"I cried in return and kept saying sorry." - Mrs Ari Taniguchi
Fijileaks: The NFP leader BIMAN PRASAD is refusing to admit or deny that he had been exchanging amorous WhatsApp text messages with Mrs Ari Taniguchi from June to October 2022, and that he was allegedly cheating on his wife by sending text messages and making phone calls to Mrs Taniguchi. His supporters are now spreading malicious rumours about the Taniguchis, saying Mrs Taniguchi is a LIAR |
During the Girmit era, any Indian coolie woman who filed a complaint against the sala kulumbar (overseer), she was branded a WHORE. It took one courageous woman - 'KUNTI' - to raise the lid against her sex pest overseer Cobcroft. The Immigration Department argued that Kunti had concocted the entire episode in revenge for the dismissal earlier of her paramour, Sundar Singh, as the sirdar (foreman) of the plantation. (The late Professor Brij Lal has written about 'Kunti's Cry).
*Today, the NFP-PAP Coalition supporters and social media commentators are following in a similar footstep, accusing the Taniguchis of making it up against Prasad after the NFP dismissed Hiroshi Taniguchi as its provisional candidate.
* But the text messages DO NOT LIE, so wake up Women of Fiji and call for BIMAN CHAND PRASAD to RESIGN as NFP leader.
Listen to the 'Cry of the Japanese Kunti' in Fiji
"Few times when Mr Biman Prasad was not happy with my husband, he called me through WhatsApp and shouted at me, complaining about my husband. I cried in return and kept saying sorry. At times I told him my husband is at home, he can talk to him but he took out his anger one me by shouting to me on the phone saying 'tell Hiroshi' , meaning my husband not be publicize information regarding anything to the media. This was witness by Mrs__and my husband. I was so scared so once I deleted my WhatApp application."