What must be asked is how was it that Romit Meghji already had confirmation for building that he shared with the Shirley Park campaigners on 19 January 2015, and he also had a date that week for intended groundbreaking ceremony? Yet the Director Town and Country Planning was telling the campaigners a decision was to be made that week on Shirley Park and Public Hearings had still not been set? Fijileaks: We reproduce the Letter to the Fiji Times (29/12/15) that countered Aiyaz Khaiyum and Parveen Bala statements. Both of them tried to make the objectors look like idiots, while P Meghji Group went ahead, fencing off part of the Shirley Park and pushing ahead with groundbreaking ceremony; worst, not following several of the Conditions of Approval. The original design of the hotel that was shown to a group of Lautoka residents against the rezoning of Shirley Park at a meeting with Bala, at the Lautoka City Council Chambers earlier last year, was a hotel design structure that was no higher than two storey. That original design for viewing no longer exists with the Lautoka City Council. Instead a new design for the proposed hotel is as shown and taken off Romit Meghji's own Facebook page, and now stands almost several storeys tall It seems that Aiyaz Khaiyum and the businessmen who funded FijiFirst(Theft) Party to the tune of thousands of dollars will continue to trample upon ordinary citizens rights and feelings as long as protests are "peaceful"; Fijileaks wonders what would have been the Meghjis, Bala and Khaiyum's response if the Shirley Park campaigners had taken a leaf from the protesters against the urban development of Turkey's Taksim Gezi Park in Istanbul, leading to a wave of demonstrations and civil unrest in Turkey that began on 28 May 2013; the Meghji's would have fled into the interior of Fiji instead of giving "UP YOURS FINGERS" to http://www.fijileaks.com/home/blunt-talk-from-shirley-park-protestors-why-cant-meghjis-build-their-hotel-opposite-their-liquor-and-eatery-and-bar-the-lounge http://www.fijileaks.com/home/its-no-easy-walk-through-shirley-park-protestors-refuse-to-lie-down-and-be-bulldozed-over-for-meghjis-to-build-hotel-in-re-zoned-area http://www.fijileaks.com/home/shirley-park-drunk-for-development-p-meghji-company-say-building-of-hotel-must-go-ahead-but-protestors-say-no-way-in-report http://www.fijileaks.com/home/stop-doling-out-public-parks-to-fiji-first-party-financiers-businessman-charan-jeet-singh-objects-to-re-zoning-of-shirley-park http://www.fijileaks.com/home/shirley-park-as-local-government-minister-bala-continues-to-hide-in-the-bushes-from-the-law-lautoka-residents-to-converge-on-park-on-saturday-10th-january-for-family-day http://www.fijileaks.com/home/shirley-park-legal-battle-update-lautoka-city-council-lawyers-fail-to-turn-up-in-court-and-park-supporters-now-have-to-wait-until-15-july http://www.fijileaks.com/home/shirley-park-uproar-y-p-reddy-of-reddy-enterprises-latest-to-object-the-re-zoning-ffp-financier-meghji-hoping-to-benefit-from-re-zoning Fijileaks commentary coming soon: How the likes of these intellectuals, professing to be human rights activists and imparting knowledge as Professors, sold their souls to become Electoral Commissioners, knowing that the D'Hondt Electoral System had been designed by Aiyaz Khaiyum and his FijiFirst Party to rig the 2014 elections and to entrench http://www.fijileaks.com/home/the-vote-loser-aiyaz-khaiyums-dhondt-electoral-system-cheated-opposition-party-candidates-and-is-sending-over-20-ffp-candidates-into-parliament-with-less-then-800-votes
1/1/2016 08:25:38 pm
The Shirley Park " rezoning" approval given to a local capitalist by State authorities has all the hallmarks and the stink of a corrupt deal as the Fijileaks has pointed out. I am not surprised to learn ( again from Fijileaks ) that the Fiji Times tried to dilute the protest letters by objectors and to cast them as idiots - as The dictatorship's chief architect Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum wanted to do. The Fiji Times has started to do the bidding of the mob in power under the pretext of presenting " positive" reporting. What it is doing is sucking up to Bainimarama, Khaiyum and their cronies in the Fiji First Theft Government and their capitalist bankrollers. The Fiji Times like the Fiji Sun has abdicated its public watchdog role. Shame on them.
Truely Deeply Madly
7/1/2016 12:44:53 am
Shirley Park is also sacred soil, Chiku, where many like me first made Love. Those idiots with their shovels are digging deep memories - and Who the F authorized Aiyaz Shit-Kahiyum to 'gift' Shirley Park to Meghji, the Toad.
Kuch Bolo Ji..
7/1/2016 01:18:05 am
Maybe John Sami,.. Robin Nair... or Professor Vijay Naidu or even intellectual Chaudhary may offer some "asks-pla-nations"!!(explanations) Please...to Chiku's simple questions regarding "Shame on Intellectuals"...?
Rajend Naidu
1/1/2016 10:16:04 pm
2/1/2016 09:00:34 pm
And the Shirley Park saga is a stark reminder that putrid corruption and collusion between unscrupulous business and unscrupulous politicians can only be exposed when good men and good women in the community have the courage of their conviction to speak out, to protest and challenge the authorities as Maude Elbourne and her fellow citizens have done. Truth is on their side. They can hold their heads high. The corrupt business wallahs and the political parasites who thrive on them can only hold their heads in shame because no matter how much they cover up and strut about because of their power or wealth the people know the truth and the true character of these scoundrels.
2/1/2016 09:48:56 pm
Shirley Park is under a park reserve, it would be very, very interesting to find out what is the deal with the land here? Is it a lease or Meghji has exchanged it with a piece of land else where or sale?
Rajend Naidu
2/1/2016 10:08:57 pm
3/1/2016 01:36:53 am
No politician is honest, you put a SODELPA govt in power they will do exactly the same thing, just take a look around the global political landscape and see how politicians manipulate and twist everything to suit themselves.
4/1/2016 03:38:00 am
We learned in primary school Georaphy class that Vuda is in Lautoka and in Social Science that the first Fijians landed there and all that.
5/1/2016 01:18:37 am
Best Dr Raju concentrates on Medical Sciences and leave alone Political Sciences; unless of course he has been part of the Corruption this country has sufferred throughout these past recent years??
Brown Nosing
5/1/2016 07:46:33 am
Do not forget USPGate Victor. Latest word is that Ashwin Raj's contract at USP has not been been renewed. Ashwin conned his way into an academic position by claiming he was on the verge of finishing his PhD, which we now know was a lie. He was still appointed by his USP friends to assistant lecturer ahead of a better candidate who had a PhD.
6/1/2016 11:12:13 am
This is another shocking revelation of the bullshit that the current Government is peddling. Even President Konrote is perpetrating a lie about his SAS service.
7/1/2016 01:40:20 am
President KonRat be better addressed as His Excellency the Biscuit, another Con artist and Indian hater like NBF Makrava, the buried.
6/1/2016 01:16:41 am
FNUGate & USPGate looks like some huge FUNGate...a total joke!!!
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