"The Vanua of Nawaka totally condemn the mischievous report of JYOTI PRATIBHA dragging the Vanua and our Chiefs name into a propaganda report that will only bring division to the full support that we have given to him after his installation. Our chief was only talking on his support for free education and his plans to educate his people. He is looking forward to having an election in September this year and getting a Democratic Government to lead us is what he meant in his short statement published by the Fiji Sun as follows: "Newly-installed Tui Nawaka Ratu Asaeli said he too supported the initiatives of the Government. He said his focus was on educating his villagers and he was adamant to change the mindset of the people. “We have to look forward and move ahead. There is no use being stuck in bad history. People need to adapt to change and move forward,” Ratu Asaeli said." We the people of the Vanua Nawaka wished to convey to Fiji Sun to stop this kind of reporting making use of our Vanua name and Chief to support their propaganda and dirty politics." http://www.fijisun.com.fj/2014/01/15/chiefs-back-pm/