioning by the Criminal Investigations Department of the Fiji Police, for alleged “sedition”, his home was searched for seditious material, and a computer and phone taken away for further investigation.
Under questioning at the CID office in Suva Street in the company of a lawyer (from the firm of Hanif-Tuitoga) the economist had taken along, he interestingly learnt that a certain Christopher Pryde had been formally involved in the meetings with Khaiyum, that led to the CID investigation of the potential sedition charges against this economist.
Interestingly, the economist learnt that Christopher Pryde had requested that “others” be seen to initiate the sedition charges since he was PS Justice. It was only later that Christopher Pryde was was appointed Director of Public Prosecutions.
Radio NZ International should ask Christopher Pryde whether he was involved in initiating “sedition” charges against Professor Narsey who had “voiced dissent” to the Bainimarama Government’s illegal trashing of FNPF pensioners’ contracts.
Radio NZ International should ask Christopher Pryde why he has not seen fit to pursue charges of sedition against those who openly committed treason and sedition in Fiji in 2006 and 2009 when they abrogated the 1997 Constitution approved unanimously by the Fiji Parliament.
Radio NZ International should ask Pryde why he never sought to prosecute those military personnel under whose authority five CRW soldiers were taken from police custody at the Nabua Police Station after the 2000 mutiny, and tortured to death that very same day (as verified by a magistrate).
Radio NZ International should ask Christopher Pryde why he has not prosecuted those responsible for the other unlawful deaths in military and policy custody after the 2006 military coup.
Radio NZ International should ask Christopher Pryde why he has not persevered with the prosecution of a certain Minister whose driving led to the death of a poor pedestrian.
Christopher Pryde may make as many grand statements as he likes, but his prejudices are not very far from the surface to those who have a longer memory than the intimidated media in Fiji or those abroad, like Radio NZ International.
Christopher Pryde will be remembered in Fiji’s history as yet another expatriate “Flotsam and Jetsam” who drifted into Fiji waters, eagerly serving and benefiting from illegal military coups and governments with little respect for basic human rights or freedoms, while making grand heroic pronouncements.
Sadly, Fiji has no shortage of these expatriate Flotsam and Jetsam which drift to our illegal shores, rapidly rising through eager service to illegality and immorality, while trashing our human rights.
All kudos to international media, like Radio NZ International, for not bowing to the evil forces in Fiji which have succeeded in controlling, oppressing and suppressing local media.