"It is time we cut our cloth to fit our size and influence, especially with the economic condition of the country and the economic sufferings of our people, a situation caused directly through our globe trotting excesses." - ROBIN NAIR
VIEWPOINT: By ROBIN NAIR, Former PS, Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs
GREAT diplomatic language from the Americans. Says nothing while it appears to be fulsome. It is about time Fijian leaders descend from the gravy train. Fiji has spent far too much money and resources on attending such talkfests with large delegations, including the large absences of the Head of Government with his enormous travel allowances, and travel entitlements which surpasses those of many developed countries' leaders, without contributing much to the global dialogue nor to Fiji's and its people's well being. Even if we had expended a quarter of those funds to Climate Change issues, the net benefits to Fiji would not have been any lesser. Instead we might have had better healthcare and other social neccesities of our people. It is time we cut our cloth to fit our size and influence, especially with the economic condition of the country and the economic sufferings of our people, a situation caused directly through our globe trotting excesses. We need humble leadership befitting our humble people, not show ponies delivering only for their enormous appetite for luxuries and status.
GREAT diplomatic language from the Americans. Says nothing while it appears to be fulsome. It is about time Fijian leaders descend from the gravy train. Fiji has spent far too much money and resources on attending such talkfests with large delegations, including the large absences of the Head of Government with his enormous travel allowances, and travel entitlements which surpasses those of many developed countries' leaders, without contributing much to the global dialogue nor to Fiji's and its people's well being. Even if we had expended a quarter of those funds to Climate Change issues, the net benefits to Fiji would not have been any lesser. Instead we might have had better healthcare and other social neccesities of our people. It is time we cut our cloth to fit our size and influence, especially with the economic condition of the country and the economic sufferings of our people, a situation caused directly through our globe trotting excesses. We need humble leadership befitting our humble people, not show ponies delivering only for their enormous appetite for luxuries and status.
Fijileaks: We have no doubt that Mary Bainimarama's free travel junket is over $100,000. We have never seen COP23 expenses published by Fiji
Chargé d’Affaires TONY GREUBEL is seasoned veteran in Pacific Island Affairs and won't be easily fooled by Bainimarama's childish antics