Fijileaks to former Vice Chancellor Mahendra Kumar: Answer Our E-mail!
Fijileaks: We are determined to expose Indo-Fijian academics who not only "fed" off the treasonous 2006 coup but "sexually" abused their positions while hiding behind the petticoat of academic respectability!
DISGRACEFUL MALE CHAUVINIST: "My office (the Permanent Secretary’s) was broken into on 21st December 2014. The Police came and took the reports. Nothing was damaged except for the two laptops and the desk top computer was interfered with. The desk top screen had two pads (mensuration) pasted on the screen with vulgar words. The Assistant Ministers office adjacent to mine with the connecting door was safe with no interference. The laptop was carried out of the office and thrown some distance away. Obviously someone was searching for information. I went up to his office and reported to the Minister who merely laughed it off." Mrs Kumar to Pio Tikoduadua