We had promised to reveal the Email Fazrul Rahman allegedly wrote to Visvanath Das. So far, neither Rahman nor Madam Fane Vave have responded to us. We had passed them a copy of the E-mail for comments. In theory, FRCA's IT system should have daily or weekly data backups to a server at a different site. This is a business continuity measure in case a cyclone or other natural disaster damaged the server rooms in the main HQ building. Deleting data itself is not allowed under official rules but may not itself be an offence. But deleting or changing the data may be an offence like aiding and abetting.
Subject: Re: Draft Revenue Report July 2019
'Be assured, that our end all drafts on revenue report have been deleted and erased.'
Fazrul Rahman allegedly to Visvanath Das,
5/08/19, 4.45PM,
CC: Fane W. Vave, Emily E. Yalimaiwai
'As discussed with PS and Minister the budget was about $580m more in revenue to show very low deficit for debt. This is final report...Emily get your IT Team organized to delete emails and draft reports from everywhere on our system...Andrew/Fazrul. Meet me today after work as we need to discuss how to adjust next budget amounts.'
Visvanath Das allegedly to Fazrul Rahman, 5/08/19, 4.28PM
CC: Fane W. Vave, Emily E.Yalimaiwai, Andrew F. Malani, Karishma H. Kumar
In 2016 FAZRUL RAHMAN, the then acting General Manager Taxation revealed the plan to install the gadgets in supermarkets and hardware stores to Fiji Parliament's Public Accounts Committee: 'The movement of the $2.8billion in Fiji's economy had not been formally monitored. This is black economy and Government is losing out $176million in taxes. FRCA is going to effectively put a particular gadget that is going to prescribe cash register that if somebody comes to the store to buy stuff, the DATA gets entered and we will receive the DATA on time..." He also disclosed to the Fiji media that FRCA's 'acting Chief Executive Officer Visvanath Das was currently in Germany studying how the new system works'. Three years later, in 2019, we accuse the two, along with others, of deleting their own DATA from FRCA system, of EMAILS and DRAFT REVENUE REPORTS of July 2019. | In 2020, after allegedly aiding and abetting Das, Rahman was up before an USP audience explaining Aiyaz Khaiyum's COVID19 Budget |