Fiji Sun headline should have screamed: FFP loses five seats, scrapes past 50% threshold by mere 147 votes; Electoral System robs NFP of Coalition Government by 152 votes, and THIRTEEN (13) FFP MPs got
less than 1,000 votes each from voters
Over 170,000 Fijian voters did not turn up to vote. Election result reveal Fiji still racially divided society. Both Indo-Fijian and native Fijian voters chose Freebies and not Freedom. FFP and SODELPA played crude RACE CARD. The only MPs that can go into Parliament with their heads high are from NFP who did not resort to race based politics. One declared seat (NFP had 4) and one more likely seat were taken away from NFP to prevent the formation of a Coalition Government (NFP needed 5 MPs). We wonder if Faiyaz Koya who failed to get enough votes will be brought in through the back door - whether as Speaker or the new Attorney-General? Coupists will face each other in Parliament - Coups pay in Fiji. How can there be a fair result if those who did not vote for FFP, SODELPA and NFP now find their combined votes have been given to FFP by FEC and FEO? The 2013 Constitution deliberately forbids coalition before election and the odd number of seats (51) was designed to ensure FFP win! Security nightmare: Sodelpa's nationalist win means Fiji must remain vigilant for future native Fijian uprising against FFP government.
The Multinational Observer Group (MOG):
"FFP government ministers and senior officials had conducted a range of high profile activities, such as concluding commercial contracts, opening buildings and dispensing government grants and funds during the campaign."
THIRTEEN FFP MPs don't even have over 1,000 votes. ALL Opposition MPs have over 2,000 votes each compared to those on the Government side - result of the skewed D'Hondt Voting System - GANDER taking the Goslings into Parliament, some will even become Ministers with 755 votes to their name! Its like handing the control of Fiji Airways Boeing 737 jumbo jets to pilots who failed their flying tests. Welcome to Fiji!!!
The 27 FijiFirst candidates are : 1. Bainimarama, Josaia Voreqe | 167732 votes 2. Sayed‑Khaiyum, Aiyaz | 17271 votes 3. Nagata, Alipate Tuicolo | 6876 votes 4. Bala, Parveen Kumar | 5063 votes 5. Nath, Vijay | 2256 votes 6. Reddy, Mahendra | 2081 votes 7. Kumar, Premila Devi | 1379 votes 8. Nand, Joseph Nitya | 1349 votes 9. Pillay, Viam | 1280 votes 10. Seruiratu, Inia Batikoto | 1251 votes 11. Vuniwaqa, Mereseini Rakuita | 1167 votes 12. Kirpal, Sanjay Salend | 1147 votes 13. Naiqamu, Osea | 1129 votes 14. Maharaj, Alvick Avhikrit | 1019 votes 15. Vegnathan, George | 944 votes 16. Koroilavesau, Semi Tuleca | 888 votes 17. Usamate, Jone | 849 votes 18. Sharma, Rohit Ritesh | 821 votes 19. Sudhakar, Ashneel | 755 votes 20. Waqainabete, Ifereimi | 743 votes 21. Adimaitoga, Selai | 718 votes 22. Akbar, Rosy Sofia | 705 votes 23. Sigarara, Jale | 697 votes 24. Prakash, Vijendra | 596 votes 25. Bhatnagar, Veena Kumar | 577 votes 26. O'Connor, Alexander David | 572 votes 27. Govind, Salik Ram | 559 votes | The 21 SODELPA candidates are 1. Rabuka, Sitiveni Ligamamada | 77040 votes 2. Tabuya, Lynda Diseru | 8795 votes 3. Kepa, Ro Teimumu Vuikaba | 6036 votes 4. Bulitavu, Mosese Drecala | 5342 votes 5. Nawaikula, Niko | 5187 votes 6. Lalabalavu, Atonio Rabici | 5016 votes 7. Jale, Anare | 4287 votes 8. Vosanibola, Peceli Waqairatu | 3730 votes 9. Gavoka, Viliame Rogoibulu | 3536 votes 10. Saukuru, Jese | 3299 votes 11. Rasova, Simione Rokomalo | 3286 votes 12. Matanitobua, Ratu Suliano | 3279 votes 13. Bulanauca, Mitieli | 3031 votes 14. Tuisawau, Ro Filipe | 2835 votes 15. Kuridrani, Inosi | 2724 votes 16. Leawere, Mikaele Rokosova | 2354 votes 17. Radrodro, Aseri Masivou | 2312 votes 18. Radrodro, Salote Vuibureta | 2235 votes 19. Qionibaravi, Adi Litia | 2195 votes 20. Lalabalavu, Ratu Naiqama | 2165 votes 21. Navurelevu, Tevita | 2010 votes The 3 NFP candidates going to Parliament are : 1. Prasad, Biman Chand | 12,137 votes 2. Tikoduadua, Pio | 2684 votes 3. Qereqeretabua, Lenora Salusalu | 1811 votes |

Fiji' electoral system gives democracy a bad name. The 5% rule means as an example, someone who gets 5000 votes but does not meet the threshold loses, and someone with 800 votes in a party that does, gets into Parliament - and might even become a Minister.
As an example, in the 2014 elections:
Filimone Vosarogo = 2788 votes (not elected);
Faiyaz Koya - 875 votes, elected MP and appointed Minister for Trade.
In 2018: Savenaca Narube, former Governor of the Reserve Bank got 2811 votes (not elected).
By comparison, Salik Govind FFP got elected to Parliament with 559 votes.
You will never convince me this is a fair or democratic system. Change the Constitution.
My other gripe is the abolition of local constituencies.
How can an MP who lives in Suva but has never stepped foot in rural Macuata understand the 'local' issues of a cane farmer who has trouble taking his cane to the Labasa mill in time?
How can a Nadi based MP who has never been to Lomaiviti (let alone visited Nacamaki or Nasau) understand the maritime transport problems of Koro island grog farmers?
In the past people typically went to their 'local' MP for help.
This is what happens when you have an imposed Constitution which does not reflect the will of the people.
You do things to suit yourself.
Fiji people are long suffering. $2.68 an hour won't even buy you a number 10 Crest chicken.
Wake up Fiji!
Fiji' electoral system gives democracy a bad name. The 5% rule means as an example, someone who gets 5000 votes but does not meet the threshold loses, and someone with 800 votes in a party that does, gets into Parliament - and might even become a Minister.
As an example, in the 2014 elections:
Filimone Vosarogo = 2788 votes (not elected);
Faiyaz Koya - 875 votes, elected MP and appointed Minister for Trade.
In 2018: Savenaca Narube, former Governor of the Reserve Bank got 2811 votes (not elected).
By comparison, Salik Govind FFP got elected to Parliament with 559 votes.
You will never convince me this is a fair or democratic system. Change the Constitution.
My other gripe is the abolition of local constituencies.
How can an MP who lives in Suva but has never stepped foot in rural Macuata understand the 'local' issues of a cane farmer who has trouble taking his cane to the Labasa mill in time?
How can a Nadi based MP who has never been to Lomaiviti (let alone visited Nacamaki or Nasau) understand the maritime transport problems of Koro island grog farmers?
In the past people typically went to their 'local' MP for help.
This is what happens when you have an imposed Constitution which does not reflect the will of the people.
You do things to suit yourself.
Fiji people are long suffering. $2.68 an hour won't even buy you a number 10 Crest chicken.
Wake up Fiji!