"He didn’t have to respond since the comments on my personal facebook page do not have the same destructive characteristics as the people in his faction who attack our leaders, campaign aides, family members and even our Party General Secretary. He should focus his attention there. Their views cause conflict. Their lies and unchecked posts are absolutely UNACCEPTABLE, and the Leader that they propose loses credibility if he can't control their Stupidity...By the way, I am waiting for Rabuka's phone call, regarding a complaint I made in May regarding a FBC article that claimed that he attended a Management Board meeting where sexist and racist comments were shared - I was informed by the Party Leadership that he is to call me." - Pita Waqavonovono
Bula Vinaka
Ben Daveta sent me that link sometime yesterday, a few minutes later I heard it over the radio. FBC news piece showing the Opposition Leader attacking me and calling me to stop stirring up conflict. Other members of the Party have reached out to me in support. I just want to make it clear, Mr Rabuka is speaking about my facebook status regarding his votability.
He didn’t have to respond since the comments on my personal facebook page do not have the same destructive characteristics as the people in his faction who attack our leaders, campaign aides, family members and even our Party General Secretary. He should focus his attention there. Their views cause conflict. Their lies and unchecked posts are absolutely UNACCEPTABLE, and the Leader that they propose loses credibility if he can't control their Stupidity.
As for me, I was asked to declare my views on Rabuka by Rabuka and a few others in the Party, since I don’t belong to any faction in the Party. I did just that. I responded with historic facts and recent electoral results.
Please note, that SODELPA is currently undergoing a process to choose a leader. We have 4 persons vying for the position. Behind these 4 persons are very passionate campaigners and supporters. Right now, I don’t support any of them, although I am leaning towards one or two of them. So expect many words to flare up, hurtful things to be said, and more news articles. In the end, like all democratic political parties, we rally behind the chosen leader, whoever that is! I believe that Fiji will ultimately group around the candidates that they believe in in 2022
The interest for SODELPA is growing. More younger voters are showing up to our meetings and constituency AGM’s. Young People below the age of 40, are now the majority of members in the Party. We must celebrate these developments as it shows a Party that is growing into the future. These voters want solutions to Job Creation, Just Wages, and better education opportunities.
And by the way, Hon. Rabuka must have been misinformed. The selection committee for our Party Leader, is an independent committee that cannot receive submissions from non-applicants. Their terms of reference requires them to make independent analysis on each candidate without any of the usual leanings. By the way, I am waiting for Rabuka's phone call, regarding a complaint I made in May regarding a FBC article that claimed that he attended a Management Board meeting where sexist and racist comments were shared - I was informed by the Party Leadership that he is to call me.
In the meantime, since you are all fixed on my ‘past’ resignation from SODELPA as my sign of protest, can I remind you that Rabuka himself, has resigned from SODELPA 4 times and we love him all the same. So please, Focus on the issue at hand – prepare for the selection of a Party Leader and clean up the messaging from your crowd Mr Rabuka.
SODELPA all the way!