Under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961, those entitled to immunity are expected to obey the laws and regulations of the host country, not to bloody drive while drunk, and killing a Fijian citizen or to grab a Government Minister and rape him or her in Albert Park! BEHAVING BADLY AT THE UNITED NATIONS: AND Fiji's own Diplomatic Service has become the dumping ground for those deemed useless in their jobs in Fiji; FRCA CEO is being sent to plum diplomatic posting as High Commissioner to London; Filimone Waqabaca is known to have been dumped by Khaiyum from Finance and unhappy and neatly posted to a sinecure posting. Can we expect the demoralized Waqabaca to perform in Wellington, when he had told many of his friends that the Governorship of RBF was his next stop when Bainimarama had catapulted him to the PS Finance position, when he (Bainimarama) was Finance Minister? In the meantime, a serial Meanwhile, Groenewald has also confirmed the same South African diplomat Theo Mostert was also assaulted outside the High Commission a fortnight ago
Charlie Charlie
5/10/2015 01:47:33 pm
SA got diplomatic immunity, parveen Bala got political immunity. Baini/Kaiyum/rabuka got coup immunity. Fiji is fast becoming a country of immunity for law breakers. The new Fiji under bainimarama/Kaiyum got a new ball sucker in the Compol. Suffer and die the poor, freedom deprived and tortured Fijians.
5/10/2015 08:43:07 pm
Interesting to see how quickly Fiji’s South African Pol.Com Groenewald cites the Vienna Convention immunity clauses for his countryman diplomat, drunk driver and a Fiji citizen killer and whilst at the same time the South African Parliament hears of diplomats behaving badly in their own country.
Viva Sakoto!
5/10/2015 08:48:31 pm
When Pol.Com knows well his Vienna Conventions – Then how come he is so unfamiliar with the “United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment”??
Simply ASKing
5/10/2015 08:51:44 pm
And that Right Horrible Praveen Bala evading justice is the all-time biggest Corruption of the Politico-Judiciary Conspiracy kind in the whole of the Australasian region – Is it not?
rajend naidu
5/10/2015 10:23:16 pm
5/10/2015 11:10:22 pm
Wow! Four and half decades after Independence the designers of the new Fiji are planning on hiring talented public servants for top jobs from overseas. I thought Independent meant a nation was now capable of standing on its own feet. What happened to all the talented people of Fiji? Oh, I keep forgetting. They fled the country after each coup !
rajend naidu
5/10/2015 11:30:50 pm
Canada Bot
6/10/2015 05:03:06 am
What a bofoon this Commissioner of POlice
6/10/2015 07:08:01 am
Rat U Inoke Kubuabola fiddling with his phone throughout Bainimarama's speech at the UN is nothing. He would have known it is a lasulasu speech - the kind all dictators make at the UN to pull wool over the eyes of the UN mob. State officials who accompany such Dear Leaders are not there to listen to lasulasu speeches. They are there in New York to have a good time. Attendance at the UN speeches is a necessary waste time they have to tolerate!
Law& Order
6/10/2015 07:27:02 pm
Law & Order
6/10/2015 09:15:17 pm
Remember General Augusto Pinochet the Chilean military dictator who carried out the coup to get rid of the democratically elected socialist government of Salvadore Allende?
20/10/2015 07:30:08 am
All the more reason why I find that diplomatic immunity bullcrap a real farce of an excuse to escape the hand of justice by fleeing to your own homeland.
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