Fijileaks: Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum, you should go back into your bloody zoo and take your Masoor Goonda Ashneel Sudhakar with you...a disgraceful scumbag and con merchant - you don't represent the vast majority of Indo-Fijians except the laughing Rosy Akbar, Faiyaz Koya, murder fugitive Parveen Bala, Balmindar Singh, and other FFP Indo-Fijian MPs! And the green goons marching to his tune should cut loose from him, for they are nothing but his CAGED 'MONKEYS'! Watch the video where Khaiyum impersonates a monkey - gorilla - in Parliament
to characterize native Fijians
Its not a monkey he is personifying but a gorilla (much worse than a monkey on implications)
Aiyaz Khaiyum ("Acting" Prime Minister of Fiji): "We are all FIJIANS now but native Fijians are BANDAARS - MONKEYS, including all native Fijians in Parliament, the Military, Police Force, Civil Service etc, etc, etc, you spot them and they are BANDAARS in MY FIJI"; Fijileaks: And, the Minister for Lands Mere Vuniwaqa, was seen laughing hysterically despite being called a "bandaar; and "Monkey" Speaker not ordering Aiyaz Khaiyum to get back into his ZOO"
Aiyaz Khaiyum's pet boys inside SODELPA who wanted Richard Naidu and Biman Prasad out of the two positions should be sent to replace Naidu and Prasad; Mosese Bulitavu should be sent to the COC and Aseri Radrodro should become chairman of the Public Accounts Committee
Fijileaks: You were very quick to defend your groomed Masoor Goonda Ashneel Sudhakar who was branded a "FOOL"; what about your own MONKEY PERFORMANCE in Parliament, characterizing native Fijians as MONKEYS, with Children's Minister Rosy Akbar laughing at your ACT?
DEATH ON THEIR HANDS: Aiyaz Khaiyum and Bainimarama's soldiers had beaten Fiji Times photographer Sitiveni Moce in 2006; the poor soul never recovered from his brutal beatings, and sadly passed away!
Opposition Leader Ro Teimumu Kepa today expressed her deep sorrow at the passing of Fiji Times photographer Sitiveni Moce.
In a brief statement issued today, Ro Teimumu said that Sitiveni Moce’s death is a reminder to all law abiding citizens of Fiji of the impunity with which our military inflicted their brutal and cowardly acts against the innocent and defenseless citizens of Fiji, while their leaders and supporters of the Oppressive Bainimarama Regime [now Fiji First Government] stood by in cowardly silence then proceeded to reward the murderers with immunity from prosecution in Chapter 10 of their 2013 imposed constitution.
Ro Teimumu said SODELPA will continue to fight for justice to be served to Mr Moce’s family and others whose loved ones were killed as a consequence of the coups in Fiji, no matter how long it takes.
Ro Teimumu Kepa called on the law abiding citizens in Fiji to wake up to the reality of what has been going on in Fiji and not remain ignorant to the obvious facts. Pretending that ‘all is ok’ when people like Sitiveni Moce die from injuries he received from official enforcers of the Bainimarama now Fiji First government without a single person involved in the abuse of Mr Moce being investigated or charged.
This is the shameful truth of our democracy
Authorized By:
Hon. Ro Teimumu Kepa