"As you know your Excellency [President of Kiribati], Fiji for the first time elected its Prime Minister on the floor of Parliament and I was elected by the power of the majority of one. It was on Christmas eve and it was by secret ballot, the following day the world stood still to remember the birth of one child in Bethlehem. I believe it was the power of that one child in our prayers for so many years that gave us that majority of one on the floor of parliament."
*In 1987, God whispered into the ears of the racist in his sleep to carry out his coup, overthrow the Bavadra government, disenfranchise the Indo-Fijians, urban Fijians and other minorities in Fiji, and become the Prime Minister of Fiji under a racist and autocratic 1990 Constitution of Fiji. He also obtained IMMUNITY in that Constitution.
*In his two appointments as Prime Minister, Rabuka was assisted by the votes of FLP leader Mahendra Chaudhry in 1992, and the NFP leader Jai Ram Reddy in 1994, for him to become Prime Minister.
*In December 2022, it was Reddy's successor BIMAN PRASAD, in exchange to become Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, went into Coalition with Rabuka to form the new government, with Coupist as Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs.
*Obscenely, the Methodist lay preacher (and his i-Taukei Cabinet Ministers) never tire of invoking GOD to celebrate their wins and the formation of the Coalition government, as if other races don't matter.
*The fundamentalist Christian zealot once again dedicated his premiership to his Christian GOD, as he informed his host, the President of Kiribati during HIGH TABLE dinner on 20 Janaury 2023:
"As you know your Excellency, Fiji for the first time elected its Prime Minister on the floor of Parliament and I was elected by the power of the majority of one. It was on Christmas eve and it was by secret ballot, the following day the world stood still to remember the birth of one child in Bethlehem. I believe it was the power of that one child in our prayers for so many years that gave us that majority of one on the floor of parliament."
*In 1987, most Pacific Island leaders had been brainwashed into accepting his coups against Indo-Fijians because, he told them, these Indo-Fijians were NOT Pacific Islanders. Moreover, he told them that 'Hindus and Muslims are PAGANS who must be converted to Christianity, otherwise we (i-Taukei and Pacific Islanders) will have to be converted and become PAGANS.'
*They should go back to India, he screamed from the balcony of the Suva Civic Centre. By 2023, he had achieved his original mission, and today Indo-Fijians are a minority in Fiji, and the region, and his Cabinet is predominantly i-Taukei dominated, with three Indo-Fijians as Cabinet Ministers.
RABUKA: ”No, no, no…. that was a fact. I was in camp. I went in and I was called by Home Affairs operations room and I said to them, well tell the Commander, I’m going in there. I didn’t know where he was.”
BAINIMARAMA: ”Rubbish, he was there for a reason. He had his uniform with him. All my soldiers on duty saw him on his uniform at the back and in fact he spoke with some senior colonels to say I want all the colonels to bind together and give the authority to take over the command of the military.”
BAINIMARAMA: ”Rubbish, he was there for a reason. He had his uniform with him. All my soldiers on duty saw him on his uniform at the back and in fact he spoke with some senior colonels to say I want all the colonels to bind together and give the authority to take over the command of the military.”