*At the heart of the Fly Now, Pay Later Scam is the role of Fiji Airways in accepting a meagre $400,000 out of $3million to fly the 'pilgrims' into Israel (including Semi Tukana), and after the Hamas attack, to fly them back to Fiji on a special charter flight.
Crowdfunding through SOLE Fintech
"Once it is setup and by next Sunday we will announce the Trustees and the processes that we will follow in the collections and the weekly arrangements of paying Fiji Aiways. We will also setup a separate Facebook page for this purpose." - SEMI TUKANA, SoleFintech
*SEMI TUKANA was one of the 'Pilgrims to Israel' but paid his airfares. At the heart of the Fly Now, Pay Later Scam is the role of Fiji Airways in accepting a meagre $400,000 out of $3million to fly the 'pilgrims' into Israel, and after the Hamas attack, to fly them back to Fiji.
*We wonder if Tukana and those endorsing his financial rescue plan to bail out Michael Mausio and Pacific Voyager are interferring into FICAC's investigation into the 'Fly Now, Pay Later' Scandal.
*Reportedly, Tourism Minister Gavoka, the main suspect, is in Oceania Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery, so FICAC can question him.

Project: Rebuilding the Wall
I head a team of three to act as Trustees to a Crowdfunding account created in Sole to help repay the debt to Fiji Airways on the recent Charter Flight to Tel Aviv in October 2023.
(1) Help rescue Michael Mausio, a young 32 year-old Fijian Entrepreneur's business called Pacific Voyager. Fijians own only 0.3% of all businesses in Fiji. We are committed to save this one.
(2) Keep current the 5-year Agreement with Fiji Airways on the Charter flights to Tel Aviv
Background (from my own research)
Michael has been a businessman since he was 19 years old. He runs a fashion design company (House of Mausio) plus two other businesses. He has been doing Charter Flights business with Fiji Airways for 3 years since 2020 and it has been a profitable business to run. He sometimes run 6 Charter flights per year to other Pacific Islands. The Charter flight to Israel was the biggest he has ever undertaken.
The Charter flight NAN-HKG-TLV-HKG-NAN business would include the following:
Revenue stream 1. Selling the seats to Fijians, Samoans, Tongans, Vanuatuans, Solomon Islanders to make the pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Israel
Revenue stream 2. Selling Cargo spaces to large Courier companies for the different sectors. Courier companies were ready to take up the spaces. They needed a 3 months pre-departure confirmation that the flight will go ahead before they commit.
Revenue stream 3. Selling the seats to Israelis to make a holiday or business trip to Fiji for two weeks, filling up the empty seats coming back from Tel Aviv to Nadi, and return on the flight to Tel Aviv to pick up the Pacific Islanders pilgrims on their return to Nadi. A large Israeli Tour Operator was ready to sell Fiji to Israelis at their own expense. They only needed a 3 months pre-departure confirmation that the flight will go ahead before they start selling.
The negotiation over the trip to Israel between the parties took over a year before they finally executed an agreement. Unfortunately, the negotiation took long to reach and by the time of the agreement was signed it was not enough time for the Courier company and also for the Israeli Tour Operator to make any firm commitment.
The shortfall came about because Revenue streams 2 and 3 fell through.
Pacific Voyagers is still committed to the 5-year agreement but it has to first meet the current debt with Fiji Airways. And that's where we come in to help him.
Interests in the annual pilgrimage to Israel through the Charter Flight with Fiji Airways
There has been enormous interests amongst Pacific Islanders including those who live in Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, PNG, New Caledonia, NZ, Australia and as far away as America who are willing to fly to Fiji just to get on this Holy Land direct flight with our Airline.
Win for Fiji Airways
At least one of Fiji Airways' A330 or A350 plane will be utilized for 4 days in the year.
