And Chief executive Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum says it’s the staff that has brought the country’s largest media organization to what it is today.
“I would like to pay tribute to the staff of FBC for doing some wonderful work. Many iconic people came through the door and have contributed so much. There were so amazing people and we are creating many of other stars at FBC as we continue”
Sayed-Khaiyum says they are excited about switching to their television station to the digital band soon.
He also revealed that in the coming days people will also see changes in the FBC NEWS.
Happy birthday FBC ! . While going through the celebrations, it may be appropriate for FBC to consider whether the media outlet has lived up to the visions of the founders. More so whether true journalism and professional ethics continue to remain at the top.
It is a time to reflect whether the station which has had so much importance in news dissemination for so many years and over remotest and widest areas of the Fiji group has remained neutral, objective in its discharge so as to contribute fairly to society development. It is a time for FBC to reflect whether being labeled “ brainwashing media outlet” and exercising self-restraint in reporting in the recent years has added value to the knowledge economy of our developing society.
And , it is a time for FBC to reflect on how history will judge the orientation of the media outlet at a time when the civil society needed the truth, needed the objective guidance and needed to be rightly educated.
Happy celebrations.