Even God's Bible Bashing Foreign Minister Inoke Kubuabola switches off from listening to Bainimarama addressing the 2015 United Nations General Assembly; just look at the idiot, fiddling with his mobile phone!
'To claim god is on your side always has been the territory of venal scoundrels'
Verily it comes as no surprise to find Fiji Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama in these ranks.
Using a bribe paid to him by Vodafone Fiji, he has flown with his family to London for the Rugby World Cup.
There, according to a florid account in the Fiji Sun, Bainimarama gave the team a “stirring speech” in which he said there is one god and “we believe he will lead us” to victory over England at Twickenham.
Only some kind of congenital idiot would feel he could say that; weird godmen across the world have made these kinds of predictions before, only to crash and burn when fact replaces mythology. Next week is supposed to be “end of days” according to some who see significance in the blood Moon.
The implication of what happened in Twickenham, of course, is that Fijians have sinned so badly that god is so displeased she denied the side a win.
Or you could say they did not play well enough or that Satan had taken possession of the TMO.
But then England comes from a nation with provided the King James Version so its more than likely god is with them.
For the leader of a multi-cultural nation declaring there is only one god is senseless: without getting into the ins-and-outs of Hinduism, they are 28% of Fiji’s population. They might just have a different view of what god, or gods, think about a game of rugby. Your destiny is determined by your deeds.
Proof that god was on his side, was according to Bainimarama, seen at Qana, Lebanon, in 1996 when the Israelis (who claim a direct connection to god too) shelled a Fijian United Nations base. Bainimarama said proof of the miraculous miracle was in the fact that no Fijians were killed. What does it say about god that killing 136 others is proof that god is with Fiji?
No Fijian was killed because “we have faith in god” that he was leading them, he said.
(And no, Bainimarama was no where near Qana at the time: he was doing a course in Australia which he subsequently washed out of)
He went on that “we believe in a god that has led us in this journey.” (Actually Vodafone Fiji was leading with the cheque book, but more on that later)
Why would god care about a rugby match after killing 136 people at a military base?
Bainimarama does not say.
Perhaps, Bainimarama believes, god saved him in November 2000; that, or running away from his soldiers down hill? And many of the people in the compound around George Speight in 2000 said some christian god was with them too. Lots of praying went on.
The whole stupid business has come to a head around another game; Japan defeating South Africa.
Japan is led by Michael Leitch, of New Zealand and Fijian heritage.
His mother, Iva, is from Ra, the province Bainimarama’s soldiers are now deployed to rounding up people for sedition. They are trying to create the breakaway Sovereign Christian State of Ra. Must be that god is on their side? Or the All Blacks, because another Ra man, Waisake Naholo, claims miraculous intervention in getting his broken leg fixed in time. To play for the All Blacks.
One suspects god has a sense of humour.
Getting god involved is useful for Bainimarama. It hides the fact that he has been running the Fiji Rugby Union since 2011. And things have gone wrong, money gone missing.
In fact the RFU is so broke they could not afford to pay for Bainimarama, the union’s president, to attend the Rugby World Cup (why he needed to attend hasn’t been explained). World Rugby rather embarrassingly and pointedly said they would not be paying for him to fly to London.
Bainimarama pays himself a salary of $278,750 but he was not willing to pay his own way to London.
Now we all remember Bainimarama staged his coup-to-end-all-coups in 2006 in a bid, he said, to end corruption at high levels in Fiji.
He must remember it; he said it often enough.
So how to explain what got Bainimarama and his family to London other than to suggest it was outright corruption?
Vodafone Fiji came out and announced that “Bainimarama has a done a lot for the development and good administration of the sport in the country and deserves to be at the Rugby World Cup.”
Interestingly no other prime minister has felt this so far.
Its important to note that Vodafone Fiji is not actually Vodafone as we all know it. Vodafone last year sold out of Fiji, selling its 49% share to the Fiji National Provident Fund (FNPF).
Vodafone Fiji is now a mishmash of the FNPF and ATH Holdings, the latter of which is controlled by FNPF.
It can thus be said that Bainimarama’s family holiday has been paid for by Fiji’s current pensioners and all the pensioners to come.
They can thank god for that.
http://michaeljfield.tumblr.com/post/129465743808/bainimaramas-strange-god-to-claim-god-is-on; 20 September 2015