Luveni says the advice given to her by the Solicitor General was in confidence and they allowed her to reply to the suspended NFP the gist of the advice
The Speaker
Parliament of Fiji
Government Buildings
Attn: Honourable Dr Jiko Luveni
Dear Hon Dr Luveni
We are writing to you to in response [to] your letter dated 4th February 2016. This merely states that we have been suspended as Members of Parliament based on 'legal advice'. We understand this advice was obtained from the Solicitor-General, given your public pronouncements on the issue.
Your position was not consistent with the advice we had received, from our lawyers, Munro Leys (refer the Memorandum of Advice dated 4 February which was forwarded to you yesterday).
You have set out three propositions in your letter but you have not explained the legal reasoning that supports them. We have shared with you the advice we have received. Why should your office not do the same?
Please would you forward to us a copy of the legal advice you have received. You are denying to Members of Parliament, Fiji’s highest democratic institution, the right to take their seats in service to those who elected them. The people have the right to know why and on what legal basis you are taking this step.
Yours faithfully
Biman Prasad