The latest example is the election today [3 June] of Pio Tikoduadua as the president of the National Federation Party. I know Pio personally and I have many friends in the NFP, so it gives me no pleasure saying this, but I feel it must be said.
Mr Tikoduadua is a former close military government colleague of 2006 coup leader Voreqe Bainimarama and went on to become his aider and abettor as a Cabinet member in the Fiji First government.
So we now have three political party leaders who have yet to be held to account for their capital crimes against the people. They continue to hide behind the immunity provisions of Chapter 10 of the current constitution.
Yet the other coup leader George Speight, who committed the same crime as the three evaders of justice, is still serving a life sentence.
Where is the equality, fairness and justice in all this?
The excuse by the NFP that Mr Tikoduadua was overseas when Bainimarama committed his act of treason is not credible. Mr Tikoduadua came back and decided to fully participate in what Bainimarama had done. Other military officers had resigned in protest. Mr Tikoduadua could have done the honorable thing and resigned as well. But he did not.
Instead he chose to be part of the Bainimarama takeover and was well rewarded for that.
As long as we the people are stupid enough to keep rewarding these wrongdoers, we will always be cursed with coups. Our dysfunctional behavior gives future potential coup instigators a form of incentive to follow the same course which has done so much damage to our country.
They know they can commit a capital crime, get immunity for it, then seek to reach the highest offices in the land, while enriching themselves along the way.