From: Tanya Waqanika <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 11:07 AM
Subject: Settlement and Fiji TV matters.
Bula Vinaka Saka Fiji TV, FHL board members, Hari Punja & Sons and Class B Shareholders,
We thought it best to address our issue directly with you all. We trust that you have all read our detailed 74 page document, addressed to the Hon Prime Minister, Ratu Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, MP on the allegations against Hon Aiyaz Saiyed - Khaiyum MP.
Our fight for Justice and Righteousness is against those that did this injustice to us and have bowed down to AG's illegal, demonic and unrighteous directive to have our removal based on his personal vindictiveness and vendetta. The mere fact that both boards are still silent on this issue and have silently endorsed the recruitment/appointment of new Fiji TV CEO is morally, ethically and legally wrong. That position rightfully still belongs to Tevita Gonelevu.
For me personally, I believe I have done my time with Fiji TV, my record at Fiji TV speaks for itself. Our Living God has always favored me and fought all my battles- the glory, honor and praise belongs to him alone. First for the record, we are not against the Government of Fiji and the Hon Prime Minister. As believers in Christ Jesus, the word of God says that he appoints and removes rulers and all those in authority are from God. We will not and cannot judge or criticize the Hon Prime Minister, Voreqe Josaia Bainimarama or our democratically elected Government. Secondly, e tiko na neitou dra vakaveiwekeni.
In all my years at Fiji TV, Hon Prime Minister "never ever"interferes in the operations of Fiji TV- a FACT. You can all verify the same from the former Fiji TV Chairperson and former board members, including the 2 former CEOs- they will confirm the non- interference from the Hon PM. You would have read page 63 of our report- my spirit discerns that the directive from "Frankjosh" is not from the Hon Prime Minister. The manner in which Fareed addresses the Hon Prime Minister in the email is very very disrespectful. The truth is already coming out. They all know who this person is.
We have yet to finalize our submission on the unethical conduct of the Fiji TV (FHL) board members and the serious and personal legal implications which they have unfortunately caught themselves in. I honestly and truly believe that Naiveli, Rathod and Tuituki were used and duped by Fareed in our removal with the manipulation of AG. However, this does not immune them from legal proceedings given that "ignorance of the law, is not a defense", moreso, when they are professionals in their own standing.
Fareed is a Compulsive liar and deceiver- I had reported to the MNL board an incident to Mr Naiveli and Mr Lala on the serious legal implications that he did- he set up both board members. He has a cowardly habit of not putting his name or signature to any document which reeks of unethical issues, unfortunately, he was caught red -handed for the Fiji TV saga. I had reported the same (MNL board incident) to Lt Col Neumi Leweni and Lt Col Pio Tikodudua and I then requested that they hold back from reporting the same to Ratu Voreqe- guess it was meant to be. Fareed's statements in the media against Fiji TV was calculating that it devalued and drove Fiji TV's share price own - we have all the evidence. Fiji TV's demise and downfall also affects FHL and all its shareholders and all FHL subsidiaries.
We had also recorded (audio)his last meeting with Fiji TV management where he openly admitted to the entire Fiji TV management that his first priority was to protect himself. We recorded the entire meeting. We have other evidence of his unethical conduct.
Whatever that Gonelevu and Waqanika has done- we can assure you all, it has rattled the AG with fear. God have mercy on him
To the point of our email- SETTLEMENT and Fiji TV matters :
1) As I had stated above, I have done my time with Fiji TV. Mr Naiveli has openly admitted that we were sacrificed for a long term license - this gives us strong legal grounds against Fiji TV and the 4 board members themselves- alas a 6 months license was issued. We feel for Fiji TV and its employees, they are all scared and worried about their jobs. This spirit of fear has to stop NOW! We are now in democracy. The 4 Fiji TV( FHL) board members only were called to the meeting at FHL on Monday, 14 Dec and they all voted that we be removed- shame on you all and I pray that you are not denied Natural Justice and Procedural fairness - we were denied. God have mercy on you all. It is my request that FHL pays out the remaining term of my contract- 21 months, shortfall of my pay and my bonus. We have been innocently sacrificed for something that we were totally innocent of. Fareed has all the emails in this issue- if you would like,we can email the same to you all upon request.
2) FHL board must and immediately seek independent legal advise against Nouzab Fareed. He is the CEO of a Taukei institution which is publicly listed and his entire conduct reeks of unethical, immoral and illegal activities. He cannot hold this position in this institution. Do not use Lateef and Lateef- they have given the wrong advise on our removal. Use a law firm that has strong employment law background- Munro Leys, Siwaitibau and Sloan, Chen Bunn Young and Associates, etc to give you all advise on Fareed's employment.
3) The legal fees from Lateef and Lateef which Fareed sought on his own without Fiji TV board should be paid by Fareed or FHL. Fiji TV should not be penalized for this. The bill was a little over $13,000.00.
4) Company Secretaries- this position (globally and locally) are normally held by Chartered accountants and Lawyers who have the depth and experience in board matters. They merely do not take notes- they are part of the board and advise the board as and when required. Again, I stand by my statement that Fareed uses people and sometimes appoints them to positions and sets them up for failure. Serai Roxburgh is an excellent Human Resource personnel, but my professional opinion, she is not competent to hold this position. I say this with the utmost honesty because a person in this position is the first line of defense/protector to the Board and its members. If the first line of defense is breached, it then exposes everyone else to attacks, failures and lawsuits. You need a competent person in this position that not only protects the board, but also protects "themselves" as well. There are still improper procedures on board matters at Fiji TV (going on now) wherein the legal board composition is not met as per the Fiji TV articles - any decisions are null and void and subject to legal proceedings. Fiji TV board members need to protect themselves.
5) Given the involvement of the 4 FHL members on Fiji TV board- they should do the honorable thing and resign immediately and also from FHL board. The principles of Good Governance, accountability and transparency must be adhered too at all times. Again, seek legal independent legal advise (FHL board). Fiji TV and FHL are both public listed companies and those in positions of authority must govern with integrity at all times.
6) Tevita Gonelevu to resume his duties as CEO Fiji TV. Given the manner in which he was remove, a fresh new ethical FHL board members sit at Fiji TV. If he is not given this position- pay the shortfall of his pay and the remainder of his contract.
7) Fareed had snitches and Judases inside Fiji TV. He has revealed 2 names to me in an email. There is truly no honor amongst thieves. However, we believe that there are other Judases who were directly feeding AG with lies and inaccurate information for their own self interest and gain - we know who they are. They must be removed provided proper disciplinary process is adhered too.
We bear no personal grudges against anyone, we are driven by Justice by and not Vengeance. Please forgive us if we have done wrong to any of you, we also forgive you all and humbly seek that you forgive us as well.
If one of you is dealt in the same manner, I would fight for you to prove your integrity and innocence. I am blessed that I am a lawyer with a wealth of experience. The Courtroom is my playground and I play quite well.
We have forgiven those that did this injustice to us but rest assured we will keep fighting for the TRUTH.
I can be contacted via email or for any queries to the above.
You all have a blessed day.
Vinaka vakalevu
Tanya Waqanika.
pS- I do not have Mr Kurusiga's email- can this be forward to him please. Vinaka.
Fijileaks Editor: We have not been able to get comments from Fareed or Khaiyum.