THE mysterious Aussie directors of HeliPro Fiji Ltd helicopters stand accused of swindling previous clients. And Dan Lobendahn, the rugby man seen trotting around with Frank Bainimarama, is one of two local directors. The other is Peter Howard. While Graeme Hedge, HeliPro Fiji's country manager, is listed as secretary, his brother Geoffrey, is one of the three Aussie directors. On 10 August 2012 HeliPro Fiji was incorporated under the Companies Act. The Registrar of Companies was notified that the registered office of the company is situated at Lot 12, Nukubalvu Rd, Savusavu, Fiji, and the postal address is P O Box 462, Savusavu. The Directors were listed as follows: Peter Anthony Schollary, 1 Kilara Court, Croydon, Victoria, Australia; Michael Charles Barbieri, 127 Overport Rd, Frankston; Geoffrey Lewis Hedge, 12 Pioneer St, Mittagong, NSW, Australia. The two Fiji directors were listed as Daniel Lobendahn, P O Box 422, Suva, and Peter Howard, P O Box 1401, Suva. The Company Secretary was listed as Graeme Hedge, P O Box 461, Savusavu. On 6 August 2012, Lobendahn had declared as follows: "I, Daniel Lobendahn of 10 Fletcher Rd, Suva, do solemnly and sincerely declare that I am the person named in the Articles of Association as a director of HeliPro Fiji Ltd and that all the requirements of the Companies Act, in respect of matters precedent to the registration of the said company and incidental thereto have been complied with". Howard gave his home address as 29 Garvey Rd, Suva. The declaration was witnessed by Suva lawyer Laisa Lagilevu of Lagilevu Law. She is the former FICAC prosecutor who was charged with prosecuting executives of the Native Land Trust Board on charges of abuse of office and fraud - the former NLTB general manager Kalivati Bakani and Keni Dakuidreketi. She was also seeking before Justice Daniel Goundar to consolidate a similar case against Bakani and Dakuidreketi with that against former prime minister Laisenia Qarase. Peter Howard is a local lawyer. He has an office in the same building as Laisa Lagilevu. Schollary held 132,000 shares, Barbieri, 132,000 and Geoffrey Hedge 136,000 in HeliPro Fiji. The share capital of the company was to be $3million divided into 3,000,000 shares of $1 each. But those in the helicopter business say the Fiji choppers which are a favourite mode of transport for Bainimarama and his regime is estimated at $21million - $7million a chopper! What about the insurance? The insiders say the chopper directors are taking the people of Fiji - via their connections with Bainimarama and the regime - for a very choppy and possibly financially ruinous high ride - reportedly charging the regime $5,000 an hour for their services. In December 2012, the Emergency Helicopter Services Limited (EHSL) claimed it had partnered with HeliPro Fiji to provide assistance for search and rescue operations at sea and medical evacuation. The two not-for-profit organizations were to work closely with the Ministry of Health, DISMAC, Fiji Navy, St John Ambulance, Fiji Red Cross, Fiji Police Force and the National Fire Authority. HeliPro Fiji's country manager Graeme Hedge said the company would provide free service to the Fiji community. Now it has emerged that both, Lobendahn and Howard, are directors of the same two organizations - HeliPro and EHSL in Fiji. And Graeme Hedge is company secretary. | Graeme Hedge is yet to reply to our inquiries regarding the status of his obtaining money by false pretenses charge in 2010; two years before he and others set up Helipro Fiji Ltd in August 2012. |
30/7/2013 05:59:48 pm
Defamatory Post
30/7/2013 06:08:00 pm
Who says so - what has happened to Graeme Hedge's charge - why is he not telling us? How can a company be owning $21million dollars worth of helicopters?
23/11/2013 05:00:25 pm
Hi Editor I am looking to make contact with Tristan, please let me have more details as I am trying to get all the Hedge's victims together to compile all the frauds and take it from there. Police and FICAC need to know about this to bury these scumbags ASAP. They took everything from me and my family and I don't want to give them any more fodder to rob. By the way Graeme's criminal proceedings have been postponed due to lawyer tactics until February 2014 so Graeme gets to stay out of gaol another Christmas to rob more people. Fiji justice system, wake up, put this scumbag and his associate away. They are all thieves!! This includes Scollary and Barbieri who know 100% what Graeme have done and assisted him to do this to us as well as Vinod Chand.
23/11/2013 06:00:08 pm
Hi Editor I am looking to make contact with Tristan, please let me have more details as I am trying to get all the Hedge's victims together to compile all the frauds and take it from there. Police and F.I.C.A.C. need to know about this to bury these scumbags ASAP. They took everything from me and my family and I don't want to give them any more fodder to rob. By the way Graeme's criminal proceedings have been postponed due to lawyer tactics until February 2014 so Graeme gets to stay out of gaol another Christmas to rob more people. Fiji justice system, wake up, put this scumbag and his associate away. They are all thieves!! This includes Scollary and Barbieri who know 100% what Graeme have done and assisted him to do this to us as well as Vinod Chand.
Night Rider
31/7/2013 03:50:39 am
There is something really amiss here - stinks of corruption - where did these chaps get $21million to buy those helicopters? If they took out loans, from where? - and why are those loans not showing in their company records?
