The Nasinu Magistrate while fining R C Manubhai $1,000 in 2012: 'Ulterior motive of non marking prices is suspicious. The accused could sell items at any price and they could gain unreasonable profit on that. Further, the accused could sell items at different prices and this discriminates customers' rights.'
"In mitigation, I consider that the accused pleaded guilty without going to the trial. But, they did not show any remorse or apology to the court or to customers. The price was not marked conspicuously as the law requires. As multi-million company, the accused cannot take these things for granted. The accused should obey the law and regulations as everyone [is] equal before the law. Ulterior motive of non marking prices is suspicious. The accused could sell items at any price and they could gain unreasonable profit on that. Further, the accused could sell items at different prices and this discriminates customers' rights. I hold the sentence should be exemplary. In considering all circumstances, the accused, R. C. MANUBHAI COMPANY LIMITED shall pay fine of $1000 for this offence. In default 100 days imprisonment (Directors of the company to be imprisoned as they depicted in the Company Register under the name of R. C. MANUBHAI COMPANY LIMITED). Prosecution is asking for $33.75 cost and The Accused should pay that cost too. Therefore total amount should be paid by the accused is $1033.75." - 7th March 2012, at Nasinu, Sumudu Premachandra [Mr.] Resident Magistrate-Nasinu
Before Cyclone Winston: Buy ALL your last minute needs at RCM stores
R C Manubhai & Co. Ltd. February 19 near Suva, Fiji · Buy ALL your last minute cyclone needs at your nearest R. C. Manubhai store so your house and yards are safe and secure. Be wise and shop for durable cyclone products: Torches, Batteries, Jerry Gallon, Lanterns, Ropes, Tarpaulins and many more products to help you get through Cyclone Winston. — getting ready for Cyclone. |
And after Cyclone Winston lashed Fiji:
The audit also couldn’t ascertain that all receipts and payments have been accurately accounted and disclosed in the main trust – while the ministry’s general ledger shows $5m cash at bank, the bank statement only accounts for $1.9m. The Provincial Development Ministry also did not reconcile the Prime Minister’s National Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation trust fund because no expense ledger was maintained.
Projects for individual communities that have given their one third deposits have been delayed for as much as ten years. 70 projects under the Rural Housing Assistance Scheme with more than $200,000 in contributions haven’t been implemented. It’s the same for 9 projects under the Prime Minister’s Relief and Rehabilitation Project and 5 self help projects.
An inspection of stores at Top-Yard Walu Bay, revealed unaccounted building materials and other items stacked outside the yard, deteriorating due to wear and tear. Tropical Cyclone Rehabilitation materials received in 2011 were still not delivered to those affected in the Northern Division. The audit report says the Provincial Development Ministry has poor control over the administration of Tropical Cyclone Evans Housing Rehabilitation operation in the West – blanket approvals were issued to suppliers without purchase orders – without any ceiling amount for costs.
Kasabia’s Ltd and R.C Manubhai were paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for supply of building materials which were not fully delivered to recipients. Source: FBC News.