But Fijileaks says: http://www.fijileaks.com/home/icij-offshore-leaks-the-data-along-with-panama-files-re-fiji-just-because-many-in-ffp-not-on-list-doesnt-mean-they-are-all-squeaky-cleantheres-more-than-one-way-to-skin-a-cat-lets-wait-for-other-leaks
Rajend Naidu
24/5/2016 11:35:38 pm
Rajend Naidu
25/5/2016 01:59:32 am
25/5/2016 02:43:09 am
In a world comprising sovereign states and private entities that operate under the laws of sovereign states how can the use of off-shore tax havens that are designed to avoid state accountability and public scrutiny be legitimate? Victor, Your own adopted capital, the City of London, is the biggest tax haven of all into which tiny ex British colonies in the Caribbean and Pacific Ocean who act as tax havens feed their ill-gotten trillions.
Bulls Eye
25/5/2016 08:43:15 am
And the trillion missing dollars in US that led to 9/11 false flag so they could bomb the 3rd building where all the audit files were kept.
Victor Lal
25/5/2016 09:07:21 am
Spare me the details Pita, just tell us who in Fiji is part of this scheme. No one is saying it's actually illegal. But it does have tax implications since this government needs money to build more roads and have the dream Fiji we all want.
25/5/2016 09:14:16 am
Why would "ordinary" Fijians who stay here and who say they are committed to Fiji, putting their money in offshore accounts? The only answer is because these are illegally acquired funds. The current leaders must declare these funds, bring them back to Fiji, seek apology from the public and repent. Or else, as the country's AG said this week: "You will get caught".
25/5/2016 10:00:40 am
Victor, you stated in your post that "it is legal to avoid tax." My comment challenged your statement. I believe in the contrary and I painted a picture of a system headed by the City of London that allows a global system of tax avoidance and money laundering to flourish. That system rewards people who cheat and keep their money outside the control of National governments and Reserve Banks. I can't see why it can be legal to avoid tax as you stated in your post above
25/5/2016 10:09:14 am
ICIJ Q & A: Should I assume that the people and companies mentioned in the database are involved in tax avoidance or evasion? No. There are legitimate reasons to use offshore companies and trusts. ICIJ does not intend to suggest or imply that the people and companies included in the database have broken the law or otherwise acted improperly.
Fiji is full of Crooks
25/5/2016 11:33:08 am
Tax avodance v Tax evasion
Rajend Naidu
26/5/2016 07:40:00 am
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