In any law-abiding society, a political candidate (Sudhakar) who managed to garner only 895 votes (mostly from friends, fiends and family) would have been relegated to the backbench in Parliament. In fact, if it had not been for Khaiyum's skewed D'Hondt electoral system, this "Mr Mortein" merchant of death would have been licking his political defeat on the banks of the Ba river. But NO, Khaiyum not only chose him as Government Whip for Fiji First (Theft) Party but appointed the overtly racist and fascist to chair the Parliament Standing Committee's Law, Justice and Human Rights.
Just look at this self-confessed goonda Sudhakar's track record: he threatened to "mortein" me and others on his Facebook page, indulged in sexual fantasy by posting "porn" (degrading to women in Fiji) materials, abused all his political opponents in the FLP, NFP, SODELP, and PDP parties. The list on this political scumbag is endless.
Last year I reported him to his law firm, the LPU, the Police and even to Khaiyum. But the Goonda Godfather remains at large, exhibiting all the signs of goonda(ism) - hooliganism - unbecoming of a lawyer and a Member of Parliament - and now Government Whip. I am not surprised, for Sudhakar is 'monkeying' his protector AIYAZ SAYED KHAIYUM. It is no surprise that others (most likely his goonda supporters) have joined him and his master Khaiyum in abusing me.
I didn't want to dignify the unprintable comments (below) but we have decided to reveal them, especially when Telecom Fiji Ltd (under direct control of Khaiyum) and the Police are not acting on the evidence I have provided about the identity of the abuser(s). As I have repeated previously, I will not be deterred in our pursuit to expose the rotten state of Fiji which is reeling under Khaiyum's thumb, Bainimarama's military-backed boots, and goonda Sudhakar and his goons attacks on me, with Geneva being told all is lovey-lovey in the new post-election Fiji!