Why HUMILIATE Ratu Epeli Ganilau without changing voting rule, for FFP has numbers on its side in Parliament for foregone result - KONROTE! Secret vote (without revealing the identity of the voter) will give MPs the chance to vote with conscience rather than along party lines! Of course, frightened FFP MPs might just go along with their party! "The nomination and likely appointment of Konrote is a slap on the face of Indo-Fijians" THIS REGIME APPOINTED FORMER MEDIA BUTCHER WAITING HIS CALL EVIL DESIGN: How can a failed candidate (above) with 615 votes be called to serve as FFP MP in Parliament - he can, for AIYAZ KHAIYUM made sure in his 2013 Constitution that a failed candidate can just come back during the lifetime of Parliament! That is why he removed the by-election provision from his CONSTITUTION
Charlie Charlie
10/10/2015 01:44:43 pm
I'm hoping against all hope that the indo-Fijians in the ff party will break ranks with the exception of Kaiyum and vote for Rt Epeli Ganilau. It's highflying unlikely that these mere puppets and Kaiyum xxx polishers would do it but I hope they do so that the master coup maker doesn't get to enjoy the presidents seat. Ganilau is a better option by far. A call to all indo-Fijians within the ff-please stop clinging to kaiyums xxx and vote for the deserving candidate in Rt Epeli.
King Rat
10/10/2015 11:17:25 pm
I am interested in why you think Ratu Epeli is a better candidate than Konrote?
Canada Boy
10/10/2015 04:25:16 pm
If bainimarama was genuine about nation building and unity he would have consulted with the opposition and come up with a consensus candidate which all party could support
10/10/2015 10:00:58 pm
I agree a full 100 per cent with what you say except for the bit about Bainimarama displaying statesmanship . That is really expecting Too Much out of this military thug of a leader who is not even fit to be called a national leader. It is such a shame that a great country like Fiji which was once described by the Pope as a model multiracial democracy should have such an intellectual imbecile as it's PM.
King Rat
11/10/2015 01:11:17 am
Who is your choice for alternative PM? Please tell us.
10/10/2015 07:18:05 pm
I think the criteria of president nomination was to select a party neutral person.
10/10/2015 11:00:35 pm
Can someone point out one man or one woman in the Fiji First Theft Party who is guided by his or her conscience?
rajend naidu
10/10/2015 11:22:26 pm
Merit Based
10/10/2015 11:32:19 pm
Based on their respective CV's Konrote is perhaps more deserving, Ganilau is a humble person but perhaps with an axe to grind.
Kad Kid
10/10/2015 11:36:57 pm
GCC should have vote for this.What's going now?
Welcome Back
11/10/2015 09:57:26 pm
Good to see you awake kiddo. The GCC is sa oti come mada na FRAUD 2013 Constitution. But since you are awake - do something!
The only duty of President of Fiji is open and close the parliament which he reads from the paper prepared by Kai Bai. Apart from this the president open and closes the door at other places and this president roams the world at the tax payers expense. Any one like the sales person from Indian shop will be good for the president. there is no Fijian shop so they cannot be selected for president
Ganilau for Ambassador
11/10/2015 05:17:58 am
Frank should repay debt of favour and appoint Ganilau ambassador.After all he has civil service and political exposure and comes from an eminent family.
13/10/2015 07:57:09 am
Its a no-brainer that they don't want any outsiders to take over the presidency since its all about their members and them only anyways. Obviously anyone thats not from the Bhaiyum clan would have been seen as a threat to their interests.
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