![]() Historic moment for Fiji & the region - Bainimarama signs Fiji’s “Instrument of Ratification” for the Paris Agreement. The Instrument of Ratification reaffirms Fiji’s commitment to combatting the root causes of climate change and is being transmitted to New York ahead of the high level signing ceremony to be held by the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, on April 22, 2016
1/4/2016 12:03:34 am
Does this mean Bainimarama's government will now stop giving approval for the " cleaning up" of mangrove areas to make way for commercial developers who donate funds to them?
1/4/2016 05:49:27 am
No it doesn't. This whole Paris affair is all about getting a piece of the $492,000,000,000 on offer for "global warming". Fiji Times carried a story about how there was 492 billion dollars set aside to deal with global warming. Next day the Fiji Government machinery woke up and started rubbing their hands with dreams of big dollars coming their way,hence this charade led by the PM. The mastermind behind this affair is Isikeli Mataitoga, who is probably hoping for a Presidential nomination after Konrote.
Eyes Wide Open
1/4/2016 01:59:16 am
So what did the Bala, Minister for Local Government and Environment learn while at the historic international Climate Change Conference in Paris?
1/4/2016 06:07:02 am
Dear Fiji most of you have misinterpreted the meaning of a cleaner Fiji. What I plan to do is to get rid of all road blocks to my drive to reach ultimate control. Haven't you realized by now, anyone or any company that create that road block have been either removed, tortured, harassed, or reduced to nothing. Those who are with me are in powerful positions. Chinese are filling my accounts in banks all over world. So why should I stop them from mining, logging, investing in sea shore properties. What environment policies do you mean. As long as it gives me media coverage, travels and per diems and permits my dear wife Mary to shop happily, I will continue to make big speeches. No one comes to check what we practice here any way. Good bless Fiji for trusting in me. Keep filling my pockets or else my thugs in military and dictator buddy Khai will ruin your life.
rajend naidu
1/4/2016 07:32:33 am
1/4/2016 08:22:21 am
Speaking of Donald Trump, mind u he did also add his voice to the rising clamour that climate change is a fraud. What the Paris Agreement achieved was an international declaration that climate change was caused by human induced green house gas emissions. The United States and western powers have been interfering with the ionasphere for several decades through micro wave experiments. No mention of that is made in the Pars Declaration. Sea level rise is a myth and the biggest con job perpetrated on our PM was done by Kiribati President Anote Tong who was able to get the Fiji govt to agree to selling thousands of acres of freehold land in Savusavu for the resettlement of Kiribati people. Now that the US and western powers have been let off the hook by the Paris Agreement the money our PM is expecting will never materialise
Fools of Paradise
1/4/2016 06:02:03 pm
No amount of billions can undo what the human have done to the environment when it took a 1000 years it will take more to get it right. Kai n Bai just searching for more gold
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