On 9 September 2014, Grahame Southwick, the CEO, Fiji Fish Marketing Group Ltd donated to the FijiFirst Party Head Office $10,000 (Receipt No 1041) and Justin Hunter, founder of J. Hunter Pearls Fiji, donated $1,000 on 10 September 2014 (Receipt No 812). Four years later, Justin and Leanne Hunter jointly donated $10,000 on 9 November 2018. No receipt number is listed for this donation. We must add a cautionary note: FFP have, for reasons best known to them, recorded the receving dates and years in British and English styles interchangeably: 6/11/2014 or 6/15/2014. The above donations are legal under the donation decree.
7 fishing companies to receive the $3.2M Tuna Support Fund, FijiVillage, 7 October 2017

Fijileaks Founding Editor-in-Chief: In 2008, my deep throats inside FIRCA had dumped on me scores of tax files belonging to Interim Cabinet Ministers, former politicians, individuals, companies, lawyers and businessmen; not to mention the tax file of Frank Bainimarama's Interim Finance Minister Mahendra Chaudhry who was also line Minister for FIRCA. Among the heaps of files was one relating to an investigation on JOSEVA NAMISI LEANO, FIRCA's then Acting General Manager, Risk and Compliance. When I exposed Chaudhry's $2million that he was hiding in an Australian bank account, FIRCA issued a press release on 24 February 2008 stating that Leano had been dismissed for misconduct and abuse of office. The press release went on to state as follows: "The Authority is unable to divulge the facts of the various allegations made against Mr. Leano because they involve other taxpayers affairs." The next day, on 25 February 2008, Fiji Sun's then publisher Russell Hunter was abducted from his home, detained overnight by the military, and deported out of Fiji- to prevent us from exposing other tax dodgers and fraudsters based on their own tax files. The Investigation Report on Leano was concluded in 2007. I never came around to revealing its contents but when I saw Grahame Southwick's photo with Aiyaz Khaiyum and a story on the Tuna Support Fund, my photographic memory jolted me to dig up the 'Leano File involving Leano, the Southwick Family, and Nur Bano Ali's BDO firm. After a lengthy consideration, we have decided to withhold the findings until we have obtained comments from Grahame Southwick and Nur Bano Ali on FIRCA's Report regarding Leano and the Southwick Family. In passing, both Nur and her husband are also listed as DONORS to FFP. We will deal with them when we come to the Indo-Fijian donors.