Fijileaks Editor
1/8/2013 01:57:51 am
Dear Tony and other commentators
Tony Schepis
27/8/2013 05:19:10 pm
Dear Editor, the post by "tony" was not me but someone who knows what Hedge and his wife Carolyn Francis Hedge and his Brother Geoffrey Lewis Hedge as well as Peter Anthony Scollary and Michael Charles Barbieri robbed not only my father, my partners and I in Austpacific Industries (Fiji) Limited but they robbed countless other people who merely wanted to buy timber and also Carolyn's mother Mrs. Francis Meaney of hundreds of thousands and used our money to start Helipro. They were assisted by Westpac Fiji as they loaned money to these thieves knowing they could never repay the loans which were totally contrary to the shareholders agreement that Westpac were in receipt of since 2004 but are denying they ever saw the agreement until 2011 but we have 100% proof this is a lie and Westpac are refusing to discuss with us as we know they are lying. The Hedges were dealing with Westpac Labasa who were investigated and all but 3 of their staff were dismissed and I have been told that Graeme and Carolyn were involved in this problem. So whoever is using my name, please don't.
22/11/2013 02:14:55 am
Very true,...I'm a former emplôyee and a victim too.
23/11/2013 04:57:21 pm
Hi Tristan, please let me have more details as I am trying to get all the Hedge's victims together to compile all the frauds and take it from there. Police and FICAC need to know about this to bury these scumbags ASAP. They took everything from me and my family and I don't want to give them any more fodder to rob. By the way Graeme's criminal proceedings have been postponed due to lawyer tactics until February 2014 so Graeme gets to stay out of gaol another Christmas to rob more people. Fiji justice system, wake up, put this scumbag and his associate away. They are all thieves!!
23/11/2013 04:59:04 pm
Hi Tristan, please let me have more details as I am trying to get all the Hedge's victims together to compile all the frauds and take it from there. Police and FICAC need to know about this to bury these scumbags ASAP. They took everything from me and my family and I don't want to give them any more fodder to rob. By the way Graeme's criminal proceedings have been postponed due to lawyer tactics until February 2014 so Graeme gets to stay out of gaol another Christmas to rob more people. Fiji justice system, wake up, put this scumbag and his associate away. They are all thieves!! This includes Scollary and Barbieri who know 100% what Graeme have done and assisted him to do this to us as well as Vinod Chand.
23/11/2013 05:00:50 pm
Hi Tristan, please let me have more details as I am trying to get all the Hedge's victims together to compile all the frauds and take it from there.
23/11/2013 06:00:48 pm
Hi Tristan, please let me have more details as I am trying to get all the Hedge's victims together to compile all the frauds and take it from there!
22/8/2021 01:47:40 pm
Ask Frank bainimara
2/8/2013 03:22:57 am
so dan got holy holy and connected with the catholics and mob to rob the people.
23/11/2013 04:52:57 pm
I think Dan is Graeme's next victim in waiting. Graeme latches onto people who listen to his lies and crying poor mouth then he bleeds them dry and I see the same pattern here as what Graeme did to me and my family and friends. It's not a case "if" Graeme robs you it is most certainly of "WHEN" he will rob you and for how much. He and his wife and brother are thieves and they don't have the stones to man up and sort out what they owe people. LOWEST FORMS OF LIFE!!!!!
17/12/2020 01:12:46 pm
Who is Dan that you believe is grame hedges next victim?
22/8/2021 01:50:46 pm
Fake Kingdom Church at Walu Bay
clear vision
2/8/2013 04:38:14 pm
Keep the Catholic Church out of BaiKhaiyum's dirty tyrannical regime. Just because some rotten thieving so-called catholics support the regime does not mean the Christian Faith is tainted. Sa!
clear vision
2/8/2013 04:50:24 pm
By all means though, keep EXPOSING them for their underhanded active support to the junta.
3/8/2013 06:33:20 am
clear vision should have alerted archbishop mataca before he went on his crusade for the regime...a bit hard to disassociate the catholics from this when the exheadman was in the thick of things.
shalindra singh
17/10/2020 01:02:05 pm
catholic church protects pedohiles,,,are bullies...i was physically assaulted by the notorious thug brother peter....witnessed by classmates,,,,,persons of fame....dr neil sharma....ex minister for health,,,high court judge inoke sosefo...hamendra nagin of sherani law firm...captain pio wong ...champal lal of pioneer ...prakash bhai,,,,ashabhai company....pradeep naicker fiji ambassador in canada
22/8/2021 01:52:56 pm
Catholic Church is a corrupt sadistic organisation. Physical abuse of non Christian students
clear vision
3/8/2013 04:43:58 pm
Can judas do us all a favour and step back in time so he can cut down that forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden, so as not to put any temptation whatsoever in any form or manner, in the way of our beloved biblical mom & dad (Eve and Adam), please!
4/8/2013 12:31:47 am
kelera vision dear, no one blaming u darling
clear vision
4/8/2013 01:01:34 am
Vinaka mobby luvequ, no offence meant so none taken.
5/8/2013 03:02:22 pm
but then why is the Methodist church being singled out?
Tony Schepis
27/8/2013 05:21:47 pm
Does anyone have an update on the Criminal Proceedings against Hedge presently (28/8/13) underway at Labasa Magistrate's Court
17/12/2020 01:22:23 pm
I have a conviction against Graeme Hedge in Sydney for misappropriation of company monies (fraud) .
7/10/2014 11:48:17 pm
Check out Helipro has gone into receivership in NZ
17/12/2020 01:26:41 pm
Do try and use my Sydney judgement against Graeme Hedge to stop him defrauding!
20/7/2024 09:14:54 am
Do you need a pilot/manager for the AW109? Would be a shame to waste that service.
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