![]() REMORSELESS: He benefitted by inflicting misery on the most vulnerable at the bottom of the FNU rung - like the housmaid Kinisimere Musunavanua; all races got his big yielding stick as he hid behind the regime's treasonous coup. In the end his own disciple Mahendra Reddy betrayed him to save his own skin Coming soon: How Ganesh Chand and his side-kick Narendra Prasad (now hiding in New Zealand) misused FNU credit cards for personal use; will FICAC charge him with further criminal offences, and others on the FNU Council for aiding and abetting abuse office? We will publish contents of hundreds of new e-mails leaked to Fijileaks from inside the FNU revealing widespread corruption and abuse of office!
7/4/2015 03:45:01 pm
And this self- absorbed man Ganesh Chand was a Fiji Labour Party member of Parliament championing the rights and living and working conditions of the working class in Fiji. The man obviously had no genuine commitment to those labour ideals. This is why he had no qualms about sacking a lowly menial housemaid . But people who have no qualms about ruining others life do not concern themselves with repairing the lives they have ruined. They have no conscience. Only fat stomachs that they look after lovingly.
7/4/2015 04:26:48 pm
Apartheid was the law in South Africa. That didn't make it right, did it?
7/4/2015 11:58:43 pm
"And"-there is a big difference between apartheid and the scenrio in the current case. The women concerned was not sacked because of race etc. She was relieved from her job coz the law stated that working age is 55. GC sacked many Indo-Fijians as well from what I know about FNU so stop trying to paint him up as a racists. The man had many flows and was not a saint by any measure. But then, not are all of us either. If it's prescribed under law, I would have taken a similar stance.
Housemaid's mate
7/4/2015 04:25:48 pm
7/4/2015 06:28:19 pm
Common debacle of any government. Wiki leaks must be commended for exposing this so that both the government and the trade union are on the spotlight in handling this case. The poor lady, the victim of such law- de'tat is still lawfully entitled to her position. The retirement age of 55 is a law of the jungle and apply only to certain species mostly the vulnerable and weak( the labour sector)The Lions will remain king despite age or class. Does this law apply to the positions of President? The PM? VC Rajesh of USP?
7/4/2015 11:20:24 pm
He, Ganesh Chand, took full advantage of the illegal regime of Bainimarama and Khaiyum to feather his own nest acting like a warlord in his capacity as the VC of FNU.
8/4/2015 01:22:07 am
Johnnycake I was talking about UNJUST laws and not racism. You obviously didn't get that.
8/4/2015 01:25:42 am
People plan for their retirement age as per the law,they plan to pay mortgages, they plan to pay for their children's education, they plan to enjoy their working life and than they plan to retire.... no scum playing god's gift has the right to change that,specifically scum rulers who never were elected,,, remember the wheel keeps turning , now they will enjoy their ill gotten power and wealth.. albeit so so temporarily.
8/4/2015 01:38:39 am
And I agree with you a full 100 percent. You couldn't have put it any more succinctly. It's the best I have read this day.
8/4/2015 04:55:00 pm
So can somebody tell me mada what age is Meli Bainimarama who is an ambassador of Fiji somewhere courtesy of his brother the coupist Frank Bainimarama? The mandatory retirement at age 55 does not apply if you are the coupist brother, right?
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