Passengers will fly Fiji Airways at their own cost from other parts of the Pacific to be on this flight
Explore the possibility of expanding its wings to new frontiers
Win for Government
Exposing Fiji to Israeli businessmen and women (Jews and Arabs) and possible future investments to Fiji
Possibility of forging a two week Government to Government exchange programme with Israeli Technology, Agriculture and Sports
Win for Pacific Voyager
Keeping the profits from this lucrative NAN-HGK-TLV-HGK-NAN charter business arrangement
Win for the Christian Pilgrims
Allow our Christian citizens in Fiji and the Pacific to visit the Holy Land in our own airline with all its convenience and affordable pricing
Crowdfunding through SOLE’ Fintech
Once it is setup and by next Sunday we will announce the Trustees and the processes that we will follow in the collections and the weekly arrangements of paying Fiji Aiways.
We will also setup a separate Facebook page for this purpose.
I head a team of three to act as Trustees to a Crowdfunding account created in Sole to help repay the debt to Fiji Airways on the recent Charter Flight to Tel Aviv in October 2023.
(1) Help rescue Michael Mausio, a young 32 year-old Fijian Entrepreneur's business called Pacific Voyager. Fijians own only 0.3% of all businesses in Fiji. We are committed to save this one.
(2) Keep current the 5-year Agreement with Fiji Airways on the Charter flights to Tel Aviv
Background (from my own research)
Michael has been a businessman since he was 19 years old. He runs a fashion design company (House of Mausio) plus two other businesses. He has been doing Charter Flights business with Fiji Airways for 3 years since 2020 and it has been a profitable business to run. He sometimes run 6 Charter flights per year to other Pacific Islands. The Charter flight to Israel was the biggest he has ever undertaken.
The Charter flight NAN-HKG-TLV-HKG-NAN business would include the following:
Revenue stream 1. Selling the seats to Fijians, Samoans, Tongans, Vanuatuans, Solomon Islanders to make the pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Israel
Revenue stream 2. Selling Cargo spaces to large Courier companies for the different sectors. Courier companies were ready to take up the spaces. They needed a 3 months pre-departure confirmation that the flight will go ahead before they commit.
Revenue stream 3. Selling the seats to Israelis to make a holiday or business trip to Fiji for two weeks, filling up the empty seats coming back from Tel Aviv to Nadi, and return on the flight to Tel Aviv to pick up the Pacific Islanders pilgrims on their return to Nadi. A large Israeli Tour Operator was ready to sell Fiji to Israelis at their own expense. They only needed a 3 months pre-departure confirmation that the flight will go ahead before they start selling.
The negotiation over the trip to Israel between the parties took over a year before they finally executed an agreement. Unfortunately, the negotiation took long to reach and by the time of the agreement was signed it was not enough time for the Courier company and also for the Israeli Tour Operator to make any firm commitment.
The shortfall came about because Revenue streams 2 and 3 fell through.
Pacific Voyagers is still committed to the 5-year agreement but it has to first meet the current debt with Fiji Airways. And that's where we come in to help him.
Interests in the annual pilgrimage to Israel through the Charter Flight with Fiji Airways
There has been enormous interests amongst Pacific Islanders including those who live in Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, PNG, New Caledonia, NZ, Australia and as far away as America who are willing to fly to Fiji just to get on this Holy Land direct flight with our Airline.
Win for Fiji Airways
At least one of Fiji Airways' A330 or A350 plane will be utilized for 4 days in the year.
Passengers will fly Fiji Airways at their own cost from other parts of the Pacific to be on this flight
Explore the possibility of expanding its wings to new frontiers
Win for Government
Exposing Fiji to Israeli businessmen and women (Jews and Arabs) and possible future investments to Fiji
Possibility of forging a two week Government to Government exchange programme with Israeli Technology, Agriculture and Sports
Win for Pacific Voyager
Keeping the profits from this lucrative NAN-HGK-TLV-HGK-NAN charter business arrangement
Win for the Christian Pilgrims
Allow our Christian citizens in Fiji and the Pacific to visit the Holy Land in our own airline with all its convenience and affordable pricing
Crowdfunding through SOLE’ Fintech
Once it is setup and by next Sunday we will announce the Trustees and the processes that we will follow in the collections and the weekly arrangements of paying Fiji Aiways.
We will also setup a separate Facebook page for this purpose.