The level of corruption in Fiji Roads Authority (FRA) does not only stop here but has been taken to the highest level by this Government.
For example, the Nadi road widening project is going to cost the tax payers a whopping $99.5million to complete a six kilometer road between the Nadi Airport to Wailoloa. Initially when the contract was let out it in October last year it was to the sum of $65.9 million, meaning a variation of $33.6m has been awarded on the contract by FRA.
FRA to date has not explained to the tax payers the need to award such a large sum of variation on the contract and were proper procedures followed when awarding the huge variation?
Were all departments including the Ministry of Finance consulted prior to award of a huge variation? FRA did not call for separate tenders for the additional $33.6m work which they should have. Neil Cook and Zaina should be scaked for causing a lose to the tax payers on contract.
The Opposition needs to seriously look into the affairs of FRA and seek answers from the Goverement on this one. "Suresh"